Esocentrica by Andromeda Software Development [web] & Satori [web]
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #1555 |
added on the 2017-01-31 23:58:01 by zden ![]() |
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great work!
plusmensch :) excellent work there!
Music is playing, screen stays black.
(Win7, GTX970)
(Win7, GTX970)
I love this... I love the first half. I don't have much to say about it except stunning.
Then there's the second half which I don't know what to think of really. It's not exactly a nosedive what are these misc shots of skulls and people running and trying to convey, especially in the context of the beginning? Feels overall like new post processing visuals with some old content fed through them (though hey isn't that what I do too lmao).
It's still stunning overall but I was hovering a couple feet above the ground during the first minute only to find myself firmly on it by the end.
Then there's the second half which I don't know what to think of really. It's not exactly a nosedive what are these misc shots of skulls and people running and trying to convey, especially in the context of the beginning? Feels overall like new post processing visuals with some old content fed through them (though hey isn't that what I do too lmao).
It's still stunning overall but I was hovering a couple feet above the ground during the first minute only to find myself firmly on it by the end.
this must be the most coherent satori demo ever
also nice tune!
also nice tune!
Probably the best ASD demo in years and probably the best Satori demo in years.
I had to upload this beautiful, beautiful demo to Youtube, so that everyone could go into rapture over this masterpiece!
<3 Thank you, Asd <3
<3 Thank you, Satori <3
<3 Thank you, Asd <3
<3 Thank you, Satori <3
somehow inspiring
... and because all the fast glitch-effects make this demo look shitty on Youtube, i uploaded it to Vimeo, too.
... and after watching it on Vimeo i realize this demo isnt made for streaming. The quality on Vimeo is just slightly better than on Youtube.
If there is interest for hosting it on or something similar, i could provide the originals, which are around 3,19gb (uncompressed) and/or 516mb(h264).
... and after watching it on Vimeo i realize this demo isnt made for streaming. The quality on Vimeo is just slightly better than on Youtube.
If there is interest for hosting it on or something similar, i could provide the originals, which are around 3,19gb (uncompressed) and/or 516mb(h264).
i don't like that one at all. maybe because of the (bad?) colors. i looks cheap to me and not artistic at all. some scenes are very interesting though. or is it too much glitch to handle? i don't know. but overall i can't even give it a piggie. sorry.
yes! this captures the spirit of demoscene very well :)
Nice music but I do not appreciate the visual at all
Loved it! Very nice soundtrack as well! I liked the people running part but the skull felt kind of out of place.
Flickering like crazy when I try to run it locally though (win7, i7, gtx 765). Can someone do a HD capture (1080 or 2k) ? Lots of details are lost in the current capture.
Flickering like crazy when I try to run it locally though (win7, i7, gtx 765). Can someone do a HD capture (1080 or 2k) ? Lots of details are lost in the current capture.
teh glitchiness, done right this time. plus, cool fitting tune :) instantly rewatched :)
Stunning! I especially like the first half.
Fantastic music, fantastic two halves. Just the right amount of acid for me.
nice but new lifeforce would be better)
Except for some colors, I really like this! All fits together: Music, style, pace, even the two parts, for me at least. But again, some of the colors I found a bit distracting.
Anyway, instant rewatch for me as well. :)
Anyway, instant rewatch for me as well. :)
kopflast: please post both if possible, or the "uncompressed" (at 3.19gb there obviously is some lossy compression there still) at least. :)
Pretty good glitch-experimental demo.
I like the ambient music a lot!
I like the ambient music a lot!
Nice music. Not sure about the music ... it's nice, but for me it could have been synced a little bit more to the visuals with glitched effects or a more dominant beat.
»Nice music« meant to be »Nice visuals«. :)
Wasn't so enamoured by the visuals on this one ( might just be personal taste ) but I'll re-watch it in realtime later to see if I change my mind. However, it still deserves a thumb just for Chaser's awesome soundtrack!
It's satori!! And this time with a very nice experimental combination of video and music. <3
A balanced combination between Satori abstraction concepts and ASD generative code and smooth transitions.
