
Paracon5 Invitation by Paranoia [web]

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 .   .  . .. ... ..........:... ..  .   .                      :
                           .                                   .
                           .                                   .

About the ParaCon 5 Invitro <========================================

     The invitro requires an Atari ST with a colour-monitor or
     TV set and 1 MB of free RAM. It is also compatible to the
     Atari TT and Atari Falcon030.
     Paranoia cannot be held responsible for any kind of damage
     done to your hard- or software, computer, house, car, brain
     or health while, before or after watching the intro.
     The demo does not use any advanced features of the STE, TT
     or Falcon030 if run on those machines except for the higher
     In case the demo crashes on init, try running it on a clean
====================================> Some more words about the Invitro

     I'm kind of sorry to say so but: The intro sucks.
     The framerate is much too slow on a standard ST, in return
     the size of the effect window is much too small. The demo
     tends to be very fragile on the timing and only looks
     acceptable on "faster" systems such as the MegaSTE or Falcon,
     on the standard ST, it looks rather poor.
     I'd like to apologize especially to Ultra of Cream about 
     that since he gave me thousands of ideas how to improve the
     demo, but lack of time, additional bugs and a few other
     restrictions made me discard most of these optimisations.
     I hope i can implement these in the next demo - i did learn
     a lot - but since i need to finish and release the invitro
     now and not after 2 more weeks of working it over, i decided
     to stop developing on it and release it as is.
     It can in no way compete with the flawless ParaCon 4 Invitro.
     Please bear with us ...

=======================================================> Sponsored by

            -  -  -----> Textildruck Fuchs
                              Selters       <------ ---  -
                            and remember,
                       Paranoia is powered by
                             .       .
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