Zetsubo by Prismbeings
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #552 |
added on the 2018-04-01 01:30:00 by noby ![]() |
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a beauty
Close to perfection - Love that one so much :)
Absolutely beautiful once again!
Wish this one had better music. The graphics are awesome but the music feels like a boring loop.
What? I loved the music. I thought it was rather great for this size of production. However I think they spent a lot of time showing us the same cubes just slightly different ways. So if the music was boring due to looping it was perhaps because there weren't enough different visuals to inspire new places for the music to go. :)
can't agree to the naggers on this. just awesome!
Beautiful in it's simplicity - both graphically and musically, although all the changing camera shots do get a bit too hectic near the end.
Exactly what it needs to be. Anyone complaining about the music must not understand, well, music. While you have displayed childish comnents on demos from before your time (understandable because of generations and whatnot), it's clear you fucking rule. Thanks for saving the compo and pushing out an outstanding product.
owww, these reflections on bumpy plane pull me out, and overall flow and execution is great (+ music!!!)
very solid 4k, my favorite from the compo, among with 3st from end (forgot its name :) and burning chair :)
very solid 4k, my favorite from the compo, among with 3st from end (forgot its name :) and burning chair :)
Holy shit.
Visuals are intricate and beautiful to look at, but the music is not all that interesting to me. Something about that plane really hits me in a visually pleasing nerve, and while the intro is structurally a bit repetitive it ends just on the right note.
Absolutely awesome. Minimalistic in all the right ways. Love it!
Oh yeah, maybe a little too long and a bit too crowded in the "slices" scene, but nevertheless really beautiful visuals and awesome 4k
Amazing visuals and what a marvelous soundtrack! Great work with tricking the reverb to act as a delay :) Generally, the instrument work is really amazing. The strings are particularly delicious! Generally a sweet composition, too. Massive work from both of you guys.
Very well designed. No story but very coherent nevertheless. Rocks!
This is exactly my kind of thing. Would also have won the 64k compo for me. Can't wait to watch it again when I get home.
Will rewatch this many times and recommend to my friends. The style is perfect and the whole thing lends itself equally well both to a focused viewing and being a party background. The production is polished and the direction is confident enough to completely rid this demo of the feeling of compromise typical for a 4k. Just earlier this decade one could've passed it off as a full-size demo and win a compo with flying colors!
Techno aesthetic done to perfection. I wouldn't mind a bit more human soul in there somewhere, but still pretty much flawless.
familiar territory
Not my cup of tea, but good overall.
Deceivingly simple. Less is more.
This is exactly the kinda stuff I dig. Clean, great design and well fitting soundtrack. Love it.
quality all round \o/
<3 <3 <3
this is the path tracing demo ive been waiting for, and its done in a 4k! the music isnt exactly my cup of tea, but its still absolutely outstanding.
Fuck yes!
my fav of the compo, music is great and very fitting
Better and better, great job.
You've done it again!
Fantastic music. I "get" it and what's going on here. Very nouveau-Moby "Ambient"...will be adding to my daily commute playlist.
You could be forgiven for thinking this was done in MAX or Maya. Rendering quality is really good and the progression is smooth af. The tune doesn't sound anything like 4k to me.
The design, the direction, the music, all is perfect. What else ?
Doesn't feel like 4k, in a good way of course :)
This rocks.
So well done, polished to the max and that music <3
fucking perfection. visuals that look like it took a week to be produced on a renderfarm. music that sounds like gigabytes of samples and shitload of money on studios for mastering.
i don't even
i don't even
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. Also what Loaderror said.
What Triace said !
hoooly sht, best 4k ever
Nice and good sound.
Just freaking awesome! =D
Oh, shiny.
Minimal, but very rich and satisfying. Awesome demo.
Music was so warm I had to turn on the AC. Beautiful visuals, that's some impressive path tracing.
For me this is the most impressive production from Revision. By far.
Perfection in 4K. Love all of it.
Absolutely masterful. Blew me away during the compo.
Very pretty stuff as usual :)
Great rendering and lovely music.
it's beautiful of course
INCREDIBLY my jam!! So, so good!!!
again some really fantastic sense for build-up,editing and mood. i definitely like the music - only one thing bothers me here is that melody, which is slightly out of tune and also a bit too kitchy.
please make a final and throw out that melody ... :-)
please make a final and throw out that melody ... :-)
Highlight of the party for me.
well crafted minmalism, fantastic
light <3 groovy <3
I wasn't a fan of Absolute Territory because it looked kinda boring even though the visuals were stunning, but I love this one! Hope it gets at least the same reception as the last one :D (should have won)
Super music and rendering quality, was great to see on the main screen, precalc waiting time was totally worth it ;)
I enjoy this more than the chair horror story thing.
