Scarecrow by PlayPsyCo [web]
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #1433 |
added on the 2014-04-21 22:58:06 by datsua ![]() |
popularity helper
Tim Burton couldn't do it better! Deserved a better place! My personal favourite from the PC demo compo!
rulez added on the 2014-04-21 23:02:02 by Bobic 

Don't know what to think about it. I find it a little strange. But props for doing something different.
Beauty. That's probably lot to do with the music, as i'm not any kind of Tim Burton fan.
Wow, it was my fav in the compo on stream.
It' much better after rewatching it on my machine.
Thanks for such a beauty.
It' much better after rewatching it on my machine.
Thanks for such a beauty.
Even if the animation of scarecrow is technically a bit weak, it has a wonderful atmosphere and beautiful soundtrack. I really like this kind of melancholy. Nice work.
This is inches away from being mindblowing good. Some adjustment to the palette (a bit more gloomy one would fit for me ;) ) and some work on the animations is that inch. I do understand how horrible hard this is so please do not read this as a "your demo sucks". Read it as "if that last inch was there, this would prolly be one of my alltime favorite demos".
The idea, the music, the 3d-enviroment etc is superb! My hat of to PlayPsyCo for this one! More of this!
The idea, the music, the 3d-enviroment etc is superb! My hat of to PlayPsyCo for this one! More of this!
Tim Burton meets the Snowman-animation :) Strange, but good demo!
This was so wonderful to see on the big screen! I have no idea why this came in only 5th. :-( Too different I guess? Although to me this is one of its strengths...
My only complaint would be the animation of the cat. It looks so awkward I think I would have cut it completely. Apart from that, I love this demo - the music, the story/concept, the visuals, the mood - fantastic!
My only complaint would be the animation of the cat. It looks so awkward I think I would have cut it completely. Apart from that, I love this demo - the music, the story/concept, the visuals, the mood - fantastic!
from the artistic perspective this one is my favorite
Usually not a fan of vocals in demos. Here they work.
Mostly thinking the same what Prot-DHS already said .. with some better animation (more natural motion usually involves simultaneous movements, and .. well, I'm sure you get the idea.) The music and atmosphere created here is great, though, and definitely deserves a thumb-up.
Here kitty kitty.. so cute..
The music could easely be in some charts around..
Or compete at the European song festival ;)
Keep on bringing demos from norway to germany at easter! :)
The music could easely be in some charts around..
Or compete at the European song festival ;)
Keep on bringing demos from norway to germany at easter! :)
What slayer said. This is probably my favourite demo soundtrack ever.
idea was nice and soundtrack is great, but the execution was abit wonky, especially on the camera direction and improved animations.
I so want the rest of the demo to match the quality of the soundtrack. This could have been really really epic in my opinion.
If you take on this style again - keep the release until it really nails it (meant as constructive feedback, not that you should not release demos :D )
Xerxes: that music - you sure master your favourite genre so good that it hurts!
If you take on this style again - keep the release until it really nails it (meant as constructive feedback, not that you should not release demos :D )
Xerxes: that music - you sure master your favourite genre so good that it hurts!
very interesting concept
So incredibly underrated. I seriously had goosebumps when the scarecrow realizes that breaking free from what you are isn't an option. Soundtrack is in a league of it's own and even though there were minor details here and there that could possibly have propelled this prod all the way to the stars, if it had been slightly improved, I really can't believe it only got fifth. Perhaps the lack of screenshot at the votingpage? It was by far my favorite prod of the entire party.
Definitely in the top 3 for me, nice job!
I guess, everything is already said. I am impressed and I love that beautiful soundtrack!
What Punqtured said.
The graphics sit and animation sit firmly in the uncanny valley, makes this pretty uncomfortable to watch. The colors and shading aren't so good either. Nice music, albeit slightly overproduced for my tastes.
during the entire thing i was secretly hoping that it abruptly breaks down into some dense glitch-dubstep kind of thing.
but it didn't :(
but it didn't :(
Ugly character animation but lovely visuals and music.
The relatively poor animation at the beginning didn't let me hope for much, but then I was surprised very positively. Awesome demo, great concept and music.
my absolute favourite from the compo... finally something different, and not the usual 10.000 cubes, spaceships and lunar landscapes which i have seen far too often, combined with music which causes earcancer ;-)
both thumbs up!
both thumbs up!
Absolutely lovely, got goosebumps watching this. The music especially is fantastic, but the whole concept and atmosphere really works.
I love this!
Such a teardripping story with beautfiul music and superb vocals.
Nice in that's it's something a bit different, also the music gets a solid thumb too!
Should've gotten top 3, excellent stuff!
I Loveeeee the soundtrack.
