Pixel by Pixel by Outbreak [web] & Darklite [web]
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #585 |
added on the 2009-11-22 20:51:31 by thec ![]() |
popularity helper
Youtube plz!
added on the 2009-11-22 20:52:57 by panic 

Was very nice to see this bathroom comes tile by tile :)
I wanna re-tile my bathroom now!
The video was a bit too long for my taste, but the concept is awesome :-D
\o/ tilelaying FTW
dont try this at home im a professional tiler
what Mystra said =).
Great job!
Great job!
Tile based "rendering" is king :)
rocks. great idea and execution.
Cool... even despite the fact that you are about 4 quadrillion (10^15) times slower than my current GPU. ;)
nice to see you pulled it off :D
Only thing missing is some hot chix using it at the end.
Only thing missing is some hot chix using it at the end.
good hard work :)
What a brilliant idea!
Pure awesomeness! I want a bathroom like that too :) Must be great to take a shower in a piece of art!
ho no! evil octopus! ho no!
really cool :)
ooh very nice!
awesome tutorial! ^____^
Damn, you did it! I want a bathroom from you ;D
Guess you´re now taking a shower twice&24 a day (unless scared away by the octoguy)?
The only missing piece is the lack of integration for the tap - might have been great to put it into his eye or sth like that ,)
Guess you´re now taking a shower twice&24 a day (unless scared away by the octoguy)?
The only missing piece is the lack of integration for the tap - might have been great to put it into his eye or sth like that ,)
Awesome idea and execution! I just downloaded the picture and will now go and try to pixel my garden with it. Maybe anybody can give a hint where to find 5 grey-scaled trees ;-)
JAC!: You could try using different kinds of flowers! :D
Sweet ! Me wants to do ! But I'm not a professional tiler !!!
very well-picked art really makes it
Pixelling is tough work that requires a lot of patience and that's just clicking a mouse. Laying each tile down pixel by pixel is just insane!
Massive respect!
Massive respect!
Hehehe, awesome
Tiler Durden approves of this product
man I wanna have that shower :D great!!!
Brilliant project and cool video!
can i come to your place and have a shower? :)
in the future, when I've married a rich guy, I know who to get to come and fix my bathroom :)
This is the kind of wild entry i love, tiles up!
leia, for me as well
Haha that's cool! :) Nice music too! Youtube link added.
Great idea, thec rocks \o/
Agree with r0xx0r about the hot chicks cooling themselves in the elite shower :) With detailed closeups... Of the chicks, not the tiles!! hehe
Agree with r0xx0r about the hot chicks cooling themselves in the elite shower :) With detailed closeups... Of the chicks, not the tiles!! hehe
great! \o/
so damn awesome!
Dunno about tiling videos, but the end result rules!
thumb up for the amount of work!
WFT?! Now go and start your scene world tour and pixelate all our bathrooms!
me wants.
pimp ma squid-room !

"i did Art, u c ?!"
thanx for making and releasing that vid !!
really: i am soo jealous right now ;p

