block one by Fairlight [web] & Cocoon [web] | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #1182 |
added on the 2018-04-02 14:25:37 by mayday ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2018-04-02 14:32:11 by gaspode 

Cocoon and Fairlight. Fantastic!
Powerful and great!
Great team-up. :)
Not work for me :(
Win 7 64bits GTX 1080...
Win 7 64bits GTX 1080...
>100mb, 5fps, glitches, same sound as usual - idk ;)
...sorry, but using the same Blade Runner thingy again and again in your releases (and now even with McDonald's advertising) will make me thumb that down next are on such a high level, but more of the same isn't just good...try different.
thumbs up for the impressive feat but artistically this one didn't work for me that much :( still, very pro stuff, so TAMB
It's OK for me now :)
Thanx for this great demo, worth 1st place :))
Thanx for this great demo, worth 1st place :))
Je vous avais bien dit que vous seriez premiers. ;-)
This was very enjoyable to watch on big screen, and it manages to hit the mark when your other demos sometimes miss the little something to become more than the sum of their parts. I hope you'll manage to fix that performance issue.
It's great to see you folks collaborating like this!
This was very enjoyable to watch on big screen, and it manages to hit the mark when your other demos sometimes miss the little something to become more than the sum of their parts. I hope you'll manage to fix that performance issue.
It's great to see you folks collaborating like this!
Great fx.
woah, this one made me howl "geil!" in a hoarsley way (what is rare)
fantastic looking city visuals in the style we know already, but the effects part did it for me. great show
cocoon repeats their own effects from previous productions too much.
we've seen very similar feeling city scenes already two times before in cocoon releases but they always feel kind of pointless to be honest and more than couple of demos where raymarching effects bleed out of walls. end result simply feels unsupricing when you're not giving the viewer something new.
i think others have pointed out before as well that many cocoon demos in recent years had a very specific looking color scheme and material look, and that this kind of getting old. i don't think that it's old but i think it has always looked over processed where the end result feels like it's either trying to hide some artifacts of the rendering and/or the artists are not confident that the scene is moody enough.
we've seen very similar feeling city scenes already two times before in cocoon releases but they always feel kind of pointless to be honest and more than couple of demos where raymarching effects bleed out of walls. end result simply feels unsupricing when you're not giving the viewer something new.
i think others have pointed out before as well that many cocoon demos in recent years had a very specific looking color scheme and material look, and that this kind of getting old. i don't think that it's old but i think it has always looked over processed where the end result feels like it's either trying to hide some artifacts of the rendering and/or the artists are not confident that the scene is moody enough.
@ branch
Go to school poor little girl....
Go to school poor little girl....
Just watched vid cap of this demo. The End scene was nice. Soundtrack is the best part of this demo.
Branch and kuemmel are spot on. Also, I wasn't a big fan of the soundtrack or the demo occasionally running like a slideshow in the compo. That said, I was entertained and some of the visuals were just painfully pretty. So an easy thumb up, but enough of the cities and corridors already.
It got a bit boring at times but it's obviously very pretty.
Given that Wander was lacking a bit of punch I think this was a fair winner.
Oh and rafale06 is a whiny little bitch. :D
Given that Wander was lacking a bit of punch I think this was a fair winner.
Oh and rafale06 is a whiny little bitch. :D
Just when you've lost faith in mankind...BOOM! a great demo!
A nice style exercise, prefectly balancing the greed of the effect-fade-effect-fade with the linearity of a 3d-flyby demo.
The music is particularly precise and flows like a charm with the aesthetics.
Offcourse includes the typical frame-rate drop scene, the "fire-stairchase descend" scene, might be nice to know the details behind that scene justifying the frame-drop, althought everyone guesses it already :D
A nice style exercise, prefectly balancing the greed of the effect-fade-effect-fade with the linearity of a 3d-flyby demo.
The music is particularly precise and flows like a charm with the aesthetics.
Offcourse includes the typical frame-rate drop scene, the "fire-stairchase descend" scene, might be nice to know the details behind that scene justifying the frame-drop, althought everyone guesses it already :D
Branch and kuemmel are spot on. Also, I wasn't a big fan of the soundtrack or the demo occasionally running like a slideshow in the compo. That said, I was entertained and some of the visuals were just painfully pretty. So an easy thumb up, but enough of the cities and corridors already.
Go to hell shit bag....
Sorry my last message was for break.... bad quote :o
My banhammer senses are tingling :)
winner demos copying their aesthetic from major studio cyberpunk flicks that copy their aesthetic from 90's cyberpunk anime. I guess that is a solid throwback to the early 90's when every 3d object was the USS Enterprise or whatnot
A clear winner. Just to be clear : I m not breaking the unwritten rule of self thumbing. I did not take part to it.
