Cycle-Op by Oxygene [web]
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #507 |
added on the 2023-04-10 00:38:07 by leonard ![]() |
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Awesome! Can't wait to study this in more detail!
rulez added on the 2023-04-10 00:42:33 by Jobbo 

very cool "oldschool" demo
The shit. All around! This was fun on the big Screen!
This was my fav in the compo. I'm a sucker for technical achievements and the presentation was great.
Great concept, lots of content and killer tunes
try to beat this
Very enjoyable demo!
Great stuff!
Fast Mandelbrots still rule!
Best Atari-style menu driven demo on Amiga. ;)
Those fractals are indeed quite shocking.
such a nice concept and so very well executed.
Liked the concept and really enjoyed watching on the Revision stream.
How did you achieve the vertical part of the scroll text?
How did you achieve the vertical part of the scroll text?
This one is great! Thanks
very nice - this is the party version ? is there another version coming out?
Great code.
Great! Always liked those multipart demos with selector menus. Obviously good code, good graphics and good (and short) tunes :) Cherry on top is the classic Scavenger tune in end part.
Nice oldschool vibes, great music!
World records !!! :)
Great collection of optimized screens, with a sweet presentation!
Always nice to see people pushing the limits!
Great demo. Now I can cross this Netflix logo off my todo list. ;-) By the way: I can't run/load the cycle-op.adf.
Yes! All code-pron in classic demo menu format
Nice atari effects on the amiga
Aamiigaaa...aaAataariii! =D Great fx, visuals and tunes!
A new old-megademo for the delight of coders. There are some quite impressive routines here.
codep*rn 👍🏻
I absolutely loved this, highlight of the party for me. Bring back the true megademo art!
A pretty nice tribute to the good old megademos. A pity it was presented at the wrong party.
Totally cool !
Beat dis muthaFu*h!! Mates, use a real Amiga if you can, don't spoil it. This is an amazing and uber enjoyable new concept. As it rarely happens. Such codepr0n can turn you into a coder if you weren't.
Here's my thumbs up!
That's a very cool concept, bravo piment.
That's a very cool concept, bravo piment.
New concept on Amiga and perfect execution. Thinking beyond the borders is your motto. Man, you don't cease to impress me. That's absolutely awesome.
Just great
Well executed release and those dots balls <3 :)
Loved this point'n'click megademo :) Nice retro vibe and stylish execution. Cool stuff
Well done Leonard! I don't know how you keep finding cycles... 😅
Very cool :-)
Fantastic mix of oldschool with newschool design. And the routines, there's a world record at every corner!
Oldskool feelings at its best! Go for moar world records!
Really love this one, that Netflix intro was cool as hell, but the parts where kick ass. And boy how cool where those days with "mega dist", "mega tridi" and so on? Awesome work.
Super nice design on this
nice and neat !
impressive stuff!
maybe the bobs record part looks outdated compare to dots-spheres part, but the record needed to be heavily broken ^_^
maybe the bobs record part looks outdated compare to dots-spheres part, but the record needed to be heavily broken ^_^
really enjoyed this one .. and the art <3 Mon you're a star
remember that one time at revision where you broke 5 world records and still didn't win the compo? :P
In many ways, this shows how far the scene has come in more ways that one. It's pure oldschool and there are still records that can be broken, but on the other hand it only came third in the competition. Absolutely loved every minute fo it even if I'm not an Amiga coder.
Amazing oldskool vibes from this one. Superb coding and design!
That was some brilliant idea for a Megademo. Reminded me a bit how Skarla started "Massive" some years back.
Interesting and entertaining presentation of some great effects. Perhaps an autoplay mode would have made it rank higher in the compo.
well executed all the way through. my favorite from the compo
Totally insane - Raider of the lost clockcycles!
Bestest of spirits and a presentation! And if that hadn't been enough, you'd totally won me over with the Scavenger track - me being used to record Scavenger to CDs :-)
Bestest of spirits and a presentation! And if that hadn't been enough, you'd totally won me over with the Scavenger track - me being used to record Scavenger to CDs :-)
This combines old ideas with great new ways to present them. Another great prod in a great compo.
I felt like the interactive stuff killed the flow a bit, but the effects were awesome and it was overall well designed. :)
Very nice! Kudos for going for a presentation out of the ordinary.
