Inflorescence by mfx [web]
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popularity : 76% |
alltime top: #153 |
added on the 2008-07-02 18:37:30 by magic ![]() |
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Didn't like the music, but the visuals were nice.
rulez added on the 2008-07-02 18:50:36 by mic 

Excellent stuff, my favorite in the compo.
The kind of prod that makes the demoscene so interesting, lightyears away from boring 3d flybies made with generic game-like engines.
The kind of prod that makes the demoscene so interesting, lightyears away from boring 3d flybies made with generic game-like engines.
My favourite too.
bestest of the compo indeed!
This look like some X-Files or Twilight zone clips to me.
a deepness in the sky with diamonds!
Definitely my favourite too. 1in10 seriously starts to creep me out, and the visuals show that the stylistic corner Uncle-X almost trapped himself in (in the last mfx demos) seemed to have a back door. Also very much what Keops said.
And yes, next time more VP61 artifacts in the binary please :)
And yes, next time more VP61 artifacts in the binary please :)
Great flow.
mfx at its best. music fits nearly perfekt
Great stuff with visuals taken from alien eyes!
what keops said.
Typical MFX look and feel. But this is a 'next-gen' MFX prod in my eyes.. So thumb..

mfx flow as usual....too good !
Very scifi inspired (Alien and i think the speech lines are coming from Lifeforce).
I just can´t take all this. My eyes hurt, my ears hurt. This is not for me. So just piggy for the effort.
A+ for the music. Demo is quite nice too but I think the bump mapped sort of tunnels were a bit boring.
Awesome, MFX rulez
I don't know how the fuck you spawn the ideas for both sound and music - I'm pretty sure that I had to be on drugs if I had to.
I like the demo, however it feels a bit bumpmappy here and tere.
I like the demo, however it feels a bit bumpmappy here and tere.
Awesome, perfect fx&gfx&design&direction&music. My favorite in the compo.
i like it/ i hate it
9/10 on my awesome-o-meter. Could use a bit more detail in some parts and more video artefact fuckery in others.
Impressive effects, horrible sound.
very average material ( mapped torus ) put together in a nice way with a "special" music. I liked deities much more.
awesome ofcourse. This could have made a classic demo (like deities) if there was some sort of concept behind. Nevertheless, this is a demo with capital D.
Sick! Fitting sountrack too. Rules.
left me thinking about it which is good, and i'm not sure what it is, which is good, and i hadnt seen something like it really before, which is good.
may not be my favourite but you get a massive thumb up anyway :)
may not be my favourite but you get a massive thumb up anyway :)
Awesome. Frigging awesome. By far the best mfx demo in ages (since Aether at least), and I'm beginning to think that this is in fact the best mfx demo of all time. It made my brain hurt and I thank you for that.
And oh yeah, extra special kudos for the Kubrick reference.
And oh yeah, extra special kudos for the Kubrick reference.
Looks quite interesting. I couldn't yet really decide how much I like it :)
had to cap the displacements (sry .. SM2.0 here) .. but nice anyway
i love it
what Guardian just said!
What The Preacher Man said. I fucking love MFX prods!!
1000% trippy!
And I love the music!
And I love the music!
Typical mfx stuff. And I really loved it. Awsome ambience! Plus what keops said.
really not my taste. i think what bothers me most is that the textures and specular look so 1997 it physically hurt me (i thought we were finally through that for good).
but even so - it amounts to a tunnel part on steroids and a grid of transparent cubes with a rather uninteresting particle system in the middle.
of course there's nothing wrong with that by itself, but when the demo so utterly fails to capture my attention that that's literally all i see, there's no way i'm giving it a rulez.
but even so - it amounts to a tunnel part on steroids and a grid of transparent cubes with a rather uninteresting particle system in the middle.
of course there's nothing wrong with that by itself, but when the demo so utterly fails to capture my attention that that's literally all i see, there's no way i'm giving it a rulez.
what ryg said, but i did enjoy the music and the syncing. a tiny thumb
Strange.... me likes
reading back all comments: am i the only one getting the hellraiser vibes from this thing?
weird in a strange way ... but i like it somehow :)
Just too good
