.----------------- -- - - - _________ - -- ------. ª \___ _|______________:_ ª ________________/ ________________/ : _______________\____ ____ / | \ : ______ _______:___ _\ ______________/ / /_________ _\_ª_\_____ \ ______/___\ _________/___\___/ / sF!__________| \ ___\_________ \ \/ / /___________/ |__________\ \/ \ ____/ : \____ / \________/ ( - sENTiNEL! - ) ___________ : \__________/ ________________\____ | : : _\ _____________/ | : : _________________\ _________/___/ | ª ; \ ____ \ \/ /__________| ª ª \ / \ ____/ ª ª \___/ / \________/ ª ª /___________/ : : ; `-------------------------------------------------------------' presents Kaboom intro for SiH'95 party held in Roosendaal, Holland Disclaimer: If this thing trashes your pc it's not my fault! Use this software at your own risk! But, if it does destroy your HD or other peripherals, please give me a call so we can all have a good laugh! Some more greetings: agony people, image! people, massive people, the bitripper, ash/metal, aap/acme, awake! people, brightness, laserdance, simm/analogue, hammer, soundwave. This is it! I wanted to see my name on the big screen. Cool huh? Sentinel out!
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