
Abbey Road by Digital Artists Wired Nation

                                       │ the first demo by dawn 3. here it is.
                               :terve: │ infofile in charmingly-baddenglisch.
  for world peace, type the following. │
                command-line kaboodle. │
                    setup = ddd-world. │
                    set_up = bullshit. │ :tuning:
                                       │ pentium 100++. phloating point unit.
                                       │ soundcards a lot of them soundcards.
                                       │ no poht. yes hextacy.
                                       │ eyes unt ears.
                                       │ this is optimised.
                                       │ but not pentium-optimised.
                                :food: │ hah.
        tracked with scream tracker 3. │
        compiled with turbo assembler. │
                                  97%. │
                             the demo. │
               compiled with watcom c. │
                                   3%. │
                              linking. │
                            unpacking. │
                      midas interface. │
    desinged with the mighty grafix 2. │
             ye olde paint shoppe pro. │ 
           ye not-so-olde photoshoppe. │ :tools:
                                       │ beatles help eliminate toxins.
                                       │ beatles contains caffeine.
                                       │ beatles are not recommended for
                                       │ people diabetics. pasteurised.
                                       │ they include the following:
                                       │ water, sacarose, glucose, acidifier:
                                       │ cytric acyd, tauryn (4g/1l), carbon
                                       │ dioxide, glucuronolacton (2.4g/1l),
                                       │ caffeine (.3g/1l), inositol, vitamin
                                       │ s (nyacyn, panthenol, B6, B12), scen
                                       │ ts, color: caramel, riboflavyn, meta
                       :serve chilled: │ pharstyq.
 the indispensable help of jani halme! │
   the indispensable help of firehawk! │
 the ever-patient petteri kangaslampi. │
       the phascinating nature of cat. │
 the mind-bending play of steve davis. │
  the humorous intellect of harlequin. │
 also respect must spurve to garfield. │
 who let us scan the assembly 97 pics. │ :hello:
                                       │ #coders on irc.telepac.pt
                                       │ for laming around.
                             :goodbye: │ for contributing nothing.
                                cindi. │
                                bambi. │
                               alexxx. │
                           p. northon. │ :paasiovirta oy:
                                       │ ruptuh            [graficos]
                                       │ olerij smupro
                                       │ distance          [musica]
                                       │ chzuko csoppi               
                                       │           [distance@mindless.com]
                                       │ brain power       [codigo]
                                       │ scmaeturs mrtlil
                                       │           [pcadavez@mail.telepac.pt]
                                       │ we are all 16 and irresponsible and
                                       │ zlovakkian and we made this in a
                                       │ re-phu-gee boat to denmark.
                                       │ ha. hahaha. HA! and we brought kat
                                       │ with us, yes...
                                       │ this is a portuguese production with
                                       │ finnish music. this is a finnish pro
                             :maddmen: │ duction with portuguese music. 'tis!
 "what? did they really take pictures  │
  of a guy being raped by a coke can?" │
 "this is what finnish parties are     │
  like"                                │ :cult'jah:
                                       │ me's a ghetto youth me come from stra
                                       │ ight dung ina the ghetto seen rockfor
                                       │ t warica seen matches lane jungle hei
                                       │ ghts all i and i are one me a tell ya
                                       │ all bull bay heights and dem heights
                                       │ dey yeah wick them up seen i you a he
                                       │ ar me wicked ina the ghetto me bredda
                                       │ wicked to the mass and you done know
                                       │ the man have youth and youth a come u
                                       │ p and you see when and the father dro
                                       │ p out dem no know no father so dey co
                                       │ me up tun gunman me done know because
                                       │ a so de ghetto run a so the politicia
                                       │ n do it dem bring a bag a gun and bar
                                       │ rage a ting and seen run pon youth an
                                       │ d then when you check it out. dem sen
 :now the boat be flunking to jamaica: │ d them police friend to come for them
 thanks to                             │
   jens schriver                       │
   rasmus sigsgaard                    │
   severin banovic                     │
 for letting us use the zupa-dupa p100 │
 ++ pcs to correct some sync bugs. unt │
 thanx to the lamers at tp7 for all    │
 the noise & soundblasters... pity on  │
 the ultrasound, gravis. grr.          │ :tp7 rapport: