Vintage by Genesis Project [web]
Short: 'Vintage'-Musicdisk from GENESIS PROJECT Author: (Bladerunner/GP) Uploader: (Bladerunner/GP) Type: demo/music Requires: AGA-Chipset, MC68030 Processor, 2MB Chipmem and some Fastmem Action: PAL ╖ . . . . . . . : __/l___ __/l___ __/l___ __/l___ __/l___ __/| __/l___ ╖ ª / __ \_/ \_/ _ \ / \_/ __ \_/ | / __ \_ : | / _7____/ l____/ 7 \/ l____/ l____/ ª/ l____/ ª ª / \_ \ ___/ \ | \ ___/ \______ \ :_______ \ | _/ ª \_ ª \_ ª \_ ª \_ ª \_ ª ª \_ \ : / : / : / : / : / | : / :\________ /_____ /___ª /_____ /_____ /___j\______ /: | \____/ \____/ l_____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ | ╖ . . . . . . . : __/l___ __/l___ __/l___ |\__ __/l___ __/l___ __/| ╖ ª / __ \_/ __ \_/ _ \ | \ / \_/ __ \_/ l___ : | / 7 / 7 / 7 \ ___| \/ l____/ 7____/ ____/_ ª ª / ª / ª / | \/ | \ ___/ \ | \ | \ | _/ ___/ ___/\ ª \_ ª \_ ª \_ ª \_ ª \_ \ ª \ _ \_ : / : / : / : / : / :\______j \_____| /_____ /_____ /_____ /_____ /_____ /: | l____/ \_____/ \_____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ | ╖P╖R╖E╖S╖E╖N╖T╖S╖ ╖I╖N╖ ╖M╖A╖Y╖ ╖1╖9╖9╖9╖ ╗╗╗ ╖V╖I╖N╖T╖A╖G╖E╖ ½½½ »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ╖I╖N╖T╖R╖O╖D╖U╖C╖T╖I╖O╖N╖ This is a little musicdisk with musics from Creet/GENESIS PROJECT. All musics made by Creet except for 'Kiss my ass' which was made by Jazz/Haujobb and a bit enhanced by Creet. This is maybe a bit delayed because this musicdisk was planned a few years ago but i never had the time to code it. ╖S╖Y╖S╖T╖E╖M╖ ╖R╖E╖Q╖U╖I╖R╖E╖M╖E╖N╖T╖S╖ This Musicdisk needs at least a Mc68030/50Mhz and a little bit Fastmemory. There should be no Problems on faster Machines. This Musicdisk has been tested on a A1200/Mc68030/50Mhz/8Mb Fastmemory. ╖C╖R╖E╖D╖I╖T╖S╖ ╖F╖O╖R╖ ╖T╖H╖I╖S╖ ╖M╖U╖S╖I╖C╖D╖I╖S╖K╖ PROGRAMMING BY........BLADERUNNER/GENESIS PROJECT! MUSIC BY....................CREET/GENESIS PROJECT! MUSIC BY.............................JAZZ/HAUJOBB! GRAPHICS BY...........BLADERUNNER/GENESIS PROJECT! ╖C╖O╖N╖T╖A╖C╖T╖ ╖G╖E╖N╖E╖S╖I╖S╖ ╖P╖R╖O╖J╖E╖C╖T╖ ╖A╖T╖ BLADERUNNER ---> EMAIL: ZEG ---> EMAIL: ╖M╖E╖M╖B╖E╖R╖L╖I╖S╖T╖ ZEG -> Graphic Artist, Demomaniac! BLADERUNNER -> Programmer, Musician (???), Demomaniac! CREET -> Musician! signed...Bladerunner/GP!
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