
the inner side of the mind by Neuro

       the inner side of the mind

a psychographic  experience brought to you
by  neuro - the innovators  of psychedelic
experiences. contains  no  sync  code, but 
syncs (see below).


code:    abductee
gfx:     the universe (not a handle)
msx:     jco
qa:      paniq
testing: muhmac, palindrome

system requirements:

A fast PC.

technical notes:

- contains  no sync code. all  synchroni-
  sation results from sophisticated algo-
  rithms aligning  to the inherent musical 
  patterns based on evolutionary functions 
  mimicing the neural interactions  inside
  your brain.
- try  launching  it  with  your own music 
  files (mp3, wma, ogg supported).
  tisotm.exe myfilename.mp3
- white space character  in filenames  are 
  not   supported   at   this   stage   of 
- can you find the hidden part?


doomsday, madwizards, farbrausch, kewlers,
mfx,  rgba,  aardbei,  fairlight, tristar, 
umlaut  design,   bitpopler,   conspiracy,
speckdrumm,  the   tum   organising  crew,
future crew, haujobb,  and  all we forgot.


try to hold down the 'a' key.