#include "StdAfx.h" #define SNE 400 static byte * pal; static byte * tex; static byte * font; static CObject obj; static vertex *t; static float snow[SNE*2]; char msg[]=" welcome to the worlds first snowmo brought to you exclusively by wasniahc it is febuary it is snowing we are drinking yes it is snowmo time we kintobor and mallorcat would like to take this moment to greet and that was the greets yes we hate you all stop making crap start making demos and once again we need to remind you that this year our world domination will be complete with the release of the long awaited demo from us intershoelace credits for this snowmo code kintobor grafx mallorcat music doctor vector of megahawks incorporated you can find us on the world wide web at www wasniahc tk and now for the tech info the snow routine uses a special fuzzy logic artifactal intelligence routine to maximize the realism and overall feel of the effect the texturemapper easily handles well over one million polys per second and is perspective correct and garrantied to look nice on all computers in the world"; void effect01_load() { pal = LoadPalette("gfx\\taex.gif"); tex = LoadImage("gfx\\taex.gif"); font = LoadImage("gfx\\font.gif"); obj.Load3DS("3ds\\peter_er_vammel.3DS"); t = new vertex[obj.m_NumVertices]; memcpy(t,obj.m_Vertices,sizeof(vertex)*obj.m_NumVertices); } void effect01_unload() { delete[]t; delete[]pal; delete[]tex; } void effect01_prerun() { Graphics_SetPal(pal); Graphics_ClearScreen(vscr2,0); for(int i=0; i<SNE; i++) { snow[i*2+0] = rand()%320; snow[i*2+1] = rand()%40-35; } } void PutChar(int xp, int yp, int ch, byte *dest) { if(ch == ' ') return; ch = tolower(ch); if(ch<'a' || ch>'z') return; int x, y; byte* fnt = font+(ch-'a')*16; dest+=xp+yp*320; for(y=0; y<16; y++) { if(y+yp>=0 && y+yp<240){ for(x=0; x<16; x++) { if(x+xp>=0 && x+xp<320){ if(fnt[x] != 210) dest[x]=fnt[x]; } } } dest+=320; fnt+=416; } } void effect01_run(float tid) { camera cam(vertex(cos(tid*1.7),sin(tid*1.7),0.7)*75,vertex(0,0,0),90.0f); byte *v=vscr; for(int y=0; y<240; y++) { int u=0; byte * temp = &tex[((y<<8)/240)<<8]; for(int x=0; x<320; x++) { *v++ = temp[u>>16]; u += 256*65536/320; } } for(dword i=0; i<obj.m_NumVertices; i++) { float z = 0.7+(0.7*pow(sin(tid*1.6 + t[i].x*0.092),7)+0.4*cos(tid*0.6+t[i].z*0.075)+0.5*pow(sin(t[i].y*0.06+tid*1.55), 3)); obj.m_Vertices[i] = t[i] * z; } obj.CalcVertexNormals(); obj.Transform(cam.tmat,true); obj.ZSort(true); Clipper<2> clipper; for(dword cnt=0; cnt<obj.m_NumSortedFaces; cnt++) { face_t * f = obj.m_SortedFaces[cnt]; Clipper<2>::clippedface in, out; in.nv = 3; in.v[0] = *f->v_a; in.maps[0] = 128+127*obj.m_TransformedVertexNormals[f->a].x; in.maps[1] = 128+127*obj.m_TransformedVertexNormals[f->a].y; in.v[1] = *f->v_b; in.maps[2] = 128+127*obj.m_TransformedVertexNormals[f->b].x; in.maps[3] = 128+127*obj.m_TransformedVertexNormals[f->b].y; in.v[2] = *f->v_c; in.maps[4] = 128+127*obj.m_TransformedVertexNormals[f->c].x; in.maps[5] = 128+127*obj.m_TransformedVertexNormals[f->c].y; if(clipper.clip(&cam, &in, &out)) { int p[20*2]; int u[20]; int v[20]; for(int i=0; i<out.nv; i++) { cam.project(out.v[i],p[i*2],p[i*2+1]); u[i] = out.maps[i*2]; v[i] = out.maps[i*2+1]; } DrawTexturePoly(p,u,v,out.nv,tex,vscr); } } static float lt = tid; float dt = fmod((tid-lt),0.1)*180; lt=tid; for(i=0; i<SNE; i++) { float nx = snow[i*2+0]+cos(tid*0.5+i*10/(float)SNE); float ny = snow[i*2+1]+(dt+(rand()%80)/40.0f); if((vscr2[int(nx)+int(ny)*320] || int(ny)>=240) && (int(snow[i*2+1]) != int(ny)) && int(ny)>int(240-tid*2)){ snow[i*2+0] = rand()%320; snow[i*2+1] = rand()%40-35; } else { if(int(snow[i*2+1])>0 && int(snow[i*2+1])<240 && int(snow[i*2+0])>0 && int(snow[i*2+0])<320) vscr2[int(snow[i*2+0])+int(snow[i*2+1])*320] = 0; snow[i*2+0]=nx; snow[i*2+1]=ny; if(int(ny)>0 && int(ny)<240 && int(nx)>0 && int(nx)<320) vscr2[int(nx)+int(ny)*320]=1; } } for(i=0; i<320*240; i++) { if(vscr2[i]) vscr[i]=255; } for(i=0; i<22; i++) { float pgs = tid*150; float x = (i-1)*16-(fmod(pgs,16)); PutChar(x,112+10*(cos(tid*1.9+x*0.034)+sin(tid*-1.2+x*0.002)),msg[(i+(int(pgs)/16))%strlen(msg)],vscr); } Graphics_Flip(vscr); static float sidste_clear=tid; if(tid-sidste_clear >= 5) { int x, y; Graphics_ClearScreen(vscr,0); for(y=1; y<239; y++) { for(x=1; x<319; x++) { int o=x+y*320; vscr[o]= (vscr2[o]+vscr2[o+1]+vscr2[o+1]+vscr2[o+320])/4 ? 1 : 0; } } Graphics_CopyScreen(vscr2,vscr); sidste_clear=tid; } }
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