sp04 - Echo Chamber by Spacepigs [web]
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #1550 |
added on the 2018-04-02 11:04:33 by Paralax ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2018-04-02 11:12:48 by mayday 

JCO Cinematic Universe.
You asked for it :)
Love it and love spacepigs
i feel like i should dislike it but i can't. great going!
During this prod there was a drop of 2000 viewers on twitch. Achievement unlocked.
This is just fun
and scary
This is just fun
and scary
Too many levels of irony for me, although I commend the production values and effort. Admittedly, including an another demo in/from the compo was a touch of genius.
Raises the bar for jokeprods. The moment when the reference to the previous compo entry kicked in, everyone around me just went nuts. Respect :)
I liked Kevin but this one just left me cold.
Genius on so many levels.... no-one will ever understand this completely.
damn i was hoping for sp05 right there!
i dont think i completely got all the details and references in this yet, but its way less offending than the kevin entry (which also really isnt but yeah, opinions...) so im wondering why the downthumb posse is at it again... namevote maybe? ;P
Counterthumb, by any means!
i dont think i completely got all the details and references in this yet, but its way less offending than the kevin entry (which also really isnt but yeah, opinions...) so im wondering why the downthumb posse is at it again... namevote maybe? ;P
Counterthumb, by any means!
I was hoping for some kind of follow up on Kevin & this is way better than I ever could have imagined or expected. Bloody brilliant!
This was good silliness.
I lol'd. Most scene humour is odd at best but this brought out some big belly laughs, cheers guys!
...that was fun...after the first entries of the compo this made the whole thing freshen up...we need more releases like that !
What MrsBeanbag said!!
Yes. :)
Im Gegensatz zum Compo-Winner läuft die Spacepigs-Demo wenigstens auf meinem Rechner :Oink
Some say this demo is still running
ihr schweine!
I don't think I've ever laughed that hard watching a Twitch stream. Loads of inside humor...And I'm always a sucked for a well timed fart.
spacepigs quality! :D
That's the first time I see a demo that doesn't disable system screensaver while playing.
Fuck yeah JCO you should have gotten me that sticker in the late nite. ;) very good, I cried laughing!
i think kevin was a much more entertaining production and easier to follow. some of the practical jokes this demo pulled off were cool.
is that demo already over? Well done Kevin!
haha :D
what the hell?
i had the urge to thumb this up
#metademo :D
Some great jokes and content, maybe a little bit too long. Anyway, Spacepigs rulez.
best spacepigs prod so far. it was a really nice touch to have an earlier prod in the compo to compliment this prod and it's script. :)
Yeah, this is good!
Making PC demos good again, one at a time.
JCO is an actual literal genius.
Meta Overflow
LULz @ .nfo!
Well crafted, many references, perfect sounding. I liked it.
had its moments
I totally love this one. And hats off for investing so much work into this kind of demo. Totally worth re-watching.
it's good that some people are different
tfw regretting not having thumbed down the Kevin demo ... there goes the negated greeting
Several scenes were a bit funny. Should have placed lower.
what Ok3anos said
Thumb up for JCO's sound design alone. Plus, that canned laughter mixed SO well with the actual hall ambience in the back of the hall and the stream it's still weirding me the fuck out. :D
37 and hairy... they did their homework.
What Ferris said.
dem neue spacepigs demo stinkt
Great sound design. And funny :)
The frame rate and the visual design of the framing story leave a bit of a bad taste against the impeccable sound design and tight direction, but hey, a prod with a point to make - what's not to like?
awesome :D
Made me laugh multiple times during the compo :) It's a beautiful mess and that is ment as a compliment. Loved every second of it!
a bit mixed about this one. Some funny parts and some failed a bit.
More Kevin next year, please.
from critique of judgement to sp04, the project of aesthetics in german idealism is complete
Massive sensory overload. Me somehow likes. Don't know why. @Paralax, why bloat the future with C# scripting? Bloat it more and go ChakraCore or build in jsrt api!!! Low hanging performance fruit without years of rewrite.
15 frames of fame for each comment
When the slide appeared, I told my friend: "Ok, either this is going to be awful, or either it's going to be genius". It was the latter.
The amount of effort and attention to detail you put in what may look as just a joke prod is impressive. I enjoyed it very much during the compo, and still enjoyed it at home, while noticing various additional elements and meanings. The mise en abîme in particular was absolutely brilliant.
Solid thumb.
The amount of effort and attention to detail you put in what may look as just a joke prod is impressive. I enjoyed it very much during the compo, and still enjoyed it at home, while noticing various additional elements and meanings. The mise en abîme in particular was absolutely brilliant.
Solid thumb.
Spacepigs comic metaverse.
I liked your EGA Megademo better.
Great Turbine sounds, space and teacher scenes, some really strange stuff in others...
Great fun, thanks for making the compo more interesting :)
should have won
annnnd.... a piggy
and a thumb down
oh sorry i can't thumb up
Thought it was better than Kevin, although I didn't find it funny. I'll never get German humor I guess.
you are the david lynch of the demoscene. i want to be your intern, and if i have to start with cooking the coffee.
this was actually really fun at the democompo, specially the demo inside the demo :D
Now I'm confused...
During this prod there was a drop of 2000 viewers on twitch. Achievement unlocked.
So it should have been shown twice to get rid of all twitch bitches? :)
both versions quietly exit immediately after loading, occurs in both windowed and fullscreen and regardless of audio/subtitle settings (win10, ryzen 2700x, gtx 1080ti)
Dank des neuen Realzeitschiebebalkens läßt sich der gekonnte Sync im Kusmateil noch intensiver goutieren!
Great concept, and really well put together.
"Excellent" (in the voice of Montgomery Burns). "megademos" are back :-)
I've seen the commented version on YT first and confused that with the real thing (which would be amazing and so much higher on the WTF scale); There's sure some space left to make everything more meta next time. Only the pouet comment fixiation some demo makers have (do thumb-downs really hurt your feelings that much? I'm not trying to be cheeky here, it certainly stings a bit to make something with love and get ignorance back...) is a bit irritating and feels a bit overblown.
(wertstahl's intern comment cracked me up.)
(wertstahl's intern comment cracked me up.)
the commentaries are brillant.
the commentaries are brillant.
This is how SQL injections work.
delightful :D
just rewatched it, it's brilliant. Thanks as well for the commentary, my eyes are open now! Also I spotted myself in the demo. IN THE DEMO! MUM, I'm INSIDE the deeeemoo!
holy crap! :) a quintessence of today's demo scene in a single prod
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