
Wintermuted by Hellcore [web]

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                             ·∙-- i n f o --∙·

                              -  Wintermuted  -

                     is our contribution to PC demo compo
                              at Intel Outside 4

                             requires 8mb of ram
                          and some patience to load


                       asm, textures, fonts       Mrock
                       art, texts                Forcer
                       sound                     Revisq

                           watch this and then die

                          ·∙-- h i s t o r y --∙·

          Hellcore was founded in September 1996 by Mrock and Rage.
                  Maestro joined as a musician in November.
          After General Probe 3, in February 1997, Cash joined as a
               swapper and Forcer joined as a graphics artist.

                          ·∙-- m e m b e r s --∙·

            handle   real name           born   responsibility

             Mrock   Marcin Rociek       1978   code & gfx
              Rage   Grzegorz Piszczek   1978   inet coord
           Maestro   Marcin Surman       1978   music
              Cash   Tomasz Kusmierski   1978   swapping
            Forcer   Michal Rytel        1978   gfx art

                         ·∙-- r e l e a s e s --∙·

                  name    date      filename     description

         Ripple Viewer   Nov'96   riplview.zip   interactive intro
           Chaos Board   Dec'96   chaossrc.zip   intro, with sources
        Burning Chrome   Dec'96   burning.zip    demo
        Extremal Shock   Feb'97   hc_shock.zip   4kb intro (1st at GP3)
               Falling   Feb'97   hc_fall.zip    64kb intro
           Beatmapping   Feb'97   hc_bm.zip      demo
   Extremal Shock srcs   Feb'97   hc_shsrc.zip   sources
               Ghreath   Jul'97   hc_great.zip   4kb intro (2nd at IO4)
           Wintermuted   Jul'97   hc_wmute.zip   demo (5th at IO4)

                          ·∙-- d i s t r o s --∙·

          country   name            number           class  sysop

          France    A.C.E           +33-(0)145887548  HQ    Gandalf
          Norway    Countzero       +47-changed       HQ    Yitzhaq
          Poland    UnKnown Area    +48-22-6653501  distro  Vibr8
          Poland    CHLIPek BBS     +48-32-1302307  distro  Chlipek
          Poland    Dark Storm      +48-52-613738     HQ    Rem
          Poland    Moon            +48-52-897456   distro  Simon King
          Poland    Bizarre         +48-65-267696   distro  Franz
          Poland    The Look        +48-94-415621   distro  Sir Fux
          Germany   Splatter Punk   +49-2378-2627     HQ    Teasy

      (if you wanna be our distro site, contact Rage or Mrock by e-mail)

                          ·∙-- c o n t a c t --∙·


     Mrock: mrock@chaos.tl.krakow.pl
     Rage: rage@chaos.tl.krakow.pl
     Cash: cashhc@hotmail.com


     Mrock: Marcin Rociek, Siercza 11, 32-020 Wieliczka, Poland
     Cash: Tomasz Kusmierski, ul.Bytnara 14/49, 02-645 Warszawa, Poland

   www: http://www.tl.krakow.pl/hellcore

                              ·∙-- e o f --∙·