replay by SMFX
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #1270 |
added on the 2023-07-18 10:21:09 by spkr ![]() |
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Mmmm… Donuts!
rulezcdc added on the 2023-07-18 10:36:30 by gigabates 

Very good demo, great twisted bars effect !
Good shit!
They did it again! Favourite part (as far as I remember from the stream) is fully rotatable twister!
Superb, the rotating twister is insane. So love the 'grid' too - managed to work out how that was done in a jiffy! Well done boys.
Good stafff!
Excellent code and style, also great sounds in the music. I wish more Amiga demos would look as slick as this!
Nice Atari ST demo as always by SMFX <3
Great demo by great people!
Everything here is great. Twisting twister! Though, the little details is what makes it ultra slick. Some very clever transitions, for example, and loving manual AA on all the beach animation frames. And of course the group name combos in the greetings part.
i don't know shit about coding but this was stylish, loved the music, the title, the burning effect on the smfx logo, the twisters... looking forward to watching it on hardware & CRT :)
Somebody did the rotating twister! Fantastic, so I don't have do it, this idea has plagued me for a long time. Everything else is great too, I especially dig the matrix grid.
this is awesome !! :)
YES! This one deserves a ton of thumbs! That twister is such a beauty and the intro with the burning logo and zooming fuji is perfectly executed! Also love the very playful "we are back" scene. The attention to detail is impressive and very much appreciated!
What really makes my heart smile though is the great graphics and music! I noticed how each part in the demo has its own unique sound that fits the effect perfectly. A lot of work seems to have gone into getting this just right! Also, in quite some parts (such as the "we are back" scene) it's very much the graphics that makes it really shine.
I thought this demo was fantastic at the party, but when watching it again at home I've found it to be more than that! Thanks to everyone involved in creating this cutie!
What really makes my heart smile though is the great graphics and music! I noticed how each part in the demo has its own unique sound that fits the effect perfectly. A lot of work seems to have gone into getting this just right! Also, in quite some parts (such as the "we are back" scene) it's very much the graphics that makes it really shine.
I thought this demo was fantastic at the party, but when watching it again at home I've found it to be more than that! Thanks to everyone involved in creating this cutie!
Incredible design, nice music and effects. SMFXcellent
well, really the roto-twister impressed me. High levels of skills are there! good work with that routine!
Amiga demo coders better take note in terms of flow and style!
Fantastic work in every departments for an awesome result. Deserved winner. Congrats to everyone involved :-)
Excellent demo in all regards!
Ossom demo with really good transitions, especially the one you don't see. A very yummy donuts style. :)) I also enjoyed the last part with glasses and parallax stuff. Congrats to the team!
Great stuff.
Amazing stuff. Excellent pace and flow. Great effects and transitions.
I love the design, gfx & music. And cherry on top technically it's a masterpiece! Really impressive STF demo
great design!
Awesome from start to finish. Great 2D and 3D effects, also enjoyable flow/music. Big torus rules, so does rotating twister
Great synchronized muzak! big up for 505 + mOdmate. Guys you are killing the game :D
great production, really like the style, the effects and the music!
Rules hard, congrats!
First class production.
extra prod ! i have to test it on my ste 4mo :) thanx !
Great demo. Excellent flow.
Good one!
Superb job once again.
And pretty much perfection on the music, great duo work on this!
And pretty much perfection on the music, great duo work on this!
Very nice show. Perfect & fresh on all aspects, you rocks!
Rotating twister was something!
Rotating twister was something!
really good complete entertaining show from start to finish.
wow superb stuff! Some interesting "screen modes" for the 3d in here. I like the 2 colour dithered stuff and I think the "interlaced" rendering on the torus works really well too. I thought that last rotating plane was cool as it seems to be perspective correct. So it is not just two textured triangles done by the tmapper routine. Perhaps it is a lot of different precomputed tables? However I wouldn't think there would be enough memory for that on Atari ST.
Flawless demo. I liked the Burning Chrome flavor.
several nice effects and great tune !
Yeah! Finally a rotating twister.
Wonder what SFMX's definition of'no limits' is on the Falcon?
I also like my torus with icing and sprinkles!
I also like my torus with icing and sprinkles!
uber quality, one of my fav ST demos for a long time :-)
Yes! SMFX does everything right once again :)
neat stuff, and lovely artstyle as well!
Not much to add from the praise above.
A top-of-the-line demo made by guys who are in the absolute highest league of Atari ST coding, music and graphics. It doesn't get much better than this. Congratulations guys!
A top-of-the-line demo made by guys who are in the absolute highest league of Atari ST coding, music and graphics. It doesn't get much better than this. Congratulations guys!
Very nice one, congrats !!
Awesome music, great effets, great style!
Each Time, better and better !
Best congrats @smfx team !
I was happy to see it was running on my atari ste 1mb.
Best congrats @smfx team !
I was happy to see it was running on my atari ste 1mb.
Another great SMFX release. STunning.
We are in the process of creating the SV2023SE schedule, but we can already tell you one of its points - Skipp/Nah-Kolor will appear behind the music console with a strong dose of electro, breakbeat & drum'n'bass! Party regulars will surely know Skipp's achievements - this time, especially for SV2023, it will be enriched with an Atari thread! :)