And the demo is great too ;)
And the demo is great too ;)
Where can I get this soundtrack? Thanks in advance for the link!
Howl's Moving Castle
Love the soundtrack! Wonderful idea and atmosphere but i would have liked to have seen a little bit better animations.
should have won
Really enjoyed it at the party place !
Please make more of that :).
Please make more of that :).
This is one of my favorite prods from the compo, simply because it is made so extremely well. I don't usually care much for vocals in demos, but here the singing complements the visuals so nicely it's hard to not like this! Well done!
Nice! (Also I couldn't help but think I was watching De Profondis by night :)
Finally something different :) Great Soundtrack and atmosphere.
A lovely storyboard (and soundtrack) in desperate need of better animation.
Something really special. A demo with a human touch.
Very nice
Exactly what jobe said but with a thumbup :)
What slayer said.
Fails to pull any of my strings, it's just too cheesy for my liking. However, thumbup for the work and effort. AND for getting a singer who can actually hit the correct notes :)
This was by far the most original demo at the party, just beautifull.
We need more cat gifs!
We need more cat gifs!
What jobe said.
I don't know what to make of this demo. It starts rather weak and all the time there is this feeling that it tries to be photo-realistic but fails. The later scenes are really beautiful and I love the idea with the cat...
A great demo, but not quite my cup of tea.
A great demo, but not quite my cup of tea.
I couldn't get past the uncanny valley when watching it.
Too bad 'coz it's a good to see something else.
Too bad 'coz it's a good to see something else.
Raising the internal bar once again..
it tells a story, shows coherence and its something different.
however, it is painful to watch, like one of those songs they sing in disney movies. piggy for me.
however, it is painful to watch, like one of those songs they sing in disney movies. piggy for me.
this was surely an amount of work, but it's soooo cheesy (visuals AND music).
i don't know what to do with that.
i don't know what to do with that.
Beautiful song. Nice.
The most original entry in the democompo
ok, i kind of like this one.
1) my gma950 can render ten times as much polygons, and with an fps closer to 60 than 10
2) the cat animation is fucking stupid. ok, i have to admit that it's funny, but i guess that's not the intended output :)
1) my gma950 can render ten times as much polygons, and with an fps closer to 60 than 10
2) the cat animation is fucking stupid. ok, i have to admit that it's funny, but i guess that's not the intended output :)
Great stuff guys. Different and fresh!
Dear Klaus, your music and your musical collaborations are just adorable. And it also deserves a way better demo than this.
But still.... this one amazed me...... atmosphere...... yes. I love this demo.
But still.... this one amazed me...... atmosphere...... yes. I love this demo.
pretty concept, i love klaus' music. but the animations were... not so good
The song is ace, the idea as well.
But I just don't think that a clean-cut 3D scenery was the best choice to play out the show. I would've loved to have seen this concept in a more cartoonish way, maybe leaned towards AHA's video to Take On Me, to play with the surrealism of the whole thing.
But I just don't think that a clean-cut 3D scenery was the best choice to play out the show. I would've loved to have seen this concept in a more cartoonish way, maybe leaned towards AHA's video to Take On Me, to play with the surrealism of the whole thing.
At the beginning I was afraid this will be too cheesy & clumsy...
Finally I loved it, it totally worked for me.
Of course there are some flaws (especially, the animation of the main character, and maybe more postprocessing the break the "computer 3D" feeling) but overall the visuals are great and the music is superb.
My fav of the compo.
Congratulations for the concept and the execution.
Finally I loved it, it totally worked for me.
Of course there are some flaws (especially, the animation of the main character, and maybe more postprocessing the break the "computer 3D" feeling) but overall the visuals are great and the music is superb.
My fav of the compo.
Congratulations for the concept and the execution.
This is pure direction and fantastic music!
I was wondering if it would do that until a bit way through when it became apparent the reasonable period of time for it to have done that was past. by provod:
during the entire thing i was secretly hoping that it abruptly breaks down into some dense glitch-dubstep kind of thing.
but it didn't :(
However I don't think there's anything wrong with being different from their other works and it was well done even if not perfect (as others have noted). Also I agree with rpfr, the singing wasn't cringe-worthy, yay! :)
Anyway, despite the ranking the competition was decent this year so it doesn't mean this demo was a slouch.
Lovely music, great atmosphere!
Animation is kinda shit compared to the standards of today. But still a really nice moody prod with a lovely soundtrack and nice visuals.
at first i was like 'oh the cat is dead' and then 'awwww' - and i'm not a cat person. original one, i liked it. you managed to surprise me, especially because i was expecting wobwobwob :)
Super fine stuff!

Original and nice idea. Great atmosphere.
