Way Too Rude by Logicoma [web] & Loonies [web]
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popularity : 74% |
alltime top: #299 |
added on the 2020-04-12 09:13:45 by djh0ffman ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2020-04-12 09:17:36 by sensenstahl 

Oh yes, this prod was very nice. Also, Rose! :D
The sync on this was mental
Awesome sync and music.
Best sync ever!
Nice sync, effects by Loonies and music by Hoffman
Way to awesome!
hoffman is a fucking god
hoffman is a fucking god
way too rude
A-W-E-S-O-M-E-!!! This should be played on MTV :)
Maybe not exactly my kind of stuff but well done.
well executed but also boring
Stylish and groovy, fine work!
lights, sync, action
Thumb for the sync & music!
Very satisfying entry! It's pretty nice what it can be done in 2D using Blueberry's ROSE engine. It feels like "Everyway deLuxe" with neat transitions and a "way too great" ;) soundtrack. Notice that all or most of the parts (except the greetings) are tetrachromatic and even so they look good. This proves again the appeal of great synchro and energetic music. Two things in which Hoffman is a master. Well done!
Synk stronk.
Perfect sync with nice graphic and groovy music <3!
(I would say ferris style on Amiga, but ferris is not involved in this prod :D)
(I would say ferris style on Amiga, but ferris is not involved in this prod :D)
Superb module, sweet sync!!! what's not to like!
I love the style, the music, the sync, everything!!
Congratulations on this stand-out prod from Revision. Amazing design, well executed and an ace soundtrack. Big thumbs up.
Top music!
Those squares are very cool. And the music is superb.
Amazing. Cool synchronization with music.
wow... really nice!!
do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!?
So red beginning, but thankfully some cyan squares appear later, a very hoffmanish mood, fine syncs, doesn't leave disappointed (tested on A600)
I sync this was an excellent intro!
Love the sync and especially the walking squares!
"That was not too bad" - my grandma was syncing...
Definition of sync demo
Awesome tune and supertight sync! However, feels like it barely has enough visual content for 3 minutes, while going on for more than 4.
One of my fav. intros from before is "Everyway" by Hoffman. Using the same engine and now we have this. It is for me probably the best Amiga 500 intro ever!! Design and music is first class. Sync is amazing!! Gratz!!
what they all said. had goosebumps meanwhile and after. take my CDC ♥
That synth sounds really good!
massive design skills
I really love the sync
Don't really like the style, but can't deny the overall goodness.
Rocked the compo, fresh as hell!
Amazing sound, amazing sync. All said. ;)
i think i just drooled on my pants
Really good prod. Music and synth are superb!
So nice.
Lovely tune, sync, and atmosphere! It rocks! A link to music only would be cool! Anyway, thank you for being so rude...
Lovely tune, sync, and atmosphere! It rocks! A link to music only would be cool! Anyway, thank you for being so rude...
It was such a pleasure to watch. Oh wow. <3
Just wonderful.
Tbh the visuals felt a bit too much like "oh it's Everyway again".. but that music, holy fuck.
Everyway 2 !!!
Good demo. Has some parts which are a little bit boring but also really great parts. Overall i like it.
Nice, lovely track and a fun time all the way through~
:) need more fun and silly great demos .. exactly what i was looking for
and even more .. perfect combination of sophistication and fun .. fukkn love it :) .. <3 not enough thumbs..
Pleasure for eyes and ears.
Cant beat those syncs, cant beat this choonage, cant beat this style :D awesomeness++
100 points to gryffind... wait...
100 points to logicoma and loonies.
100 points to gryffind... wait...
100 points to logicoma and loonies.
Cool one
soundtrack itself is like double thumb-up!
wow, the soundtrack! love the 2000s uk speed garage vibe! could use this on vinyl =)
The soundtrack was massive!
Really nice !!! Sync and atmosphere is really great, well deserved 1st ... Also excellent with bonus including the .mod file.. Thanks !!
loved it. ace music. ace visuals. perfect syncs
great work
Sync porn!
Wow, possibly the best sync ever? What a great show, and such an amazing tune for a 64k.
Also: a good showcase for how good tools can make such a difference
Also: a good showcase for how good tools can make such a difference
Very good sequel to "Everyway".
Absolutely the right compowinner! Looks and sounds super modern on ancient hardware, well done!
perfect amiga intro!!!
truly great product! Great sync, with awesome track!
