Wheels Within Wheels by Horology
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #513 |
added on the 2012-09-03 11:09:57 by wysiwtf ![]() |
popularity helper
very nice.
i guess, we have a first breakthrough perfomance nominee.
i guess, we have a first breakthrough perfomance nominee.
and, also, pity that it wasn't in democompo. it would easily won.
very nice - despite the hardcore obfuscated shaders - trying to hide something? :D
Very awesome 64k. You guys obviously know what you are doing! Very polished, no visual artefacts, good choice of colours, professional looking postproc effects.
Especially impressive as a first release.
Especially impressive as a first release.
PLEASE include a resolution selector next time. Running this at 5 fps wasn't fun.
video ?
Love every part of it!
i didn't like the "puls" scenes too much(except for the one with the gears), the rest was awesome, including the soundtrack. also what urs said.
welcome to the raymarchers!
welcome to the raymarchers!
Really great, loved to watch it on stream and was hoping it would win - especially as its a newcomer :)
Here's a YT Capture:
Here's a YT Capture:
Great 64k by itself.
Also, awesome first prod.
Also, awesome first prod.
Wow this one ruled :) Still some small technical things to work out like a setup screen etc, but the intro was spot on.
You'll go places! :)
wow, what a nice surprise!
the intro looks pretty self-contained and the music is excellent. i like the bass.
the intro looks pretty self-contained and the music is excellent. i like the bass.
a bit too raymarchy, sounds a bit too 64k, but it's great to see that there were people who really put all their ideas and effort into something.
First of not, this vas VERY nice! Enjoyed the processing fx, colours and sync. Not too short but not boring either. Liked the music too, even though it featured the "Beatport compressed white noise sweep" thing to which I'm severely allergic ;)
Not too raymarchy for me at all. Loved it from start to finish, I only wished that the scenes were a bit more connected to each other. And why the hell didn't the recursive diamond like things also have an infinite zoom? :)
This was VERY nice. Especially for a firsty. Looking forward to your next production.
Best prod of the party without any doubt! Keep up with this!
mr oizo wants his synth back ... and yes, this is generally nice - however the unsynched gears was a bit annoying
great concept and consistency
best prod of the party!
coming soon: the making of wheels in wheels

Some parts are a little meh, but the good parts WAY outshine the bad ones. The intro is really nice too.
Pretty nice!
Wonderful! Great music, lovely visuals.
very nice
Definitely one of the best releases from the party if not *the* best. Really enjoyed that one, a worthy winner
I dig the classic 64k approach, with fx parts. Too many today are only procedural content factory fly-bys.
yay! awesome one - especially as a firsty this is more than impressive. you gouys know what you're doing and i really hope that there is more to come! :)
I especially like all the attention to detail and the sync work - hard to find in firsties normally :)
Your first demo? It's very cute, sync and nicely done... I'm curious to see your next.
can has version with resolution selector please?
westlicht: that's great except the -360p version runs in 640x480 but renders in 360p so the desktop is visible - i'd really like to show this intro this weekend at a demoshow but our beamer only goes up to 1024x768, any chance you could support e.g. 4:3 modes? :)
alternatively, 480p/576p could be nice :D
w00t! A new player enter the game of 64k intros!
And it's a newcomer!
I totally liked this really nice intro, all effects looks very good (and you know how I love gears!), the music add a very cool "chillin'" mood :)
Also, thank you a lot for the greetings :D
And it's a newcomer!
I totally liked this really nice intro, all effects looks very good (and you know how I love gears!), the music add a very cool "chillin'" mood :)
Also, thank you a lot for the greetings :D
westlicht: feel free to nick the res-selector code from https://github.com/Gargaj/fwzSetup :)
quite lovely :)
OSX version? Hand it over! Just watched the youtube port, and unfortunately youtube just isn't powerful to handle this many small gears at once.
Kick-ass 64k anyway. And I'm saying that without taking the fact that it's a firstie into account :)
Kick-ass 64k anyway. And I'm saying that without taking the fact that it's a firstie into account :)
Excellent !
good ideas!
Awesome to see stuff coming from Switzerland again. This was a really good surprise. The intro has my liking, not only because of the origin, but also because it's actually great :-)
selfvoting sucks.
Nice demo though.
Nice demo though.
Enjoyed this, some nice effects, good length, and stuck to the theme. Also the music/synth was very cool.
