Universal Sequence by Conspiracy [web]
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popularity : 73% |
alltime top: #369 |
added on the 2016-09-11 00:05:35 by BoyC ![]() |
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in your face! this is sooooooooooooooooooo massive <3
....boom! ♥
I look forward to seeing this in Aixelent's next VJ compilation
Drum'n Bass always needs a thumb up !
This just made me so happy.
Also apprehensive of easter (you know you could have easily won revision with this).
It's just glorious.knoe
Also apprehensive of easter (you know you could have easily won revision with this).
It's just glorious.knoe
Windows defender just flat out refuse to let me watch this -_-
a worthy successor.
Nice little remix :)
Can't wait to see this in a more appropriate resolution and framrate than my laptop can provide.
loving it!
Lovely sequel! :D
Oh God, it is already 10 years have passed...
Massive! In every way!
and it's pretty inspiring :)
Really well made drum sounds. Visuals are a nice clean and fresh update on the original. Cool to see you guys hit hard again after your more minimal/mellow stuff recently, would have been massive at the party.
this was massive at the party :)
yt anyone? (thumb in advance ;)
Awesome Sequel 10 years of Conspiracy
awesome stuff!
Great pacing !
I wish you 10 more years of chaos.
I wish you 10 more years of chaos.
awesome. too bad that there was zero competition in the compo category. :)
Please keep making these for the upcoming 100 years :) A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!
Very good sync and effects - maybe a bit repetitive.
wonderful, wonderful remix :')
Also I'm especially happy this ran pretty well on my laptop GPU (geforce 870m)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQKGI7a2fVw
definitely chaos theory 2
Oh you guys...
really awesome!
that soundtrack! i'd almost say BSE remixed by Zardonic, but as he did that i know that wouldn't be brutal enough ;)
lovely! The green effects are my favourite :)
I get it's a sequal, I get it has to have references, but it's more like 95% recycled stuff: visuals, synth, beat, variations on main tune, the same instruments.
Moreover, there seems to be very little improvment on visual front.
It has been 10 years, I would expect at least superior rendering quality, better lighting, materials, etc... And all you have is more lens flares and maybe one completely new scene (with some shadows/reflections I suppose, as it slows down a bit).
On a positive side: it works smooth on my dated hw :-D
Moreover, there seems to be very little improvment on visual front.
It has been 10 years, I would expect at least superior rendering quality, better lighting, materials, etc... And all you have is more lens flares and maybe one completely new scene (with some shadows/reflections I suppose, as it slows down a bit).
On a positive side: it works smooth on my dated hw :-D
I like this.
Well that was just ossom, again after 10 years! Can we have the soundtrack as mp3/ogg?
Here's the sync fixed version of the SceneSat stream rip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TxzCmEVIH4 Deleted the bad one.
Sorry for screwing it up for the first time guys. It was actually YouTube's encoder which didn't like the high delay difference between the audio/video part.
(Actually didn't expect to get a share of my video here. :o )
Sorry for screwing it up for the first time guys. It was actually YouTube's encoder which didn't like the high delay difference between the audio/video part.
(Actually didn't expect to get a share of my video here. :o )
Oops, i didn't knew URLs are not "autolinkified" here.
Oops, i didn't knew URLs are not "autolinkified" here.
it's a good demo but too much "more of the same" :(
I expected the parts to connect at some point, maybe the cannon beam going through the tubes or something
I expected the parts to connect at some point, maybe the cannon beam going through the tubes or something
it deserves mental illnesses.
Nice! I don't get it why people complain about recycling, I guess they kind of missed the theme but that is ok :) Anyway, if you're doing a tribute I see nothing wrong with recycling. If you pay attention the 'recycled' effects even get placed into context. Nothing wrong with that.
Like the bassdrumstabs which at some point gave the music a sort of crossbreed vibe. Solid on all fronts. Had a bit of an issue downloading it since it was reported as containing a virus. Wouldn't run till I added d3dcompiler_47.dll but once it started.. lovely.
Like the bassdrumstabs which at some point gave the music a sort of crossbreed vibe. Solid on all fronts. Had a bit of an issue downloading it since it was reported as containing a virus. Wouldn't run till I added d3dcompiler_47.dll but once it started.. lovely.
This works really well as an anniversary remix release.
As a "version 2 with 10 years of technological progress" it just doesn't cut it.
As a "version 2 with 10 years of technological progress" it just doesn't cut it.
For the story behind and just because its massive as fuck.
One constant remains <3
just pure fucking awesome, the music is incredible, as is the whole damn production, all in 64k you guys are insane. instant classic.
ran like a dream at 4k by the way, and if i had the time or a 2nd computer i'd make a 4k cap of this, maybe one day lol...
ran like a dream at 4k by the way, and if i had the time or a 2nd computer i'd make a 4k cap of this, maybe one day lol...
As good as the original ;)
too much recycling of old stuff and is not better then CT.
