
Kenguru 64k by Impulse [web]

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            (____(___|\/   /   ____/___  (____  (____   /(____   /
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             - -- ------------------/\-----------'

    E F T  (code), S o l d i e r (objects),  M e l o M a n i a c (music)

                              p r e s e n t s

                        kenguru s i x t y - f o u r

                     64kb intro made for Symposium'97

               contact us at lORD, lord@goliat.eik.bme.hu
           check our homepocs: http://goliat.eik.bme.hu/~lord

Party greetings to: Fury, Zinko, Damion, Ghandy, Exon, Shane, Crisp, Franky
                    Wintermute, Detoxcaso, Clary, Control, Peachy, Big-Rat,
                    Cyclone, ZanOne!, Mon, Fby, Jamie, Grey and to all
                    Kurva Anyad fans around.

           Mega thanks to RawStyle, Lucas and the whole Symposium staff!