Lots of quality material in this, but the postprocessing in the city scene with the massive amounts of low-res blur is painful to watch and I too am bored with industrial cityscapes and corridors. The effects themselves were really nice,of course. I was _really_ hoping for at least some kind of a concept to pop up, but to no avail. The music was really inspiring.
I expected more fast-paced one but it still rulez. I need more Fairlight & cocoon!
Sorry my last message was for break.... bad quote :o
Go to hell wishes are all fine but you should at least be able to
send them to the correct person. Then again, reading and quoting is not easy, I know...
That being said, what the "shit bag" said! :D
Cool production, my only issue really is the very heavy use of postprocessing which, sometimes, makes it impossible to appreciate what is going on.
How did you work together for this? (Fairlight + Cocoon?)
How did you work together for this? (Fairlight + Cocoon?)
I thought as much, maybe a growing number of demoscene productions will be based on notch from now on.
At the same time I guess that the new "Fairlight" productions (featuring new "plugins" made by smash, just for the production) will have new "effects" and a more low-level involvement (which always shows and is appreciated).
At the same time I guess that the new "Fairlight" productions (featuring new "plugins" made by smash, just for the production) will have new "effects" and a more low-level involvement (which always shows and is appreciated).
Can't run on Windows 10 x64, 8Gb RAM, GeForce 1060 6Gb.
first scene already gave me goosebumps. massive!
What, no "balls, touching" joke yet?
OK, thumb up again, because I like the city, some effects and the soundtrack. Even if there are some "recycled" ideas, it's OK.
Perfectly delivers the expected. Love your style, NTSC.
I (personally) know it's uber-technically advanced, and just by that should be respected. I also cannot jump the hype-bandwagon and force myself to like it. It's just boring as f..k, couldn't wait it to finish in the compo and cannot watch it untill the end on youtube.
It's like ASD casus again - too much of the same all over again. What was freakin' impressive once is just a shade of its glory now. Cocoon needs and deserves a hard reset :)
It's like ASD casus again - too much of the same all over again. What was freakin' impressive once is just a shade of its glory now. Cocoon needs and deserves a hard reset :)
The city flyby was boring and I felt like I had already seen it 50 times, the rest was excellent though.
nice one
Technically very impressive for sure. But hardly any wow effects and to me it feels empty and pointless and left me somewhat disappointed.
Still a thumbs up, hoping for a more solid one next time.
Still a thumbs up, hoping for a more solid one next time.
Finally, thank you :)
What Branch and Kuemmel said. Still gotta thumb up because quality is still great. Just hoping for something different next time.
Tons of nice content (maybe some pushing the tech a bit too far and showing it's limits), but... how can the winning 64k, 8k and even 4k have better direction than the winning demo? :)
Still a solid thumb up.
Still a solid thumb up.
Not as bad as last year, that's a merit, I guess.
Cocoon has sort of become the Smash Designs of this era. The graphician picks up an engine and does the same demo with the same tropes and same music over and over. It might look good and there could be some technical merits, but once the results become indistinguishable before, the impact wears off. I'm starting to see through whatever quality there's supposed to be.
Not thumbing down because a couple good scenes (like the face-tunnel).
Cocoon has sort of become the Smash Designs of this era. The graphician picks up an engine and does the same demo with the same tropes and same music over and over. It might look good and there could be some technical merits, but once the results become indistinguishable before, the impact wears off. I'm starting to see through whatever quality there's supposed to be.
Not thumbing down because a couple good scenes (like the face-tunnel).
Bring back Quille, Tenshu, Nytrik and Willbe and do a proper Cocoon demo :)
Also, contrats for winning Revision 3 times in a row! That's something!
What noby said.
A bit sad that doing the same stuff over and over again is what the crowd seems to want, seeing how it wins compos. It's tough to argue with success - but personally, I find this very boring.
A bit sad that doing the same stuff over and over again is what the crowd seems to want, seeing how it wins compos. It's tough to argue with success - but personally, I find this very boring.
I said to you that you will win, even when you doubt it yourself !
Don't know about the "already seen Coccon scenes", but the smashing balls (^^) that emit liquid particules scene itself is AMHO fucking groundbreaking !!
Don't know about the "already seen Coccon scenes", but the smashing balls (^^) that emit liquid particules scene itself is AMHO fucking groundbreaking !!
some breathtaking scenes here
AAA grade gfx and effects, also bladerunneresque cityscapes work for me every time. still, I'd love to see more innovation on the direction/concept side of things, beyond "amazing engine showcase", if i may say so.