Perfect in so many ways.
Gotta love the music once again, hoffman rules. Also the way it is synced with the visuals. Great job.
Rulez :D
Superb tune, design and perfect sync, awesome!
Should have won! Oh, wait :) Banger!
This is super awesome guys!
Perfectly synced to my ears, eyes, feet... My whole body!
Good on all fronts!
Not so rude!
Get off my fucking stage h0ffman!
Does not impress me both technically and stylistically. However, it is by no ways a compofiller, it is a solid release.
Inspiring ! Loved the rythm and the visuals. Great job !
Loved it! Thx guys!
one of the best hoff :d
wow. Synch is mindblowing !
i sat through the whole thing enjoying it from start to end
very tight sirs!
very tight sirs!
Grea track and sync, spot on :-)
Impressive. More of that please
superb musique, top sync! not sure about the visuals though. but i've got no idea how much space was left for it.
sooo good! definitely one for the Amiga party playlist! Well done
Nice visualizer, great soundtrack (as always from h0ffman).
Love the design and especially the colors.
TBH, I first assumed it is a PICO-8 demo.
TBH, I first assumed it is a PICO-8 demo.
Great style.
After Everyway I didn't think I'd be impressed by anything done using Rose again but this was the next level that I didn't belive I'd see. :) Awesome!
Way too cool :)
and what a fantastic soundtrack !
and what a fantastic soundtrack !
Best audio sync visuals ...ever! Well done!
Music and synchro do the job really well!! Looking forward to more!! :)
I love all the blue parts, but a bit on the fence about some of the red/black segments... they somehow end up emphasizing more the underlying rendering approach than standing on their own, or in other words, they make what appear to be the practical limitations of the "Rose" more apparent. That isn't to say there's something bad here—and again, the blue parts all look excellent—but somehow it doesn't have a consistent grip on me, can't quite put my finger on it exactly.
The music is fab of course, and the synth sounds like it's state of the art =)
The music is fab of course, and the synth sounds like it's state of the art =)
I like good sync and I can not lie.
Even though it doesn't contain killer effects, the synchro / music and design do the (great) job.
As soon as this intro started I felt "hey, this is a Logicoma release".
No matter the platform, you guys nail it. Impressive.
Thank you for this gem :-)
No matter the platform, you guys nail it. Impressive.
Thank you for this gem :-)
The sync between the effects and music is impressive!
Nice intro! Awesome music and nice synch..
This is great!! I love the music! But how do I run this on a real amiga? With execute command I run into an error: “error in command name”. Running it without the command does nothing.
Where do I find/download the adf-image? Btw, was trying it on A1200..
Hah :)
Way too gude. :)
Sorry, but the zip-file download on this site doesn’t contain an adf-file. Or I’m looking at the wrong place...
So so.
Sorry, but the zip-file download on this site doesn’t contain an adf-file. Or I’m looking at the wrong place...
It's very easy to put this on a adf-image and write the demo-name in the startup-sequence of the disk by yourself with certain tools. If you don't know how this works, the easiest way is, to search for the tool "exe2adf" on the internet. Then drag&drop the demo-exe here to this tool and you get an adf out of it. Very easy to use and you will need it for alot of Amiga-files here on Pouet-net, cause they are often only exe-files, instead of adf diskimages.
Awesome! Massive, Generator-based, tune and excessive sync make for a high rewatch value. Visuals have a nice style, too. Kind of the best overlays you can get and also some really nice Turrican-style transitions (from black to black). But somehow I'd then wish for some actual effects in the background. That probably is a design limitation, or rather the style imposed by Rose, as can also be seen in Everyway and Je Suis Rose. Looking forward to your next release!
Visuals are somewhat reprise of Everyway but DAAAAYYYMNNNN, THAT MUSIC! <3 <3 <3 Sick prod! <3
Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync Sync
Full of style.
Absolutely brilliant track and tight sync with nice visuals.
Just out of curiosity, whats the ratio of sound and visual bytes?
Just out of curiosity, whats the ratio of sound and visual bytes?
To be honest you can find more interesting visuals in 256b intro, so don't be too modest on the music side. Awesome track, rest is meh.
Phat, fresh and stylish, and tight af.
Highly enjoyable.