"i did Art, u c ?!"
thanx for making and releasing that vid !!
really: i am soo jealous right now ;p
rulz great job! :)
simply rocks!
damn cool
shower curtain looked out of the place but this is really cool
Damn, nice project and great result. Makes me wish I had a whole house of my own for such projects (and wife's permission for them)
hahaha. this rox a lot.
that is mighty awesome
so now you have a giant kraken staring at you naked in the shower. way to go! :D
the final result is pure awesomeness!
congrats for the best shower ever :D
congrats for the best shower ever :D
Fucking great !
Nice project, nice result, picture not to my taste (wouldn't want to have a hangover shower with a fuckin' evil squid) and the wild itself was a bit boring.. Thumb goes to the actual project.
hehe, well done!
you put the "bath" in "bathroom"
now THATs what i call an obscure demoplatform :D
great job, man!
great job, man!
klockrent! :D
YEEEEESSSS !!!! thank you for this ! absolutely amazing. really ! if i had enough glops i would give you a heart for this.
What they said.
Holy crap Thec, that is so damn amazing. I am jealous! I want something like that in my bathroom too.
Our big bathroom is waiting for you, you professional ! We want a sailboat and lighthouse on the cliff :)
what uncle-x said
Nice :)
Cool idea and execution!
I actually did similar thing on my balcony window ledge (laying tiles pixel by pixel), but the area was much smaller (~120x8 pixels) - it's always fun to work on things manually like that. :)
I actually did similar thing on my balcony window ledge (laying tiles pixel by pixel), but the area was much smaller (~120x8 pixels) - it's always fun to work on things manually like that. :)
Loved it. You guys made my day =]
great job!!
Looking the costs, I have dropped the idea to try this at home.
lots of pieces :)
Here's my thumb already ;D. Geez...
Yes, this was surely a very nice effort. A lot of work. Turned out very nicely.
Amazing work. :)
Also I've submitted it to wykop (polish digg) and it's on the mainpage now!
Also I've submitted it to wykop (polish digg) and it's on the mainpage now!
What's the pouet thread you're talking about in the video btw?
thec! reply already =]
I think my avatar would have looked better. Can you get magenta tiles? Seriously, though, fantastic work and well deserved 1st place.
+ rulez
looks good
nice job
Wow, you really should offer such service in your business.
This looks totally squiddy-great
This looks totally squiddy-great
*fap fap fap*
Love the tune. ;)
Boring video, A.W.E.S.O.M.E. project!
but boring video...
but boring video...
And where demoscene?
I wonder when the time was when sceners only released "demoscene stuff" (i.e. demos) at parties. Do you remember? If you do, please tell me, because this is certainly not the first thing created by a scener that is not a demo!
Well. As though I have written down on video hairstyle of sheep, playing music on spoons, shooting on plateaus, building "Rubik's Cube" , and began to release it on demoparty
If tiles moved by means of the special device operated the computer, and this conveyor would submit the necessary colour tile, and the person simply spread drawing - line by line, here it would be demoscenish. Otherwise it is simply routine job of the builder :)
PS: Next time select this picture:

PS: Next time select this picture:

stunning !
BiTL, you're a selfvoting/selfcoup'de couring wanker
.. this is top-notch work and the whole point of a wild compo.. get a grip ffs ..
.. this is top-notch work and the whole point of a wild compo.. get a grip ffs ..
dwarf, prove the statement, or shut up
boah isch des geil
just for that comment response, i will gladly bring 10 beers to each darklite member coming to next TRSAC ;)
Cool project, but it'd be a shame if you'd ever move now :P
And the music rocks.
And the music rocks.
Awesome project!
hells yeah!
Quite entertaining production. Congrats!
Perfect WiLd!!!!!!!!!!!
An invaluable piece of art!
An invaluable piece of art!
good idea :]
Real nice! I'm impressed that you actually finished this crazy project! Kudos!
you get 590 style points.
now let's see whether you still like this 5 years from now :)
now let's see whether you still like this 5 years from now :)
this rocks, BITL is a wanker
Sweet. Glad you decided for awesome-cheesy instead of cheesy-cheesy (video game reference, naked chick...)
OMFG can't believe I missed this.....:D:D:D:D:D
great - pixels back to reallife :D
you pimped teh b4thr00m! :D
nice work by thec and the music rocks, too!
Very nice. But I would choose another picture.
pixel art is cool! :)
I'd love to have this bathroom!
True sceners!
This is such a cool project man, and what patience. Presenting it as a wild demo is clever as well.
Must freak posh people out like hell!
Must freak posh people out like hell!
That shower looks the absolute bollox! Lovely stuf :)
next step fullsize back tattoo!
Epic! Nice tune too.
good job
Awesome !
Top effort
Fliesenleger <3
very nice work.
great work ;)
peeping octopus is peeping!
Beautiful pixel work. Ugly shower curtain.
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