Loved this! Great Sequel!
Nice one! :) Although somehow I feel I prefer the first one.
I assume d3dcompiler_47.dll is part of standard setup nowadays?
The question is, should I do an 8k remake now. ;)
I assume d3dcompiler_47.dll is part of standard setup nowadays?
The question is, should I do an 8k remake now. ;)
Nice editing of all that content!
Totally lives up to the track - excellent tune and sync. Respect.
And looking forward to KK's 8k of course ;-)
And looking forward to KK's 8k of course ;-)
Awesome as always. Amazing audio sync.
mondtam már hogy jó volt?
Great stuff - though the same exact formula as Chaos Theory. Still really solid work, and enjoyed it thoroughly!
imho too messy and repetetive. gets boring to the end...
I will love you forever !
Nice direction and flow, great soundtrack. I'm a bit confused by the narrative; it feels like it's telling a story but I'm not sure what it is. Anyway, good enough for me to part with a thumb:
I love this one.
An excellent remix with a massive music and energy !
An excellent remix with a massive music and energy !
Nice direction and flow, great soundtrack. I'm a bit confused by the narrative; it feels like it's telling a story but I'm not sure what it is. Anyway, good enough for me to part with a thumb:
The story is 10 years since Chaos Theory.. hence the 2006 / 2016 switching year at the end.
+ Direction
+ Sync
+ Visuals
+ Music
+ Music
+ Music
Looks and sounds awesome! Nice upgrade
oh my!
This is how you do a proper sequel!
+ props to all involved for their work
I didn't like it.
I didn't like it.
oh, i now saw the nfo. fuck you too :D
biting my nails waiting for that youtube version.. the toe nails at that, it's Rather Painful.
+ Brilliant direction
+ Incredible music
- Too much rehashed scene
+ Incredible music
- Too much rehashed scene
Extremely cool. Some of the scenes (like the "red fluid with black ribbons and stuff") are so fantastic in fact, that some of the less polished stuff stays behind a bit.
But over, the atmosphere is just a fantastic reanimation of classic demoscene style. Thanks for the release!
But over, the atmosphere is just a fantastic reanimation of classic demoscene style. Thanks for the release!
great revival
Already watched it 3 times. I rarely rewatch demos in a such short period of time.
That's how awesome this is.
That's how awesome this is.
doesn't render native backbuffer. and coulda used more saw. i love the chaos. nicely remixed tho. :)
for the heck you might port ud_seq2 and ct to native 16:9 ratio? they still look fine tho... being classics. :)
for the heck you might port ud_seq2 and ct to native 16:9 ratio? they still look fine tho... being classics. :)
MASSIVE! but not beyond expectations ;-)
Awesome, congrats!
Very nice. Esp love the music and the sync.
Hoffman: I would say that's the pretext, not the narrative. But then again, most demos have always had loose narratives at best, but this feels like it is visually coherent and telling a story, and yet I can't follow the thread. Compare with the (also excellent) "Aulun Baulund" by Focus Design released earlier this month - another visually coherent demo, but with a narrative I can grasp. Or the two previous 64k intros by Conspiracy, for that matter.
Awesome! Welcome back :)
Well, well. You did again!
Ossom! Just so brilliant colors, synchro and the execution. Great job!
Well… Chaos Theory 10th anniversary is a thing, but come on… You’ve made so much better than that. I don’t like the fact it feels like a recycled demo – same scenes for instance. The music is okish but the overall production is way too long hence boring. Piggy though for the technical achievement.
Massive, I need bigger speakers.
A. FU! - You know why! :P
B. Thank you! - You know why! ;-)
C. I have to quote Jimmy here: "Hát ez oda lett baszva! Az asztal közepére, hogy úgy mondjam!"
Give us massive chaos for at least another 10 years!
B. Thank you! - You know why! ;-)
C. I have to quote Jimmy here: "Hát ez oda lett baszva! Az asztal közepére, hogy úgy mondjam!"
Give us massive chaos for at least another 10 years!
Fuck yes!
I believe I just got demolished.
great stuff, and the music!
(Gargaj you're late for the "challenge" but) damn good prod. Still kicks asses :)
Same style as Chaos Theory, and just as much POWER! And then lots of delicious sync added in. Winning formula right there.
The spaceship-thingy object looks somewhat primitive, but maybe that is because of the missing shadows you mentioned. Looking forward to the final. :)
The spaceship-thingy object looks somewhat primitive, but maybe that is because of the missing shadows you mentioned. Looking forward to the final. :)
Please make sequels every year! :)
can't get tired of it
sorhatos űrhajó :)
the soundtrack sounds like a swarm of angry bees :D
visuals are yay.
visuals are yay.
This calls for a Deadringer 10 years anniversary followup by Smash! :D
I want to marry this synth code.
I want to marry this synth code.
