
bOIng by Arm's Tech [web]

name:   bOIng
author: Alain Brobecker (baah/Arm's Tech)
size:   1021 bytes
needs:  RiscOS 2 + fast processor
descr.: Funny mechanics with strings

 __          __             
|  |__ _____|__|_ ___ ___ _ 
|  _  |  _  |  | '   |  _' |  CodeCraft rules!
|_____|_____|__|__|__|___  |  Lazyness is Arm's Tech business!

  Urk! The deadline (which already has been postponed) is too near and
nothing is done yet. Sorry for this poor (though funny) contribution.
I'll try to make more and present them after the deadline! ;p

  Files included in this archive are:
bOIng             ;The StrongBS'ed program
ReadMe            ;This file
More.bOIng        ;Original program