
Fortnight (Win32) by mfx [web] & Farbrausch [web]
screenshot added by kb_ on 2002-02-25 23:32:47
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release date : february 2002
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popularity : 72%
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alltime top: #2547
added on the 2002-02-25 23:32:47 by kb_ kb_

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I wanted to see that intro, and i was bored. Sorry.
No guarantees that this intro looks anyhow like the original, but i think
it qualifies as "intro" and it's quite similar to what i remember from
seeing the original version at TP. So have fun.

And btw, of course you can get the source here.
added on the 2002-02-25 23:34:16 by kb_ kb_
i said it once, i'll say it again: fortnight rocks.

mfx simply got the blues.
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 23:37:16 by ryg ryg
thanks kb for this win32 port.
And thanks mfx for the original :)
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 23:41:25 by jb jb
come ON..

(oh ryg sorry for bringing you into trouble downtown venlo ;)
sucks added on the 2002-02-25 23:50:31 by superplek superplek
oops. i managed to forget all about this one:)
added on the 2002-02-26 01:40:26 by 216 216
heheh I ported this one a while ago, too =) Nice job ripping out SDL to keep the size down (and the reverb - I didn't bother putting that in). The linux version looks quite a bit different from this one, but oh well ;)
rulez added on the 2002-02-26 02:31:02 by ript ript
Nice design, and fairly different too. The reverb in the music fits the visulas quite nicely.
rulez added on the 2002-02-26 04:55:15 by sea_monkey sea_monkey
Hmm.. after watching a loading part without elevator music for 30 seconds it returns back to Windows. Any ideas?

Win2k/256Mb/1024x768x32b/gf2mx200+latest detonators
added on the 2002-02-26 09:15:21 by melw melw
install linux and run it from there :-) Works fine on my debian box atleast.
yay. but why is it so blue? thnx for the port kb, and also thnx for the "screw you penguin fuckers".
and thnx for mfx, you are true masters of noise.
rulez added on the 2002-02-26 10:11:00 by shiva shiva
it crashes somehow after 1 minute but what i saw was yet another mfx production which makes me say: i love mfx[tm]!
rulez added on the 2002-02-26 10:18:19 by rp rp
ends rather unexpectedly - is that a crash?..
atmospheric and weird-looking, but not mfx's best.
added on the 2002-02-26 10:28:40 by bhead bhead
ripts port here has a rounding bug (#define lrint(x) (int)(x+.5) without +.5), but didn't hang and "certain very important property" is more there;)
added on the 2002-02-26 10:56:05 by 216 216
Damn. i got the same problem as melwyn with kb's version...

but the other one works nicely and seems to be 100% accurate when compared to the original.. even 'it' is present in full effect...
added on the 2002-02-26 11:06:08 by uncle-x uncle-x
The hang seems to be another bug in the original code that slipped right through my fingers (hm, the whole thing about linux' praised "stability" seems to be that it just doesn't recognize when it has to crash)... and for the "certain property", tell me what it is, as said, i've seen the original intro ONCE before :)
added on the 2002-02-26 11:27:15 by kb_ kb_
Same here. Kb's version exits after the loading (k2,win98se,tnt,192mb), while ripts version is working perfectly.
added on the 2002-02-26 11:49:05 by tomaes tomaes
kb, take your time, the difference isn't of the kind that opens immediately:)
was i cryptic enough?
added on the 2002-02-26 12:03:18 by 216 216
Owkey. I was wrong. kb doesn't sukk. Thank you for porting this intro. Very atmospheric and nice one. mfx rokks. (I don't like only light-blue scenes).
rulez added on the 2002-02-26 12:42:24 by night_ night_
^^^ now that's a *huge* load off kb's mind I guess.. 8}
added on the 2002-02-26 14:38:42 by bhead bhead
thats cool, runs 17fps for 20 seconds, and crashes.
The stuff I saw wasnt too amazing compared to the fps.
sucks added on the 2002-02-26 15:23:54 by protectin'myhive protectin'myhive
hum, funny one.:)
rulez added on the 2002-02-26 16:16:33 by got got
ok, sorry, i'll never edit any lines of foreign code that i don't understand.