To me, this doesn't have the same flow and fun and enjoyability Everyway had. It gets too repetitive, and the effects don't pull the show alone (I guess they're not supposed to be doing that anyway). The voice samples are well done, though :-)
But what is サタネイメ (sa-ta-ne-i-me, shown for a second or so) supposed to mean? I can't figure it out. Is it just trolling?
But what is サタネイメ (sa-ta-ne-i-me, shown for a second or so) supposed to mean? I can't figure it out. Is it just trolling?
And why are the same サタネイメ characters in the Flex 2nd place demo? This baffled me a bit when I saw "way too rude" for the first time.
But what is サタネイメ (sa-ta-ne-i-me, shown for a second or so) supposed to mean? I can't figure it out. Is it just trolling?
This makes me so happy. Thank you for looking into it Sesse. It's a joke by farfar that shows his inner, humorous core. He would probably never mention it himself, so if nobody discovered it, he would jiggle about it himself but not really talk about it.
It's a kind of gibberish word/slang, mainly used in jutland only, so difficult to discribe what it means but, trust me, this is the stupidest, most subtle thing I've seen in years.
The type of intro where you count the voice samples in your head and think about how much data those alone add up to. ;)
lovely music and tightly synced geometric motion design - when using Amiga machine for making a party mood, this is a must-have in the run-list
fuck'n wonderful.
Agree with previous speaker
yum yum
Bit less fresh than Everyway which took me 4 years ago, but this time it's more sync-pumping and much more scenes, fx and transitions.
I also felt it was conceptually too reminiscent of Everyway but still a very solid and entertaining piece of work :)
Amiga BBQ party on the projector and P.A/Hi-Fi ofcourse... Awesome work all!
wow. dat sync! dat sound! just wow.
and that's before realizing it's a 64k.
and that's before realizing it's a 64k.
Insane! The music just "killed" me. It sounds amazingly good. Respect, Mr.Hoffman!
An excellent sequel to one of my all-time favorite demos!
Blueberry, FarFar and another stonking tune from Hoffman - what's not to love? Awesome!
I personally dig Everyway's music more but the sync, nothing can't beat it. It's amazing.
me like!
woah uh uh.
A little to rude for a 1st place.. 2nd in my book..
But for the music alone a 1st place! :D
But for the music alone a 1st place! :D
Great; but I still prefer everyway
Excellent !
The video looks great. However I tried running it on real hardware (and UAE) but I get an error after converting either exe using exe2adf v0.3e. The regular exe gives me an error 103 on my A500 with 1MiB RAM. The other exe isn't found (I even tried running it manually via the shell). Same happens in UAE. Any hints on how to properly convert this into an ADF I can run on my Gotek?
Sorry, this was my fault for using a filename too long for kick-start 1.3. If you rename the low mem version and run that through exe2adf it should work lovely.
That was it. Thanks! I am an Amiga n00b, but came to the platform for its awesome demos. This one rocks, even on my 1988 A500. :) Awesome how much this machine has to offer, more than 30 years after it's release!
more of this!
Seriously amazing. Even the music alone.
You keep sprayin' those wavy beats h0ffman, you're killing it brother, one of my fav amiga 64ks, period.
Just wanted to chime in and say the low ram version works on MiSTer after renaming the .exe. https://i.imgur.com/Qb3TQhgl.jpg I love the synced animations. Two big fat thumbs up from me!
what a pace, my head's spinning. way too rude, indeed.
A cracker.
This is all about the sync, surprised the demo wasn't called SYNC
This is all about the sync, surprised the demo wasn't called SYNC
Spot on. Very cool sync and overall direction, thanks to that music/visual balance makes total sense.
crappy colours and design.
For sync fanboys like me
The soundtrack... !!!
Hey Kimi, I think you’re »Way Too Rude«. :o)
surface over substance, hipsterism made demo.
Perfect sync. Excellent!
Oh this is great! 👍
Forgotten thumb up. Gotta love this demo.
Great track with great timed visuals...and only 64K!
How rude of me to thumb this up so late.
Great sync!
Quote:But what is サタネイメ (sa-ta-ne-i-me, shown for a second or so) supposed to mean? I can't figure it out. Is it just trolling?
It's a kind of gibberish word/slang, mainly used in jutland only, so difficult to discribe what it means but, trust me, this is the stupidest, most subtle thing I've seen in years.
Haha.. Now I get it - after pronouncing it in jysk for myself! :-D
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