Please never stop making my mind cringe over your awesomeness, Noby.
audio is awesome and obliterates pretty much every single 4k (and many 64k) soundtracks. the visuals perfectly compliment it. I usually don't like repetitive visuals but it still worked pretty well.
Despite the obvious technical achievement, I could never get myself to like Absolute Territory.
But this one here, this one really pushes my buttons. Awesome!
But this one here, this one really pushes my buttons. Awesome!
Excellent lightning and cool track! The visuals and track worked very well together! The quality is outstanding - great aesthetics!
one of the strong entries from this year... hard competition with some melting chair...
that was incredible !
polished to near perfection on so many levels.
What other said, close to perfection on all fronts.
Looks and sounds fantastic again!
won't run :(
This was def. my party favourite! Really loved to whole picture and how it transcends the medium into something enjoyable for anyone while also being a super impressive 4k!
@Gargaj it resizes (but doesn't clear) the display & then takes several minutes of precalc for me, like.. 3 or 4.
@Gargaj it resizes (but doesn't clear) the display & then takes several minutes of precalc for me, like.. 3 or 4.
Not bad. :)
this. is. bliss.
When everything's perfect, everything is perfect.
That track is insane and the visuals are just on par. I so love when it goes liney.
That track is insane and the visuals are just on par. I so love when it goes liney.
weird mnimalistic script; but liked it. The music perfectly fits this demo
First you mesmerize me with a frickin sphere, now you do it with eight frickin cubes. <3 And the music is right up my alley!
I feel like you missed at least two opportunities to take this to the next level but it's still a solid prod with a great soundtrack.
Beau !
I still can't get over how great the soundtrack is!
Okay so I watched it now again and all the things that I faintly remembered to be off during the compo came back crashing; the dodgy colors, the noisiness, the gimbal lock camera spin (noby, of all people, jeez!), and that it really runs out of ideas once the lines appear - the bit where the cubes stretch out feels like a desperate attempt to pad out time and it's not a particularly good looking one.
It's still a fantastic 4k, but kings are measured with the scale of kings, sorry :)
It's still a fantastic 4k, but kings are measured with the scale of kings, sorry :)
Makes my GTX 970 scream for mercy (maybe a 360/480p version could happen? :) but the overall design, polish, and music quality in 4k make it memorable.
Nice and laidback
@phoenix: haha, also requesting 360p version :)
@Gargaj: don't know about anything other, but gimbal lock and lookAt() in general looks pretty in place here (yeah, i'm a sucker for suddenly-rotating camera :)
@Gargaj: don't know about anything other, but gimbal lock and lookAt() in general looks pretty in place here (yeah, i'm a sucker for suddenly-rotating camera :)
too random....
Efforts were made to try to make Oidos run in its own thread but even letting the synth catch ahead a little bit (like up to 30 seconds, or even more) and then calling Oidos to start playing the buffer wouldn't work; the result was always just silence if you wouldn't let the entire precalc finish. Would be interested in knowing myself why this is tbh.
Oidos renders the music one track at a time. First it renders and mixes all tracks with reverb into one buffer, then it computes the reverb into a different buffer (so it can compute one echo at a time without them interfering with each other), then it renders and mixes the remaining tracks into the first buffer, and finally it combines the two buffers and converts the result into 16-bit integers for the actual replay buffer.
The motivation for structuring it this way is a combination of minimal code size and rendering each instrument/tone combination only once (to keep the precalc time from being even more horrendous).
My next synth will be rendering in one pass continuously from start to finish, I promise. :)
Dreamy. Wonderful. My only criticism would be the choice of notes played by the pluck instrument starting at around 1:30 or so... But apart from that: 

Mesmerizing and with brutal sound quality. Top notch again!
for me, this one, is the best in the compo
it has the full length, no 2 minutes or less of showing one effect.. yes it is one scene, but.. it is played well, ortho views, and sync with music.. of course some people would like to see something like Second Reality, but guys.. it is minimalistic, it is the style.. just remove all this details and you will see just four/eight cubes in path tracing. The music is very well done, some minor bugs which are hard to notice during the compo, i.e. hihats are too loud for me, but I noticed that only at home.
just watch it again and you will see:
1. the first scene is not cubes, it looks like 2d graphics
2. 0:31 then black and white scene where we can see how floor is mirroring.
3. 1:04 the strings instrument comes and we have colors
4. 1:22 you will notice the floor is different now
5. 1:35 we have new instrument and the camera movement is different plus we have some glitches in our ortho 3d ;)
6. 2:06 ussual 4k ends here... but we have cymbals and our ortho is not ortho anymore.. the glitches(b/w lines) parts look like 2d objects
7. 3:11 back to initial scene, bluring fading outing............