Is without a doubt my favourite demo of this Amiga competition.
great job going back to the roots breaking some long forgotten records.
great job going back to the roots breaking some long forgotten records.
so.... TRAPV ?
What Beb said.
Woohoo, staggering effects & presentation, love it !! :)
(would be great if there were an HD version BTW :-)
(would be great if there were an HD version BTW :-)
Seems like just wizardry to me.
code. leonard.
Another great entry in an outstanding compo, I love everything in here, at most the presentation.
Waaaaaoooooohhhh !!!! Leonard, it's so coooool !
Insane code and a very nice presentation.
Netflix intro rulez, how everything is presented rulez and my fav effect is "DOTS & SPHERES" wow!!
what an effort, well done!
cool demo and nice to see Atari ST influence
brilliant concept, perfection all around
I would definitely subscribe to such Oxygene streaming service!
Very impressive, especially the fractal part! Keep up the amazing work.
It really needed a Union Demo 'Charly ' walking around, but props to Leonard for this one.
Very cool prod and superb tunes!
Coderporn is back!
Nice demo. Congratulations. Leonard love amiga :)
Super nice concept. My favourite from the compo this year !
Just thought a couple of days ago "Hmm, haven't seen and heard
anthing of Leonard for a longer time?! He seems to be busy" ... and
wham... a can-you-beat-diz-shocker right in the face. An awesome
megademo (such a nice word) embedded in an appealing
contemporary concept / framework.
Though it is not a record, the dot spheres are somehow my favorite;
hope that's not considered to be ignorant. The Scavenger track in the
endpart is phenomenal!!! By the way: nice equalizer :-)
anthing of Leonard for a longer time?! He seems to be busy" ... and
wham... a can-you-beat-diz-shocker right in the face. An awesome
megademo (such a nice word) embedded in an appealing
contemporary concept / framework.
Though it is not a record, the dot spheres are somehow my favorite;
hope that's not considered to be ignorant. The Scavenger track in the
endpart is phenomenal!!! By the way: nice equalizer :-)
Technicals are great of course and the demo pretends to focus on those but the presentation is also very nice :)
I know he was worried about this demo, and how it would go down in a competition, but Leonard has absolutely nailed it!!
So many records broken, cool design, and some amazing music! Absolute quality all the way through (the Netflix thing was a nice surprise too!)
And those vector dot balls.. WOW! They look so amazing and so fluid!
Well deserved place in the top 3 of Amiga demos at Revision <3
So many records broken, cool design, and some amazing music! Absolute quality all the way through (the Netflix thing was a nice surprise too!)
And those vector dot balls.. WOW! They look so amazing and so fluid!
Well deserved place in the top 3 of Amiga demos at Revision <3
oops.. forgot the thumb!
Leo, hats and pants off. My favorite part was dottie-spheres in...fullscreen. In 50 hz.
The dots-spheres effect is timeless! ;)
Thanx Leonard and others for this great Amiga compo
Thanx Leonard and others for this great Amiga compo
Interesting idea - slideshow of code-effects. :)
If you are going to update the production, please move close button from top-right corner to top-left corner of the screen. This is Amiga. ;)
If you are going to update the production, please move close button from top-right corner to top-left corner of the screen. This is Amiga. ;)
Nice dot spheres :)
cool! :)
Well deserved place in the top 3 of Amiga demos at Revision <3
Indeed, but the place should be 1st :)
Very cool and fun presentation :)
cute idea, and well executed
Love your work Leonard. Thanks for the final and the end scroll text!
The HAM Netflix animation was very impressive!
The HAM Netflix animation was very impressive!
Wasn't a fan while watching on big screen, but it grew up on me. Sound ace.
Plenty of coderporn here
This is all amazing!
Très belle démo! Cool optimizations, nice tune, and I liked the funny creature at the beginning!
Great demo! Awesome coding prowess packed with very nice visuals and music!
Also I really love to read this lengthly wall of text full of technical details about the effects :)
Also I really love to read this lengthly wall of text full of technical details about the effects :)
Impressive and cool stuff here.
the presentation doesn't speak to me at all, but it's not supposed to, and everything else about this is super top-notch. Well done!
Although I respect the guts to do a mega-demo in 2023, it also destroys any kind of flow and consistency.
I dig the dot spheres, though.
I dig the dot spheres, though.