"it" should be in now, and maybe even the crash has gone, so try again *g*
added on the 2002-02-26 21:19:58 by kb_ kb_
works ok here =)
added on the 2002-02-26 21:39:24 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
lol! (insert another thumb here)
added on the 2002-02-27 00:27:12 by ript ript
best intro at tp, maybe best intro 2001, although not perfect. runs fine on my maschine, maybe because win98.
rulez added on the 2002-02-27 13:01:34 by chaos chaos
i still cant see whats *so* good about that intro.. ehm
added on the 2002-02-27 13:20:54 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
beautifull, marvellous atmosphere even if i'm not allways in the mood to enjoy it..

colors are just wonderfull.
forget all rgb modes it's now time for yuv ones. the colors look so different, i haven't seen any intro exploring those kind of colors before.

effects are great, especially those days where most rendering is accelerated, it's nice to see some magical looking 2d stuff.

refreshing stuff. and using some video in an intro is something rare, last one i remember was a coma intro.
the music was really nice too.

though a bit unfinished, not that perfect, effets don't look as clean as super luxus lemmen paketti. but well they ran a bit out of time..
and the tp11 intro compo at 5 in the morning mostly destroyed it.

thanks kb and ript for taking some time to port it to windows. i guess it was a hard job ..
and nice act from FR in giving half of their intro prize to mfx, respect.
rulez added on the 2002-02-27 13:53:41 by florent florent
Mfx owe again some beer for a win32 porting (phn started the trend :D).
Jarno, please consider using w32 at some point, since this might turn out to be quite expensive beer-wise...
added on the 2002-02-27 14:20:31 by dixan dixan
I don't quite get the point of this intro... atleast it sure is different...
added on the 2002-02-27 17:13:21 by dairos dairos
yeah, different :)
rulez added on the 2002-02-28 15:08:18 by elric elric
Oh yes. yes. freshest demo to pass thru my mind for a while. open source too, whooo - now here is a good reason to reboot debian! rools & rox
rulez added on the 2002-02-28 21:37:16 by Zzed Zzed
After exiting, I found that the application was still running.... and it had 170MB of memory allocated :)

Anyway... kind of cool.. kind of impressive.. but it was sort of painfully boring for me to wait through for some reason.
added on the 2002-03-01 01:47:46 by bigcheese bigcheese
the quality of the video is horrible, some asshole dropped too many frames from it before handing it to 216.
added on the 2002-03-01 02:07:12 by nosfe nosfe
Ok i love that music ... but the visuals are total shit .. I mean, ok it would be nice to see that pixelized/dithered/whatever videoclip for 15 secs in a real demo but not as the whole demo. Nothing really impressive here.
sucks added on the 2002-03-01 04:08:07 by Nuclear Nuclear
oh my god :(
sucks added on the 2002-03-15 13:46:26 by [self-ban] [self-ban]
feels magical
rulez added on the 2002-03-15 14:29:23 by stil stil
a different intro, it realy looks nice !!!
excellent job mfx !
rulez added on the 2002-03-21 21:19:07 by Henry Henry
Can't see a bare thing... but I like it :)
rulez added on the 2002-04-02 14:27:04 by Gargaj Gargaj
this one sucked so fucking bad. have u ever tryed a difrent one???????
sucks added on the 2002-04-24 07:52:34 by iDice iDice
rulez added on the 2002-07-22 05:07:22 by cats cats
See the intro. Feel the vibe.
Never forget that unique "Super Luxus" feeling.
rulez added on the 2002-07-23 09:16:19 by Drift Drift
Music rocks.
rulez added on the 2002-11-20 20:48:12 by psenough psenough
simply no
sucks added on the 2003-01-14 01:12:11 by shash shash
simply no
added on the 2003-01-14 01:12:13 by shash shash
sucks added on the 2003-01-14 01:25:38 by spengler spengler
The music is the only good thing about this product. In fact it's fair to say the music is AWESOME. The gfx, however, are BORING and REPETITIVE.
added on the 2003-01-25 13:13:16 by Hunsvotti Hunsvotti

rulex. is it looped or i just lost time watching it?