Thank you noby for such great intro! I am really want to see what you can do in 64k ;)
it has the full length, no 2 minutes or less of showing one effect.. yes it is one scene, but.. it is played well, ortho views, and sync with music.. of course some people would like to see something like Second Reality, but guys.. it is minimalistic, it is the style.. just remove all this details and you will see just four/eight cubes in path tracing. The music is very well done, some minor bugs which are hard to notice during the compo, i.e. hihats are too loud for me, but I noticed that only at home.
just watch it again and you will see:
1. the first scene is not cubes, it looks like 2d graphics
2. 0:31 then black and white scene where we can see how floor is mirroring.
3. 1:04 the strings instrument comes and we have colors
4. 1:22 you will notice the floor is different now
5. 1:35 we have new instrument and the camera movement is different plus we have some glitches in our ortho 3d ;)
6. 2:06 ussual 4k ends here... but we have cymbals and our ortho is not ortho anymore.. the glitches(b/w lines) parts look like 2d objects
7. 3:11 back to initial scene, bluring fading outing............
Thank you noby for such great intro! I am really want to see what you can do in 64k ;)
Gotta love that path tracer.
Oh this is nice!
Fantastic rendering, and even better sound!
Fantastic rendering, and even better sound!
this is the best thing since sliced bread.
Great looks and the music is a perfect match for the visuals, especially considering the 4k limits. It is highly enjoyable to see for example well done chromatic aberrations and small details like the motion blur or specular and reflect variations done with style, and all this combined to quality hard cut camera work.
Keep on rocking!
Keep on rocking!
I'd still love it even if it weren't 4k. 4k is the cherry on top of the delicious cake :)
as always, requesting soundtrack :)
Any chance of a non-realtime 4k60p capture of this?
Slow as fuck, boring as fuck with some porn soundtrack that takes a minute to precalc.
sublime realtime art.
"Nobody will ever need more than 8 cubes"
- Bill Cubes, 1981
- Bill Cubes, 1981
^. Plus, I like the lighting model.
You did a lot with so little. And you did it great!
First place credits turned around :)
Sooo beautiful and soothing! <3 Lets the mind wander around..
Not like there is a lot of happening, but there are cubes and lovely music! :-)
I don't remember if I already commented by this is definitely one of the best 4k of 2018.
I was supposed to write it long ago.. These chords are beautiful and make the intro full of emotions (it's somehow sad and melancholic, among others). The soundtrack is one of my favourite intro tunes (in the category of nostalgic, atmospheric tracks - no.1 in recent years).
I love how noby's intros are thoughtful / sensitive / reflective (even if I don't understand the choice of color scheme in this particular prod) and I am glad that I could see some of them on the big screen (where they make a huge impression, obviously).
Well.. thank you.
I love how noby's intros are thoughtful / sensitive / reflective (even if I don't understand the choice of color scheme in this particular prod) and I am glad that I could see some of them on the big screen (where they make a huge impression, obviously).
Well.. thank you.
How did this only come 2nd?
How did this only come 2nd?
Sometimes a person makes artistic decisions to deal with technical limitations. Sometimes, however, I think a technically limited platform provides an artist the inspiration to express themselves more effectively. A full A-list demo might involve more assets, more code, more tech wow, but not get its point across so elegantly. This is *the* demo that stuck with me from 2018, even though my coup de coeur goes to Along For the Ride because I had to choose between them. And here to share some text I didn't get to share previously. Light passes across the face of the cube like days passing, while it remains locked in place. In its mind it struggles, it tries to fly, to escape. Then in the real world it transforms, or tries to transform. But movement remains impossible. Transformation remains impossible. It is trapped between two metal plates, nothing more than a cube, and nothing will ever change that. Say I read too much into it, then translate the title. And that is why art is amazing. Even if noby didn't intend this, I can take this away from this demo. As I saw the visual tricks creating an illusion of depth in Hedelmae's Snug (although more subjectively).
arbitrarily.. in a way of discretionary way of pleasing. acceptably well composed.
you may be pleased to shit now.
well done (kevin).
you may be pleased to shit now.
well done (kevin).
wow - amazing peace of art... didn't expect something else from you =)
Nice calm demo, just saw it in the recording of trucks demoshow from yesterday
YES! This is it!
looks and sounds soooo good
Datsubo. (だつぼう・脱帽)
Still extremely fresh!
So stylish, awesome!
It's been 5 years, and I can't... actually think of any demo, intro, whatever that I like more?
Lately I bookmarked the youtube video of this on my phone, and I've been watching it before bed most nights to help me wind down and process my thoughts.
I hate to say "this is art" or some shit, but... right?
Anyway, thank you for putting this out there.
Lately I bookmarked the youtube video of this on my phone, and I've been watching it before bed most nights to help me wind down and process my thoughts.
I hate to say "this is art" or some shit, but... right?
Anyway, thank you for putting this out there.
Nice sugar cubes.
✨______✨ Thank you.
missed this gem! supinice!
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