This was actually quite pleasant! - though the color scheme hurt a bit :) A little shorter and less raymaching-feeling would have been nice.
That was probably the best newcomer intro I've ever seen. I especially dug the tune but the visuals are also well made. Moar!
Thumbs up for image quality and motion blur! The second-to-last scene looked great especially.
This is awesome!
Very very enjoyable! Can't wait to see where you go from this.
very enjoyable
Nice one!
thats a superb first-prod right here!
gratz on doing a 64k directly (skipping the "make a demo first"-part to learn about democoding) and presenting a very nice intro!
gratz on doing a 64k directly (skipping the "make a demo first"-part to learn about democoding) and presenting a very nice intro!
Super cool looking firsty!! Awesome, awesome, awesome!
Great for a first prod!
You're hinting it already - anaglyph support?
Congratulations on 1st B-)
Congratulations on 1st B-)
Wow, that's a solid prod, and impressive as a first.
Welcome to the party guys!
My bet one this one for the newcomer award.
Welcome to the party guys!
My bet one this one for the newcomer award.
wow, a really good looking firsty! respect
Looks good, sounds great.
Could have won a combined demo/intro compo. A flawless first release. Very impressive! Enjoyable music, nice idea and great execution. Breakthrough performance nominee perhaps?
Did I see a heaven 7 reference there? :P
Did I see a heaven 7 reference there? :P
Nice indeed.. But wow! HOROLOGY
WOW !!!
Good looking scenes with good camera movements, and perfectly timed to a nice track. Great!
I would have liked the infinite zooms to last a bit longer but this first prod is just really cool enough! :)
Really like the color schemes used, excellent!
A lot of good in all the departments :)
Wow! One of the best 64ks this year!
I like especially the scene with fractal spheres and particles. Music fits in the atmosphere.
I like especially the scene with fractal spheres and particles. Music fits in the atmosphere.
Nice production!
Very nice one!
Cool stuff, love the fractals and the gears! Greets to Algorias, too bad I couldn't make it to switzerland this year...
Excellent synth!
Very nice, especially the wheels/cogs parts of course...
Awesome demo! All those wheels and I didn't see any overlapping triangles, it should be worth a thumb just because of that. Very good synth as well, I really like it when people make their own synths, and even more when they sound really good.
Wow, great demo, nice effects and sound.
Consistent theme throughout the whole intro. Nice colours. Custom synth. Nice tune. Awesome syncing. Less than 64k. First release. Awesome.
Awesome first prod, very polished! I like all the little details in this one.
Do I see a scene.org newcomer-award coming along? ;)
Do I see a scene.org newcomer-award coming along? ;)
A sincere and big "yes" to Horology! Many visual details simultaneously can confuse, but as they are made from simple basis objects, it works in your prod. And as Gargaj says you definitely put the hours in. Bravo :D.
Saga said it all.
ulrick: that's not exactly what i meant :) i meant that there's no real "dullness" or "cliffhanger" feeling in it, meaning they didn't hold any ideas back for "the next intro".
Really great :)
Very cool. Rules.
One of the nicest intro ever.
cool intro, fuckings for selfvote :)
great & beautiful firstie!
this prod: rulez
Nice sync and demo. Keep it up =)
what gloom said.
awesome prod, looked great on the stream and obvious winner
Black screen after the part in the screenshot on my PC :( - Win7 x64, 4 GB, GTX460, v304.79 drivers
Sweet music, post fx, modelling, flow. Love the theme too, can't wait for more Horology! PS: could we get a Linux/Mac build too plzz?
Very nice!!
Well, there is a youtube build..
Well, there is a youtube build..
Real goody for a firstie.
Solid stuff!
Some scenes are excellent, some other are a bit dull. I think you should have made the demo a bit shorter, and cut the stuff that's less good. For example the beginning is a bit boring (first 40 sec). Sound is a bit too 64k.
But overall, this is a very good work, with a nice attention to details, correct transitions, great sync, and good rendering. I'm looking forward to seeing your next prods!
But overall, this is a very good work, with a nice attention to details, correct transitions, great sync, and good rendering. I'm looking forward to seeing your next prods!
nice work - and a bunch of really interesting scenes. decent synth as well.
can't wait for more!
can't wait for more!
Very nice :)
Break Through Performance!
many good ideas, but a bit to much shaking and blinking for me....
funky music, fresh ideas, and it runs perfectly smooth on my ati! worthy winner!
jep, really nice one!! worthy winner ;-)
Nice, a bit something I cant just put my whatever on. (fucking hangover shit)
But mix was not good on the tune..