Thanks to mOOnie/MSB for the poster!

Thanks to mOOnie/MSB for the poster!
Love the twister and the grid part. Won't you come over to Jaguar?
@spkr: This message ended up here by accident. First I commented on your demo, then I wrote a news on BBS... at least that's what I thought). I typed in the wrong window, I'm very sorry for that - as soon as I noticed it I wrote a request to delete the comment.
Nice. :)
Oops, they did it again. Marvellous demo! Is the rotating and soft &
flexible looking twister supposed to be the highlight? Hard to tell since
there are quite a number of other fresh and creative ideas. The tiny but
capital title pic with the octopus (apparently a "tetropus"?!) and how it
is burning down into disintegration looks awesome. And for sure, this is
the damn best digital donut in town - yummi yummi. To sum it up:
Atari S(trong) T(humb) up :-)
flexible looking twister supposed to be the highlight? Hard to tell since
there are quite a number of other fresh and creative ideas. The tiny but
capital title pic with the octopus (apparently a "tetropus"?!) and how it
is burning down into disintegration looks awesome. And for sure, this is
the damn best digital donut in town - yummi yummi. To sum it up:
Atari S(trong) T(humb) up :-)
Very nice! Although I didn’t particularly need to see another spinning donut.
OSSOM production, GR8 style! <3
Love it!
Great flow and excellent design (especially these leaning windows). Merci!
Great work. Cool effects, consistent design, spot-on pacing, even decent music for ST ;) What's not to like?
This is awesome!
a very fine demo, kudos.
Very nice !
great show
Whoah! What a demo!
Excellent! And the twister... :D
Truly wonderful!
Fab demo! The rotating twister is something else. Great work SMFX team!
Love it!
very nice !
A solid intro makes half a demo in my book, this demo certainly has that. Who ever did the design deservs an extra christmas gift this year.
The music is so fitting to the demo it's insane, you can really tell there was two really talented music makers because there is such a big change between the diffrent effects, and still it fits together. Whoever musician did what doesnt matter, every part is just perfection.
I've been waiting to see that awesome SMFX logo in a demo for a long time and im happy to finally see it included.
A last word on the code. New stuff never seen before and just excellent effects all around, harmoniously put together, a real treat! If i had another heart this release would have it!
The music is so fitting to the demo it's insane, you can really tell there was two really talented music makers because there is such a big change between the diffrent effects, and still it fits together. Whoever musician did what doesnt matter, every part is just perfection.
I've been waiting to see that awesome SMFX logo in a demo for a long time and im happy to finally see it included.
A last word on the code. New stuff never seen before and just excellent effects all around, harmoniously put together, a real treat! If i had another heart this release would have it!
This is nice. And very stylish.
great! the code and effect are good, I love the graphic from my beloved french dudes and the music is nice too, I really this kind of refreshing demo that doesn't try to be too serious while being a solid prod :)
Very pleasant and polished demo, thks SMFX
very good
Great stuff
Great code, great design led by an excellent flow
So much style!
Everything has been said by Daniel and Evil way better than I could, boys you rule so hard !
Of course the wink to MUDA put a happy smile on my face :)
Of course the wink to MUDA put a happy smile on my face :)
Great, stylish demo, super!
Fresh & Sunny with many original & new school effects, unusual fair looking pleasant retro design, and gorgeous music ! Twister was for sure unusual & not linear ^^
Excellent work!
Awesome! Apart from the great design and kewl effects, this was one of the best Atari ST demo soundtracks ever. Which tracker did you guys use? Or is it a custom engine? Especially the music at the credits screen contained some rather unusual sounds (at least to me) for the ST and I'd like to know how they were produced.
Oh yeah! That is a very nice one! And what a great soundtrack!
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