Sabotage by 4th Dimension & Triebkraft
Work's name: SABOTAGE Type: 4 Kilobytes Intro Contributon: for Chaos Construction'1 Authors: J7n/4D as main coder Black Groove/TBK as tune composer MiKE/4D as subcoder, designer Contacts: Special thanx: all 4D and TBK members for support Greetz: all 4K and demo coders special: 3SC Hardcore all others men, of which routines had be used by me;) J7n's note: This is our 2nd 4K work. The 1st was an 'SkY', which was failed on CC'000, because of unstable data bus on Copper Feet's pentagon;(. So, this intro has'nt this mistake (i.e. has a 257 bytes interrupt table). If you have some questions, please, write me! I'm (hope, not only me) interests for appearence of young and cool (and mainly lazyless!;)) coders on speccy scene. Maybe, the sources of this strange intro (khe-khe:), will be public soon, if anybody asks me, ofcourse... ---==== 4th Dimension + TriebKraft = Perm Rulez ! ====--- printed at 16.08.2001 2:12 a.m. msk 4rever yours J7n/4D
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