But mix was not good on the tune..
I had to watch it on YouTube due to anti-malware programs being suspicious and I didn't want to task the risk. The file didn't even have a Windows icon. :P
Not a bad demo. :)
Not a bad demo. :)
Reminds me of a better world.
can't go wrong with gears!
AntDude: 100 people before you have been infected with a virus because of this intro. :(
lol. Maybe you should get a sandbox after all those years of not being able to watch 4ks and 64ks in realtime because they "might contain viruses".
lol. Maybe you should get a sandbox after all those years of not being able to watch 4ks and 64ks in realtime because they "might contain viruses".
ace. period.
dem gearz!
Great 64k intro! Nice visuals and nice music!
@AntDude: You'll get that warning with most (if not all!) 64k intros. At least those packed with kkrunchy. Generally, it'll be safe to unpack and run ;)
@AntDude: You'll get that warning with most (if not all!) 64k intros. At least those packed with kkrunchy. Generally, it'll be safe to unpack and run ;)
perfect stylize
The Return of 64k
pretty damn cool!
Enjoyable all in all, and a smashing first prod.
pretty cool!
lack a bit of flow or transition from one scene to the next but overall, pretty neat effects and high prod value!
lack a bit of flow or transition from one scene to the next but overall, pretty neat effects and high prod value!
Very good 64k intro. It was certainly a lot of work to produce this.
impressive firstie!
Very nice! Big thumbs for a very good first prod, keep it up! :)
Well done dudes , simply great , i enjoyed it a lot
loving first prod !
Very nice, i love the music and the prod. :)
Great ideas and execution - probably best newcomer prod I've seen.
I haven't been commenting on prods much in the past couple of years. Hell, I haven't even watched much during that time. Out of the few prods I have downloaded, most received the "Esc" treatment within a minute or two.
But this was really nice. Well done.
But this was really nice. Well done.
Saga Musix: How do I do that?
Nice well rounded 64K, good job
Good demo. There are a few unexpected performance drops (particularly in the cog ball zoomer scene) and most of the the content looks somewhat dated compared to certain modern stuff, but you bet most other groups would want to have a first prod like this.
etwas abgekaut aba nize
a bit lack of design. but hey! this is really great! Still interesting. The synch and music are nicely done!
i dig it :)
Not my cup of tea, though I am not completely certain why. I think it was mostly the sound department - the soundtrack just didn't work for me. The visuals are very nice, albeit they did feel a bit jumbled. All in all, a good start .. so a motivational thumb it is :D
Some really nice high quality effects. Good job!
This is kind of intro I like the most.
I see what is at screen.
I suspect how it's made.
I know it's hard to make.
I see what is at screen.
I suspect how it's made.
I know it's hard to make.
Hypnotic demo...
great sync and cool colours.
sweet music.
and great post process effects.
great sync and cool colours.
sweet music.
and great post process effects.
Excellent. The only bad thing I can think of is that the cog spheres around 1:20 don't advance one tooth every beat - that'd be oh so much more satisfying
This is *exactly* how a good intro should look like, at least in my book. Good soundtrack, very nice graphics, and even though the concept is anything but new, there are still some nice twists to it.
Fucking great!!
Awesome One :)
Too much scanlines but this is really impressive. Gotta love the DOF & motion blur.
Awesome stuff - but I get an error message -
"The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the Windows Time-Out limit and is unable to continue."
Displays for a few seconds and then the crash!
Win 7 64bit/geforce gtx760/8 gigs/i5-4570
"The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the Windows Time-Out limit and is unable to continue."
Displays for a few seconds and then the crash!
Win 7 64bit/geforce gtx760/8 gigs/i5-4570
I assume these guys had some scary math grades in school! impressive geometry and also the music was badass!
Pretty crazy to drop this quality as a first release. Whatever happened to these guys?
With the last scene the only exception, I totally love all of this. Awesome tune, great sync, impressive visuals!
I really wish you'd do more demos. :-)
I really wish you'd do more demos. :-)
Did anyone notice how much the scene with the gears arranged in a sphere and its zoom in looks like the zoom in scene in rove ?
Very nice, great music and good looking visuals.
Nice 64k with a lot of cog wheels and some nice music
i love it ;-) in 2021 !!!!
p fun
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