Åh fann, sku IKKE være tommel NED, sku være TOMMEL OPP! FAKK! Da va'kje MÆNINGA....fulgte ikkje med. Baklager så mye gutter, baaahklager! skynd dere å lage noe drit så fortjene tommel ned slik at eg kan gjøre opp tommel regnskapet mitt med ein OPP. Sorry asså, begynne å bli totletle og gammale vettu.
Fakk, thumbed this down by mistake :(((( Now a certain musician sends me hate messages in the night. Call me up at night breathing heavy asking if I remembered to clean my room. Tried to tell him I hit the wrong thumb, and that Gargaj wont change it to a thumb up. Gargaj has his principles you know.
oh no, now he started calling in the morning too....oh god...
Hope Peters 2 Thumbs UP can fix this. I didnt mean it, I SWEAR!!!

And I DID clean up my room, I promise!!!!
Fakk, thumbed this down by mistake :(((( Now a certain musician sends me hate messages in the night. Call me up at night breathing heavy asking if I remembered to clean my room. Tried to tell him I hit the wrong thumb, and that Gargaj wont change it to a thumb up. Gargaj has his principles you know.
oh no, now he started calling in the morning too....oh god...
Hope Peters 2 Thumbs UP can fix this. I didnt mean it, I SWEAR!!!

And I DID clean up my room, I promise!!!!
lovely! very moody and it has a cat!
It has a cat!
This doesnt classify as a Demo! :p
It´s more of a burtonesque Shortfilm!
But it touched me, so have your thumb already!
It´s more of a burtonesque Shortfilm!
But it touched me, so have your thumb already!
lovely! should've ended higher in the ranks!
One of my all time favorites.
Beautiful artwork ruined by horribly pathetic cheesiness =/
veeery nice in all, especially the music is awesome
Very pleasant
Most awesome soundtrack.
MUSIC! This music demoscene I really have not heard it, and it just fine along w/ the graphics! 100/10!
fuck this shit.
im still not a huge fan of the cheesy story/tim burton style but the music - i cant deny it touches me inside.
have your thumb by all means!
im still not a huge fan of the cheesy story/tim burton style but the music - i cant deny it touches me inside.
have your thumb by all means!
xrs: not the music itself, more like how it turned out. could have been like a burton movie, but unfortunately it went elsewhere
I want more demo covers of scene musicians!
I would thumb it twice if I could.
I loved the music and the atmosphere of the demo.
That changes so much from the usual dubstep.
Hats off
I loved the music and the atmosphere of the demo.
That changes so much from the usual dubstep.
Hats off
no thumbs up yet ALERT
Bad demo. Was impossible to watch because of very wrong demo music, vocal/real instruments works only as chopped up samples for computer demos IMHO.
Very nice
Superb soundtrack and ambitious af content. Looks good overall, but Would like to see another demo like this using motion capture or something? Is that even something one can do at home nowadays?
soundtrack rules
I'm only discovering now this very much underrated prod. How did it only rank 5th? Maybe the style didn't work too well on big screen?
It's something really interesting you made here; this is what scene poetry should be like. As others have commented, all aspects of the music are spot on, but the prod is marred by the very rough animation quality.
It's something really interesting you made here; this is what scene poetry should be like. As others have commented, all aspects of the music are spot on, but the prod is marred by the very rough animation quality.
I was watching through old revision pc demo videos and this guy popped up in the rotation. It moved me enough to come here, read reactions and create an account for the first time after lurking for years so I could come out of hiding and say that this prod gets all the +1 I can give.
Maybe one day I'll submit my own. It's only been since the first Atari home computer demo with the color bars hack. I remember there was a 6502 machine language code listing with a basic loader (read a list of values and poke them into memory .. like one step removed from a bank of 8 flip switches). I think it was in the back of an Antic magazine or something like that...
Yeah so since around '78-'79, I've basically been a closet demo scener...
Maybe one day I'll submit my own. It's only been since the first Atari home computer demo with the color bars hack. I remember there was a 6502 machine language code listing with a basic loader (read a list of values and poke them into memory .. like one step removed from a bank of 8 flip switches). I think it was in the back of an Antic magazine or something like that...
Yeah so since around '78-'79, I've basically been a closet demo scener...
A terrific song. And welcome SaintNewts!
The music is pure goosebump material. So beautiful!
Hidden gem in the compo. Would probably deserve to be released somewhere else instead of drowning in the Revision sea :-)
The demo certainly lacks in polish: The animations look choppy and weird, sometimes I don't know if the demo tries to be realistic or cartoonish, the cat was expressionless, but it was ultimately carried by its melancholic atmosphere and great camera angles.
Also, Xerxes, you are an insanely good artist... holy shit O_o
Also, Xerxes, you are an insanely good artist... holy shit O_o
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