I really enjoyed this one. Amiga effects copied on the ST, optimised there, back on the Amiga in ST-optimised form bringing the best of the ST and Amiga style demos
Great stuff, really enjoyed this demo.
And bonus points for NOT having a game as the menu :D
And bonus points for NOT having a game as the menu :D
Short, but very long credit with nice music.
I agree with most of the comments above and especially with what has been said about the dot balls :)
.like it
Thank you so much for this && the upscroller! What a delight to read in all regards, and dunno how my jaw ever functions again after being dropped so many times :)
Loved this. MOAR DOTS!
Top effects and nice design. The ham titlepic is neat and reflects some sort of zeitgeist. My favourite in this compo.
I’m more into storytelling demos these days, but I can’t ignore this.
Cynical/special-case records, "only if you accept you may compete" (c) let's go!
1. "Distortion" is ST and kinda weird for Amiga. :) Already beaten, if you have understood what you watched.
2. You beat firstie foundation demo from jan 1989. No greeting is correct (mean that) <3 but I mean there were a ton after.
3. It's possible to make your own fractals - and also color the black pixels. #ifuwant
4. Maybe 16K is true if music removed? You tried to remove it, by limiting the tracks submitted + rendering the music. (Also bobs are bobs, not plots. And also not sprites.)
5. I like this remake track with a nod to inconvex vectors. I will say nothing about 3bpl Glenz records, you and I know. Plus I was not around for those. Bandwidth is what it is and yours is not transforming. Different strokes.
Wordy, so you think I might be against any of this, but I'm not. Records are about details, Leonard will agree, but what is good is Demosceners normally dismiss "one-screener optimized effects" with extreme prejudice.
So I'm totally blown away by the response. Might this herald a future where other great coders dare release actually optimized effects? This has been greeted with a meh for the past 20+ years. Let's have a thumb if this leads to that :)
1. "Distortion" is ST and kinda weird for Amiga. :) Already beaten, if you have understood what you watched.
2. You beat firstie foundation demo from jan 1989. No greeting is correct (mean that) <3 but I mean there were a ton after.
3. It's possible to make your own fractals - and also color the black pixels. #ifuwant
4. Maybe 16K is true if music removed? You tried to remove it, by limiting the tracks submitted + rendering the music. (Also bobs are bobs, not plots. And also not sprites.)
5. I like this remake track with a nod to inconvex vectors. I will say nothing about 3bpl Glenz records, you and I know. Plus I was not around for those. Bandwidth is what it is and yours is not transforming. Different strokes.
Wordy, so you think I might be against any of this, but I'm not. Records are about details, Leonard will agree, but what is good is Demosceners normally dismiss "one-screener optimized effects" with extreme prejudice.
So I'm totally blown away by the response. Might this herald a future where other great coders dare release actually optimized effects? This has been greeted with a meh for the past 20+ years. Let's have a thumb if this leads to that :)
I found 'Cycle-Op (Oxygene)' with its pseudo Netf**x interface and old school effects very cool.
Great code.
Not sure about the gfx being converted from pc giving some nasty dithering.
Not sure about the gfx being converted from pc giving some nasty dithering.
Is nice effect-wise, though I don't find the menu style very appealing.
The ending music sounds suspiciously similar to some of !Cube's C64 SID-tune "Modulation", with some aspects of "Angel Project" and "Molecules". Perhaps inspired by?
The ending music sounds suspiciously similar to some of !Cube's C64 SID-tune "Modulation", with some aspects of "Angel Project" and "Molecules". Perhaps inspired by?
A correction to my previous comment: I've been informed that it's more like !Cube probably was inspired by Scavenger. :)
great pack of onescreens
This is real coding art - Leonard, you did it again! WOW! Very impressive!!!
Awesome and brave :-)
Gaah, forgotten thumb!
Pretty cool :)
(last part throws an exception on my pistorm expanded amiga, though that's probably a pistorm issue)
(last part throws an exception on my pistorm expanded amiga, though that's probably a pistorm issue)
Missed this demo last year somehow. Pretty cool stuff! Maybe I’m spoilt on C64 scene but it feels very old school with the part-selection rather than being a trackmo with transitions… we can’t get away with doing that on C64 scene nowadays.
Good to see that coderp0rn is alive on Amiga, though… I just wish there was more.
Good to see that coderp0rn is alive on Amiga, though… I just wish there was more.
A year later, I mostly get converted pics and... not much else. Original comment still applies, though.
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