Stereo Mike (win) by Immortals [web]
hi, I was sick on Feb. 3'rd 2002, so I stayed home and with nothing to do, and after hearing that a good friend of mine (silvatar) ported one of his demos to windows i decided to give it a shot. surprisingly enough, 4 hours later we have WinStereoMike. I didn't touch any of the demo code, except for some memory bugs that make me how this thing ever managed to run. what i had to write : - gdi, timer, linking with minifomd instead of midas, directx-fullscreen, etc. - linking with old assembler fillers, had to write wrappers for all the fillers, and turn all of watcom's old '#pragma aux' into vc's '__asm'. that's it, i'm happy with this short experience, maybe i'll do this for another demo or two. enjoy ohad, IMR
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