Hotel Bar Heroes by Portal Process
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popularity : 70% |
alltime top: #689 |
added on the 2009-08-08 22:40:26 by diver ![]() |
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Absolutely amazing! Extremely impressive work allround and some really fresh design too.
rulez added on the 2009-08-08 22:41:52 by Wade 

Really great!
Solid! Sweet rendering and I was impressed by the music, given the short time the guys had to complete it :)
really great!
Instant win
Awesome! Dragging it a bit too long maybe, otherwise really nice! Especially the opening with the building up of the hotels drew me in!
Looks good, sounds good but not my fave :) Anyway quite flawless work.
(and I don´t dare commenting on the music :) )
looks great, simple as that
solid and well polished.
A little too clinical for me, but still undeniably great.
what Insectecutor said
what wullon said
I'll be controversial and say it's not amazing. It's good, and one of the best of this year, but nothing earth shattering.
does it need any *.dlls cause it open and then close =\?
Best 64k since Panic Room! Great design, I like the clean look and the glossy materials and surfaces.
A bit too simple in some parts, but still a great 64kb!
Visuals are amazing.
Slick visuals and nice music.
The beginning was better than the end, but this was supremely good-looking and sounding.
Instant winner, for sure....neat turning torsos and fiting music.
I love the beginning and just when it started to get a bit boring the style of the music changed. Way to go! :) Plus, what Preacher said.
Great stuff!
Nice colours, nice music... great one. =)
slow, chaotic, arial or veranda 3d-font? Muffled chaotic objects with thousand parallelepipeds? and sloooow. For me, this sux
Compared to Panic Room, the textures in this one are really poor, but it has the typical bombastic PP design and object show as well as good music, so it's the best 64k in 2009 so far, for sure!
excellent translucency
beautiful rendering
So nice!
Extremely clean and polished. Great stuff!
Quite nice.
(especially the first 2min)
(especially the first 2min)
What HamsTeR says ;)
bugs terribly here on a 64-bit windows... random b/w polys flicker all over the screen, while the intro is running behind. latest everything, nvidia 9600gt + 190.38
for me you were the heroes of the compo guys, I believe a well deserved 1st place is on the way.
ah third place, still well done though!
Hmm, only strange flickering on my Radeon 4850 (Windows 7) ... even when started with commandline parameters. :(
But the video looks GREAT !!!
But the video looks GREAT !!!
Great shading and translucency effx!
Fucking wicked!
Hell yeah!
This made my day, once I finally got around to seeing it :)
This made my day, once I finally got around to seeing it :)
Solid/synth and music, cool growing buildings, the glass shader is very nice!
yes. not outstanding, looks and sounds like ;D yeahhh!!!!!!!
Didn`t like the content.
good gfx but so damn boring..
got better towards the end.
Didn't really have an impact on me the first time, but rewatching it was a good idea! Still a bit too clean, but otherwise really neat. (hate the intersecting geometry though :)
should have won. great colors-
Starts off pretty well but runs out of ideas pretty quickly, unfortunately.
Should have won indeed, although the music is a tad oldskool-this-is-done-a-million-times-before
Ugh ! good fx, and nice color scheme !
moral winner
looks really nice but i cant really ignore the fact that it's a portal process prod without the sort of music i would expect from one
the transluscent shadows looked great for a second but totally sucked on the greetings.
all in all a lot of wasted potential. again.
all in all a lot of wasted potential. again.
looking great.
soundtrack suffers from the usual norwegian syndrome, which is a big turn off.
soundtrack suffers from the usual norwegian syndrome, which is a big turn off.
very yes.
geil! should have won...
borrring.... press esc
after cities and ribbons, here are the city ribbons!
good and clean rendering + nice graphic effects + nice fitting music = great prod!
good and clean rendering + nice graphic effects + nice fitting music = great prod!
Beautiful design.
Good show!
The visuals were not quite as slick as I had expected from the screenshots, but still a very nice intro.
sorry, didnt do that much for me
Those "robo-things" didn't really work out imho, but the rest was very solid. 64k is back.
Thumbs up for the design and flow! Not many demos/dentros seems to have a theme in them, that really do work like this 64K got. The flow is nice and it compenhence some "seen before" effects in a new shade of light. But still, great production and quite calm for coming from PP. A big fat one from me!
clean and competent.
im afraid it looked a bit too much like an upgraded 4k though - it needed better lighting (SSAO doesnt cut it here), the scenes were a bit too simplistic and the music+visuals tread a well worn path.
im afraid it looked a bit too much like an upgraded 4k though - it needed better lighting (SSAO doesnt cut it here), the scenes were a bit too simplistic and the music+visuals tread a well worn path.
Mostly a lot of blurry flickering ...things. Something went pretty wrong with the rendering on my GForce 8800 GTS.
Thanks guys for making this stuff and helping us with deferred renderer optimizing ;)
Cool stuff.
Excellent intro! I like the pastel colors.
very impressive
Should've won, and I agree with Mystra.
best in compo
Best in compo, not breathtaking but didn't put me to sleep like the rest! Some quite nice scenes, good work!
argh, i recall this as über boring and missing out the best part of portal process in general - the rendered 3d graphics
I just noticed that I'm dumb. I always thought this was a demo (and was underwhelmed because I expected so much more from PP), until I noticed just now that it was a 64k. And now I feel just plain stupid. (*gives a silly smile and gives a straight thumb*)
Good! Nice transparent objects.
a bit too clean for me but anyway...
prod ok
Really really nice one
its okay
should have won
I get "Could not create device" any suggestions?
dx10 needed maybe? (i have a ps3.0 card)
dx10 needed maybe? (i have a ps3.0 card)
one of the better 64k intros in 2009.
one of the better 64k intros in 2009.
portal process wouldyou mary me ?
portal process wouldyou mary me ?
some parts are great, some are just not bad
wow just rocks ! technicaly one of the best intro of asm '09 and that glass effect just rocks.
didn't i thumbed it yet??
you guys are made of steel!
sitting behind your backs and seeing you working on the prod for a whole three days nonstop was a great motivation ;)
and it turned to be a great prod
wish you next time to code something that will keyframe all those things procedurally for you =)
you guys are made of steel!
sitting behind your backs and seeing you working on the prod for a whole three days nonstop was a great motivation ;)
and it turned to be a great prod
wish you next time to code something that will keyframe all those things procedurally for you =)
Awesome 64k
can't get it to run.. what directx is needed?
ok... who searches will find :D good soundtrack and nice scenes - instant love
Not bad. Cool music (reminded me of old days like from Future Crew's Second Reality demo), and where can we download it?
Cool soundtrack and rendering.
nice DoF effects.
Beautiful realtime glass rendering.
Awesome first half, second half it went back to cube effects. I thought the non-glass parts of the buildings would look better matte instead of glossy. But solid rules still over all :)
Very demo-like.
buildings and 3D structures:
automatic building,
rotations, tortions,
greetings bouncing,
crystal reflections,
electronic music
automatic building,
rotations, tortions,
greetings bouncing,
crystal reflections,
electronic music
month laters i'm still haunted by this music so here is a cdc
Violet is the new red. Nice soundtrack.
A big thumb up for the superb lighting model.
Awesome stuff
Best demo of 2009 !
Very polished, good sync, nice effects! Music is average. With good textures, it would be awesome!
Very polished, good sync, nice effects! Music is average. With good textures, it would be awesome!
nice! watched it after the 2010 one. I must say: Image composition is somehow better in this one.
I like this a lot! Great music and cool visuals (although the use of dof in some scenes looks a bit out of place).
not so much a fan of the colorscheme though
not so much a fan of the colorscheme though
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