I have somewhat mixed feelings regarding this. Much like I had with Chaos Theory in back in 2006, which now seems like it was a lifetime ago. Then it grew on me. Maybe this will grow on me as well. Until then, have this obvious thumb.
..wait what's the difference between party version and final version? i don't see a difference?
Very cool
There's no final version out yet afaik .
..wait what's the difference between party version and final version? i don't see a difference?
There's no final version out yet afaik .
A terem burajat, valahogy a huvelykujj kimaradt, kurvajo volt!
AWESOMNESS overload.
Watching the prod live: it hit right into my face, kicked my ass, took my spine and thrown me to the ceiling...
...left me with a shaky, shocked head.
Brutal power overload, crazy rush, guys...
Crazy rush...
Absolute thumb up.
Watching the prod live: it hit right into my face, kicked my ass, took my spine and thrown me to the ceiling...
...left me with a shaky, shocked head.
Brutal power overload, crazy rush, guys...
Crazy rush...
Absolute thumb up.
was gonna piggy this, then noticed it's 64k, Big rulez!
Chaos Strikes Back! ;) Awesome sync and music! =)
good visuals, impressive design and the sounds do fit the effects really well.

Direction, sync, music = 3x YES
The same 5 scenes endlessly repeated and soundtrack is weaker than ten years ago. Granted, tech-wise the visuals and audio are cleaner than they were a decade ago, but still it leaves me somehow cold.
"Blazar" was much more fresh - instead US just feels like a pimped version of CT.
Sorry guys.
"Blazar" was much more fresh - instead US just feels like a pimped version of CT.
Sorry guys.
As a sequal this is not as good as Variform 2, however this is still superb.
brutal deluxe! waitin' eagerly to see the 4k version of it =)
Not my cup, and Barti has a point, but nice and well-polished so..
Worthy successor and awesome background story.
Decent. :)
One of the few demos that looks fantastic on 21:9 screen.
greetings were ok..overall meh
Could have used to be a little shorter to avoid repeating the scenes too much. But then again, I still got shivers from the sync so there.
Story is also awesome.
Story is also awesome.
This was a lot of fun to watch!
The music is giving me an eargasm :)
That ending tho :)
Király volt !
Fuckin' cool !
Ismét lealáztak mindenkit a Magyarok ? :D
Ezaz srácok szép volt !
Clap Clap Clap
Fuckin' cool !
Ismét lealáztak mindenkit a Magyarok ? :D
Ezaz srácok szép volt !
Clap Clap Clap
im amazed
That music at 2:22..goose bumps!
This is a great demo like always, even though I think that the content repeated a bit too often without big progress of a story. Even though the demo gives a great feeling like diving into a very own world while watching it! So, thumbs up for sure! =)
This is a great demo like always, even though I think that the content repeated a bit too often without big progress of a story. Even though the demo gives a great feeling like diving into a very own world while watching it! So, thumbs up for sure! =)
Wie geil ist das denn bitte?
I hate you.
ok cool
Full of energy!
Feels recycled, but good shitz anyway! The music is excellent, mmhhh!
10 years of WOW !
Recycled but still great!
doesn't work, complains about "d3dcompiler_47.dll failed to load" although i put the dll there. Win7, GTX980.
This just makes me smile - I love it! :)
Ahaha, so good. Thanks Conspiracy.
Smashing 64k!
This is a great demo, my only criticism is that I think the second half of the tune with the melody doesn't fit the slaughtering madness of the first half of the tune. Maybe a different instrument would've done it. Perhaps because the demo came together chaotically (ref: BoyC comment above) had something to do with the track's polish.
nice remix :)
I'm wet.
A dignified successor to chaos theory. Man, what a soundtrack.. Those chord progressions <3 !
ok, you guys just taught me that the state of the art is higher than what i thought. thank you.
What wysiwtf said.
Luckily i had my audio cranked up to 100% thanks to some video with bad sound i watched before! :D (Neighbours knocking on the walls, but the intro rocked a lot this way!)
Luckily i had my audio cranked up to 100% thanks to some video with bad sound i watched before! :D (Neighbours knocking on the walls, but the intro rocked a lot this way!)
watching it several times i must say that this prod rules big time!
Really impressive, watched it once, just came back to leave this comment before I go and watch it again
awesome !
Visuals really takes it to the next level. I like how taking something that was already designed to be intense and then making it even more so actually works here. Though somehow it feels like the soundtrack (which is amazing on its own) stays a little behind in places and doesn't have the earworm quality of Rude Awakening for me. And maybe for those really close flybys in the beginning something like materials or textures would be nice ;)
Made me so happy when watching it on the stream :)
Made me so happy when watching it on the stream :)
Pretty good!
well that was great
the audio ath the mid part....wounds my ears ...
well done!
The returning of Chaos with the new PhoeniX Engine...

Worthy homage to chaos theory
The music is really amazing
The music is really amazing
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