Mesh by DFI
Mesh ==== A DFI production. Released 23/10/96. But written ages ago... ------------------------- This is the second release of dfi. A wobbly textured flag type thing. Tripple sine wave distortion with depth cueing are used to make it more interesting. Yet again it was all written in assembler and squeezed with Acorn's squeeze utility for decompression on StrongARM machines. This demo was actually written about 6 months ago for a laugh but never released as we couldn't think what to do with it. See if you can come up with some uses. I find it boring after one cycle. Full source code would normally be available for exchange - but I accidently deleted it. Creation credits... ------------------- - Graphics / coding : PT Future productions... --------------------- The 'WhiteRoom' mega demo is still under construction. Expected time of arrival should be 10/96. Ha ha. Maybe 10/97? Here's some more info though: Split into 8+ sections, this demo has a story, lots of 3D graphics and more. Work is progessing well (cough cough) and some interesting items are: .: Realistic weather simulations. .: Environment mapped vector objects. .: Bump mapped textured objects. .: Fractal textures. .: A cow. .: Psuedo realtime raytracing (eh?). As PR Wheatlee would say 'presentation is to the fore'. We're currently busy working on the 3D graphics engine and various utilities to aid the creation of both code and graphics. Keep your eyes pealed for future releases of these. Who? ---- Expect to hear a lot more from us in the near/distant future. In the mean time, we're always happy/desperate for new contacts so please mail us at: - PT : E-mail: - Duncan : E-mail: - Michael : E-mail: ASCII massacre? --------------- You betcha! ---------------------------------------------------------------- web: _]W#MF __IW#M*P"^ ___IWWM$*""^ ________________ _______IWEW#M#**""^ __IWMM*****++*******MMMMMMMMM*****""^^ ]MML _mMMp ]MML _WM$*"^ __ ]MML #MM"^ "" WM*"^ ,mMMMMWMML MMMMMB ]MML qMMP~ ~MMML #MM ]MML #MM ]MML #MM ]MML ]MM_ #MML #MM ]MML #M#mmWMMML #MM ]MML ^"MP" "" ~"" ""
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