rulez added on the 2003-02-21 06:09:51 by raver raver

yes, and its very very boring

added on the 2003-02-21 06:10:18 by raver raver
sucks added on the 2003-03-31 08:02:23 by donny donny
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added on the 2003-03-31 08:03:48 by donny donny
post that for me agian, I love it when someone at least know that I'm their type.
added on the 2003-03-31 12:15:12 by donny donny
hm... i just watched the music video for the aphex twin track 'ventolin'... was this demo by any chance inspired by it? .. just reminds me of it soo much, the part with the hand especially.
added on the 2004-11-22 01:45:07 by louman louman
Very MFX
rulez added on the 2004-11-22 10:54:07 by Preacher Preacher
Very MFX
sucks added on the 2004-12-25 23:25:57 by 0xtob 0xtob
music rulez
rulez added on the 2005-03-17 04:21:52 by ninja ninja
strange style :)
added on the 2005-05-08 15:33:37 by las las
don, allow me to counter your excellent argumentation skillz in a most constructive manner:
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rulez added on the 2005-05-08 15:44:17 by skrebbel skrebbel
Something between don and skrebbel.
Thumbs up for the artistic feel and some kool effects. I don't like the music that much, and the color scheme isn't my cup of tea either.

But I remember it turning my head back then.
rulez added on the 2005-07-21 09:15:44 by d3pth d3pth
somehow it's got something!
rulez added on the 2005-08-25 23:03:18 by EarlGrey EarlGrey
Cool atmosphere.
rulez added on the 2005-08-26 00:19:06 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
beautiful design !!!!!
excellent stuff
rulez added on the 2005-10-27 17:55:25 by wie8 wie8
haven't commented yet?
I like this one a lot... kb luv.
rulez added on the 2005-11-08 07:54:05 by Gaia Gaia
haven't commented yet?
I like this one a lot... and perhaps one of the most memorable scene soundtracks..
kb luv.
added on the 2005-11-08 07:55:18 by Gaia Gaia
Nice ! MFX style rulezz :)
rulez added on the 2005-11-08 08:36:24 by grz grz
rulez added on the 2006-01-22 19:06:23 by p01 p01
rulez added on the 2006-01-27 01:18:40 by bdk bdk
rulez added on the 2006-01-27 01:41:34 by parcelshit parcelshit
Is a working downloadlink out there?
added on the 2006-08-07 02:33:05 by Kauto Kauto
dl seems to be dead...
added on the 2006-08-17 21:10:28 by nosfe nosfe
rulez added on the 2006-12-18 20:59:08 by el mal el mal
thanks for the port!!
rulez added on the 2007-02-10 14:38:53 by zomb zomb
rulez added on the 2007-04-28 09:11:07 by puNky puNky
had a BIG gfx-glitch in one Scene....must have to do with my System.!
...but still roxx...gotta rewatch it on other(older) Hardware i guess.! (or under Linux,hehe :) )
thanx mfx,thanx kb
rulez added on the 2007-10-11 05:21:51 by ɧ4ɾɗվ. ɧ4ɾɗվ.
wow - what a surprise. Fascinating, different, a little boring.
rulez added on the 2008-01-28 17:31:07 by auld auld
not my cup of tea
added on the 2008-03-04 09:12:48 by v3nom v3nom
great ambient stuff
rulez added on the 2008-04-11 21:11:56 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
The music saves it from blue thumb down.
added on the 2009-06-11 10:03:56 by Zweckform Zweckform
does not run on my 32bit-XPSP3 with quadro5800.. :(
added on the 2010-03-05 11:14:47 by toxie toxie
yeah I think your quadro5800 is the problem *ahem* :)
added on the 2011-09-09 18:51:07 by superplek superplek
Anyone have ript's port? The link above is dead now. KB's port only runs with the dgVoodoo wrapper, and then it's a flashy green color, I'm guessing that's wrong.
added on the 2021-05-16 00:31:48 by phoenix phoenix

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