and I close my eyes by Savage [web]
============================================================================= "...And I Close My Eyes" - A Savage Production for the Euskal Party VI ============================================================================= [■] iNFO Finished few minutes before the demo deadline. It seems to be the final party version of the demo (some bugs have been removed). Special thanks to Talist/CoD for the textures and to Tandeleu for final time help (oh god! :P ). All code -> Blue Phantom, Dr.Pain, CCM and Dr.Pitch Graphics -> Mad Knight and FloOd Textures -> Mad Knight and Talsit/CoD 3Ds ------> Mad Knight Music ----> Smash! and Wonder PMODE/W by Charles Scheffold & Thomas Pytel SEAL Synthetic Audio Library by Carlos Hasan [■] Members Blue Phantom ... Raimon Rafols ......... Coder CCM ............ Carlos Carrasco ....... Coder Dr. Pain ....... Miquel Barceló ........ Coder Dr. Pitch ...... Enric Agut ............ Coder FloOd .......... Johan Flood ........... 2D-Gfx-Man Mad Knight ..... Oriol Galera .......... 2D-Gfx-Man/3d-Studio Man Smash! ......... Ramon Chacón .......... Musician Wonder ......... Guillermo Simmross .... Musician Bujiboi ....... Enric Gamas ........... Webbuji [■] How 2 contact us? email: Blue Phantom -> CCM ----------> Dr. Pain -----> Dr. Pitch ----> FloOd --------> Mad Knight ---> Smash! -------> Wonder -------> Bujiboi ------> web: snail: Raimon Ràfols Montané C/Creu 19 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) 08800 SPAIN [■] Greetings (random order) ANACONDA, MCD, ELECTRA, COSA NOSTRA, SLORDS, WILD BITS, TLOTB, ZORAN, USELESS, CuC MAKERS, PAM TO MAKA, CRASHNET, UNKNOWN, DIGITAL SPIRITS, ORANGE, IMPHOBIA, MELTING POT, K!PROD, ORANGE JUICE, COMPLEX, ALIEN, DIFTERIA, PHYMOSIS, INSIDE, VIRTUAL ZONE, INCOGNITA, IGUANA, IMAGO, TROUBLE, PARALLAX, COD, WAVEMAKERS, REQUIEM, NIGHT SHIFT SOLDIERS, MOVEDATA, DOSIS, CENTOLOS, VIRUTA TEAM, OZONE, al Anacronic que le hace ilu y al Naif por ser tan guapo. Donostiaputa, 24/07/98 - 22h Da Party Pleis el Esbash¡ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [■] Tech Info This demo, in its standard form, requires VBE 2.0 & any soundcard supported by SEAL. If you don't have soundcard run with /nosound parameter to overide the soundcard detection and syncronize the demo using the timer. Standard video mode is 320x200x24bpp. If it doesn't run, try /bpp32 or load UniVBE. if this don't work, try other video modes (like 15,16 bpp) or watch it in fake mode(/fake), or in the safe mode 13h (/bpp8). If no VBE 2.0 support in any way, then be sure that your card is VESA 1.2 compliant. IT IS REQUIRED BECAUSE A PICTURE IS SHOWED AT 800x600x8bpp (VESA 1.2). No way to change this. It works under w95 (!!!), but its better to reboot in dos mode. It won't run in a system with 8mb+NO GUS. Sorry!!! (Try /nosound) NO GUS includes SoundPlaster family (1.0, 2.0, Pro, 16, AWE 32, AWE 64...) and Gravis UltraSound with less than 1024kb. (exactly 964kb) [■] Interactive Keys ESC - exit to OS. No hangs OS any more (?) (Tandeleu bugfixed this!!!) if you type "somos una pandilla de perros y nos da palo hacer una parte secreta" without quotes, you will get nothing. :p Move the mouse and click the buttons if you are bored, but nothing will appear. [■] Copyright, legal stuff, ... No money can be charged for this in any way. Use at your own risk. You cannot modify any file in the package. If you don't respect this copyright you'll go to the hell. [■] Command line parameters /fake -> fake mode (Mode X) /bpp8 -> 320x200x8bpp (Mode 13h) /bpp15 -> 320x200x15bpp (VBE 2.0) /bpp16 -> 320x200x16bpp (VBE 2.0) /bpp32 -> 320x200x32bpp (VBE 2.0) /loop -> Loops the demo /h -> Shows the command line parameters [■] How to make us happy easy: 1) you MUST be a girl 2) you MUST be a coder, gfxman, musician, organizer, swapper... 3) you MUST give moral support lately at night ... hmmm... you can skip the second statement [■] Closing words 1. We DON'T finished this demo. It was done in a real hurry under very high pressure. 2. This demo is not the demo that we designed, the 3d effects we designed were a lot better, but 5 hours before deadline, we decided to make them more easy due to lack of time. 3. Bueno, joder, a quien no le guste, que no la mire y yas ta. [■] Cosas que podriamos haber hecho/puesto pa quedar bien 1. SAVAGE since 1995 ya que to dios lo pone ahora (anda y eso es mucho... no, pero era cuando el smash! estaba gordete :p) 2. El engine del Unreal, hubiesemos ganado y no tendria gracia 3. Mas greetings... si, pero somos muy perros... 4. Un texto mas comprensivo, claro y sin faltas. Habeis visto quien firma? el smash! y yo (bp) o sea... que este año batimos el record de faltas por fichero de info. 5. Fotos de tias en bolas, si, pero la organizacion de la euskal nos lo prohibio. (ehhh que es coña!!) 6. Quitar bugs, anda pos si, estaria bien no?, pos no, que si se cuelga quedara muy real, como en la euskal. 7. Mencionar el fan del grupo en algun sitio. Ala un saludo pa ti bujiboi 8. Mencionar a las novias... pero si nadie tiene!!!! bueno si os pillais una (o alguien tenia y yo no lo sabia) tampoco voy a modificar el txt y volverlo a subir a la pagina. Vilanova i la Geltru, 15/12/98 - 16:59:25 at mai jaus er bepe (era para no desentonar con la firma del smash!) ───-──-─· savage third anniversary (15/12/98) ·-──-──── ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ This page has been left blank intentionality │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │NOTES:_____________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ │___________________________________________________________________ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Submit form. Please fill in the blanks and submit it to │ │ First Name:_________________ Last Name: _________________________ │ │ Age: _____ Sex: ______ (Male, Female, Mixed, Yes, No) │ │ Student: _________ (yes, no, sometimes) │ │ Handle/nick :____________________________________________________ │ │ Group:___________________________________________________________ │ │ Email:___________________________________________________________ │ │ Job(s) in group: ________________________________________________ │ │ (coder, musician, gfxman, 3dstudioman, organizer, swapper, fan, │ │ irc addict, food support, <insert here any suitable word> ) │ │ Power supply: _____ Memory: _____ Cache Size: ____ Swap Size:_____ │ │ Cylinders: _____ Heads: _____ Sectors: ____ Bad Sectors: ______ │ │ │ Problems running the demo:________________________________________ │ │ (please, take as much space as you need) │ │ What do you think about us BEFORE reading this infofile?: ________ │ │ (please, take as much space as you need) │ │ What do you think about us AFTER reading this infofile?: _________ │ │ (please, take as much space as you need) │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut eof yeah! (i must always say the last word)
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