Sweet dreams by Rebels
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popularity : 65% |
alltime top: #3218 |
added on the 2015-08-02 12:53:41 by pasy ![]() |
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Runtime Error 217 on Windows 10 :-(
added on the 2015-08-02 13:06:31 by Rusakova 

Left me cold although I like chocolate and candy.
Confirmed runtime error 217 on win10: http://pasteboard.co/2pUvncs7.png
Looks delicious, although the music seems to be for an entirely different demo :)
made me hungry
*drools* :)
unexpected and cool !
found this on youtube
found this on youtube
Quite nice. Voxelfield icecreams
The consistent theme was nice and the design & colours were OK this time around. That said, there wasn't really much of anything there in terms of content and the music was very forgettable. Oink.
Nice but repetetive, so a bit boring.
chromagical mimpi!
indah :)
Sweet indeed! Loved the design, very stylish production, here my thumb :)
I was happy for a minute and then I pressed escape.
Gyermekem jóváhagyta, én pedig jóváhagyását jóváhagytam. Micsoda meglepő sztájl!
i am diabetic but nice demo ;)
What sensenstahl said. Nice music though!
Danke, Ihr Süßen!
so sweet!
Very confusing. The 2D graphics are nice and the subject is funny, but the trance music and traditional demostyle effects drag it into a totally different direction.
what break said
Fantastic <3
polished and sweet
what cce said
I really loved some of the drawings / graphics / logos, but the whole demo was a little bit to pointless for being the evoke-winner in my humble optinion.
How could this win de compo?
Rather Uninspired candycrush graphics with an totally not suiting track for such a demo. But hey, H20 is back after his 3 year break from retirement, i guess that warrants a bubble! errrrr piggy I MENT PIGGY FFS.
yes, im being a sarcastic dick.
Rather Uninspired candycrush graphics with an totally not suiting track for such a demo. But hey, H20 is back after his 3 year break from retirement, i guess that warrants a bubble! errrrr piggy I MENT PIGGY FFS.
yes, im being a sarcastic dick.
Weirdly static and boring and seriously, the plasma field? Also, I'm diabetic. Liked the logo though.
Diabetic too.. But sweets are tasty here!
Good quality ingedients but IMHO the combination is rather bland and uninteresting.
Cute. Chromag. Thumb.
Runtime Error 217 on Windows 7 :'(
Catchy pop music, good typography, and it's nice to watch a 2015 demo that's not too slow for my GTX660. :) But, with its simple objects and replication, it feels like something a non-coder whipped up in .werkkzeug. It also needs to fill up the screen more, lots of blank space.
Probably, one the worst titles ever!
Haven't watch it (and don't really want to, indeed), so i'd keep my thumb for myself for a while.
But anyways, still should have won!
Haven't watch it (and don't really want to, indeed), so i'd keep my thumb for myself for a while.
But anyways, still should have won!
Dancing Oreo Cookie <3
Awesome Track by 2 great guys and awesome visuals too, though the connection doesn't feel like 100% matching. Still liked what I saw and heard a lot, so here's your thumb.
Awesome Track by 2 great guys and awesome visuals too, though the connection doesn't feel like 100% matching. Still liked what I saw and heard a lot, so here's your thumb.
Amazing... It was fucken awesome during the compo, and it's still amazing a few days later.
Loved the music, the colors, the whole theme and direction.
The time when it was showed, I told DFox, this will be the compo winner. And I was right! :)
Many thanks for Rebels for this very unique experience!
Absolutely thumbs up!
Loved the music, the colors, the whole theme and direction.
The time when it was showed, I told DFox, this will be the compo winner. And I was right! :)
Many thanks for Rebels for this very unique experience!
Absolutely thumbs up!
szegeny orrbabaszott oreo figura :D
I like the theme and I like the look and style of the artwork even if the effects are relatively simple, it looks nice. The music is great but as others have mentioned somehow doesn't quite fit the visuals.
and tasty!
I'm not diabetic but I might just as well become from watching this demo.
A bit different to a usual demo but the style is a bit commercial looking..
cool one!!!
What cce said. Also the SSAO artifacts are awful, and the focal blur isn't too pretty either.
Yummy. The team assembled for this demo really does work well together. I almost can "taste" everyones bits and pieces.
Sweet! Probably required lot's of sugar too! :)
My favorite candy are herrings.
Boring, uninteresting, primitive, nothing happens. Sorry, but this downright sucks :(
sweet ;)
tasty :)
Sweet one.
That's cool!
colors look like the sweets were stored like 10 years beyond their "best before" date, yummy demo nevertheless
very enjoyable tune! some real sweetness wouldn't have hurt! =D
May be.
Lovely !
Very nice music
Some of the 2D artwork is quite nice, but the demo is mostly generic and uninspired.
quite nice
(are made of this).
ok one
Great production! Brilliant idea, perfect execution and excellent soundtrack!
Nice and very sweet demo, just saw this for the first time now on the Function 2021 stream :)
also as a collector of pins i like the pin greetings part
also as a collector of pins i like the pin greetings part
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