Cool demo
The flyby parts may be nothing new for Cocoon, but I still have yet to see others doing better ones. The effect-heavier second part is exquisite.
Deserved winner.
Deserved winner.
Magic : thanks for your constant support in the past: but this time I m sorry to say « shut the fuck up ». NTSC I light years ahead of me now. What he did on this is (again) super impressive.
AAA grade gfx and effects, also bladerunneresque cityscapes work for me every time. still, I'd love to see more innovation on the direction/concept side of things, beyond "amazing engine showcase", if i may say so.
Great effects - especially 'the faces' and Blade Runner city grows bigger and bigger every year, respect that. Thumb up, but not a worthy winner imo.
Very nice!
My rig is an i7-5820K with 32GB of RAM and a SLI of GTX 1080.
Yet it manages to crash at launch and even resist to a Ctrl-Alt-Del.
*slow clapping*
Yet it manages to crash at launch and even resist to a Ctrl-Alt-Del.
*slow clapping*
I was a bit underwhelmed by this to be honest. It looks nice, but something about the crisp look that the Cocoon engine used to have is lacking - naturally that might just be unfamiliarity with the new toolchain, but it is what it is.
Looks and sounds great. Framerate a bit disappointing though.
Well, not my favourite of the compo but amazing work for a "one man" prod.
well crafted but ... yawn ...
It's pretty enough. I like the metaballs. I've never been a big fan of the "impressive city scene followed by some random effects" concept though, and this is another iteration of that. Would be cool if the city were used for something besides showing off - use it as a backdrop for other cool stuff, so it retains some coherence, maybe?
I love neon rain slick streets etc too, but maybe it's time to let someone else have a go at it? ;)
The rest was nice though. The metafaces was really striking on the big screen.
Cocoon demos just make me feel a little disappointed lately. It feels like some more amazing stuff could come out of this team if they stepped outside their comfort zone a little... :)
The rest was nice though. The metafaces was really striking on the big screen.
Cocoon demos just make me feel a little disappointed lately. It feels like some more amazing stuff could come out of this team if they stepped outside their comfort zone a little... :)
Superb stuff! Metafaces was something I can't really say I saw before. The blobs with particle-mesh-skin flying off it looked really cool aswell. Not to mention the bladerrunnerish city.. and all of it really?!
Sometimes the animation is a bit hyperactive compared to the soundtrack pacing. That would be my only complaint. Hope to see more of this on whatever engine you choose to use next !
Sometimes the animation is a bit hyperactive compared to the soundtrack pacing. That would be my only complaint. Hope to see more of this on whatever engine you choose to use next !
quoting the wrong person, telling to go to hell and calling them a shit bag, lol
--> good prod
--> good prod
Enjoyable and stylish.
I enjoyed the second half of the demo more than the first, as while the city was very pretty it didn't seem to fit the flow of the demo. once it got into the separate effects it got better and better.
Massive stuff, perfectly executed, with brilliant visuals and soundtrack. Also this has some of the best camera paths and movements I've ever seen in a demo!
The first half did not draw me in. The second half did remind me why I watch demos!!!
stunning.. as expected!
i don't understand the skeptical comments here.
this show has all the elements for a top-dem: a great visual design, stunning effects, a well elaborated soundtrack (with a cool progression at the last one-third). i don't miss a thing..
this show has all the elements for a top-dem: a great visual design, stunning effects, a well elaborated soundtrack (with a cool progression at the last one-third). i don't miss a thing..
Really great, visuals and direction have been amazingly crafted, especially in the post-exterior segments.
Thumbs up for the unicorn.
Now I know! It is the feeling that the music is out of pace till 3:25 that bothered me. Besides that, very nice work. When I saw the names on the biscreen I really thought it was a co-up, but it is mainly Cocoon using Fairlights engine right? Would be cool to see both Fairlight and Cocoon working side by side on a release. You have potential for a new all time #1 right there :)
really nice one.
After listening to this tune like thousand times I just can't leave Huron's effort without thumb up. Hats off.
I'm a sucker for metaballs and fluid sim. I totally love them in this demo, hats off
That effect at 3:30 is pretty swell.
Have forgotten to thumb this up
finally able to watch it in real-time at home \0/
awesome effect-show
awesome effect-show
Wow, impressive!
I liked it very much. Cocoon's style always grim.
very cool, although not a fan of the city scene
Love the part when the two human faces merge.
This thing feels to 100% describe brain trying to fight back under acid. The particle mess in the end is also insanely "yeah I can follow each and every one of them" kind of add-on. I need to know, was it the entire point and inspiration?
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