I love the music, very suitable.
I love the music, very suitable.
the last stand of the true demoscene experience
The Music! Pure greatness!. Lovely demo.
It's as if some of my favourite artists made a baby, and it's beautiful. Would have never thought those two styles would mix, but it works perfectly well. Good sunday morning demo <3
10 years ago, this would've amazed me, but these days it looks too much like a remix or a mashup of other, better demos that came before.
In some moments I thought it's an ASD demo converted to CGA :)
This is so awesome to see the talent of both of you guys, words can't describe this. Best cooperation in demoscene in a decade, easily! Big big thank you!
Freaking excellent
Wow, I love it! One of the best satori demos so far! I will probably watch it many times more.
Btw. it ran flawlessly on my pretty old machine, so try to run it in real-time guys, for maximum quality!
Btw. it ran flawlessly on my pretty old machine, so try to run it in real-time guys, for maximum quality!
(oh and I love how people who don't know satori, expect a classic ASD demo :D)
I dig it :D
I liked the part where it was a bit more abstract. No really.
Run very smooth as well.
Run very smooth as well.
I like other Satori demos better. Running models looks generic and possibly rehashed from ASD demos. Music is nice though. Unfortunately, just a piggy.
Music rules! Nice visuals too.
Art of glitch... and philosophic somehow: The human being is the measure of all things. And here we have a human in a more and more fragmented world. Also the human becomes more and more fragmented. Sounds a bit like dystopia but... for me its more like the climax of glitch - time will correct me :D
and... awesome tune, chaser!
and... awesome tune, chaser!
Zden <3 Love this! Beginning is supergood, will admit i kinda lost interest in the end (like, really the end) it all fell apart a bit imo. But still really good and intense and mostly it's superduper satori!
Amazing tune and great visuals.
To glitch or not to glitch that is the question? Cool soundtrack!
Aesthetically pleasing to the mind of human.
Awesome music! And the visuals are great too. Thank you!
Tasteful and stylish. The excellent music is the highlight for me.
Trippy colors. It ran nicely on my ancient 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 box with its ATI Radeon 4870 video card (512 MB of VRAM).
Satori + Cocoon or Satari + FLT next? Bring it on :)
~1:10 is magic
i see this as compilation of errors during making of real demo
Despite not being a huge fan of Satori, or the newer ASD prods, this one clicks with me just fine. I love the music, and the fact that it's not glitchy to the point of distraction. Lovely stuff, congratulations to all involved!
I agree with gaspode, the visuals and the music fit together but they still feel disconnected, that would be the only downside for me.
Both visuals and music are fantastic.
I agree with gaspode, the visuals and the music fit together but they still feel disconnected, that would be the only downside for me.
Both visuals and music are fantastic.
i was going to namevote but out of common courtesy i watched it first. didn't regret. this is top stuff!
Well done guys!
You really see that this is a mix of the typical ASD and Satori styles. An interesting combination!
I've seen better Satori and ASD demos in the past.
sorry.. prefer the old ASD demos. The screen shot is enough for me.
what noby said.
best glitch demo yet, and great soundtrack.
not my type of demo! it´s not bad but won´t rewatch i guess.
that was a pleasant experience
Awesome....and dat music <3
Superb when the humanoids enter the show.
Yeah! Great show!!! and this great tune from Chaser! :)
hm, kind of boring
charming, alluring, delightful surprise :)
my kind of corruption
Too much glitch for my style prefer other ASD and Satori demos
nah, this amazing
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wierd shaders which are included in the demo as cpp files ;)))
very strange style, like something went wrong
summary: it is like Navis gave his engine and added ability to add new shaders and 3d objets, only a human object is animated "avatar_female_walk"??(as I can see)
anyway the demo is interesting and credits tells that Navis made GPU(shaders?) coding and design only, thus congrats to Zden - you almost can do ASD like demos.
Thank you Navis for such good shaders!!!
very good music from Chaser..
GPU Code & Design by Navis
CPU Code & Design by Zden
Music by Chaser
I am waiting for more demos from you guys!!!