This is madness, this is MFXSPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! The demo reeks of class, the intro and exit more fitting to a big budget scifi film. Though the tunnel routine was recycled a bit too much, but who care tbh? lolz MEGA THUMBZZZZZ
it started out very well, and then it disappointed me a bit afterwards, and uplifted a bit in the end. amazing use of filters though.
Cool! Very nicely done.
part 2!
Great stuff!
Altough I like the fucked up capture even more, this is just my taste. I love it. I adore it.
Otherwise, what navis said.
Otherwise, what navis said.
The only thing that let it down was the soundtrack which, to me, sounded randomly generated without much thought.
Otherwise, really great stuff and totally captivating!
Otherwise, really great stuff and totally captivating!
Just... wow, just... ...
didn't like the sound, did like the overboard shader use
didn´t beliveve that this ever happens...
finally a mfx demo which i really like !
great work !
finally a mfx demo which i really like !
great work !
Forgot the thumb, i checked and the lines are indeed coming from the movie "Lifeforce".
a trip thru the bowels of an alien lifeform.... it looked very great but sometimes i had the idea the alien took an overdose of shaders to trip on.
Very impressive. The opening effect alone is worth the wait of the release of the Intel Demo Competition entries. :) The soundtrack is just eerie yet substantial enough to work perfectly with the visuals. I just love when coders have a sense of style. Perhaps the best MFX demo this year!
Btw; You just HAVE to appreciate the balls of including chopped samples of your own scene handle in the track. :)
Btw; You just HAVE to appreciate the balls of including chopped samples of your own scene handle in the track. :)
well i don't get it.
did not like the music and really basic meshes hidden by tons of post process did not help. any way the mfx style is here. pig .
did not like the music and really basic meshes hidden by tons of post process did not help. any way the mfx style is here. pig .
nytrik: Yes, hiding meshes is never good, right? :)
sometimes it helps
then again this demo may not be about meshes!
knos : may not be about music... question of point of view
what preach said.
these things were alive.
these things were alive.
my favorite in the compo. I loved the beginning and the end.
ps: i'd say i was seeing some parts heavily inspired by textures from giger's albums. or may be that's my personal experience. anyway, that was in place indeed.
too many things going on. Nice though.
thanks for this refreshing show. the visuals are unrivalled within the scene context and the soundtrack is so bloody artistic with all it's great ideas.
without mfx, the demoscene would be pretty boring sometines.
without mfx, the demoscene would be pretty boring sometines.
wow Monsieur you roxxxx very nice eye cancer my favorite
great demo! i liked the start and the end sequence most of all. soundtrack is very hypnotizing. thank you for all this beauty.
The demo flow is too bumpy for me.
Amazing stuff, and typical mfx coolness factor. I really like the atmosphere is parts.. if only it had the nasty glitches from the corrupt video :D
what a-move said.
Some great code and effects in here. Good stuff.
Very nice !
very "nice" mood in the intro and a seriously cool shader in what followa. I know it is the mfx way, but I would love to see the shadereffect without the distortion a frame or two. I get this sneaky feeling they're hiding something. Anyway, very cool demo. The ending is awesome.
My clear fave in this combo so far. Its just so brutal and intimidating, and the track is most exellent.
Great effects, shitty tune.
I wish I could thumb this up without generating a tidal wave of self-voting-hatred :)
The beginning blew me away and the rest spread me well over the livingroom floor.
The beginning blew me away and the rest spread me well over the livingroom floor.
Dixan, the only simple fact you thought a second about voting for it will finally generate that tidal wave of hatred.
Enjoy :)
Enjoy :)
Interesting rendering at places and looks different too
nice noisy tune, awesome demo
the design had more potential. anyways awesome hyper coolness experience.

Does this mean I have to buy a new laptop? :(
I like the spacey, exploring the monolith concept, and the intro with the blue contrast was cool. Somehow it didn't really hold together for me though. I think it's that I'm not moved by that kind of breaky electronic audio unless there's more common thread in it, and the visuals went along with it.
Weer mfx muk
ooooh awesome
excellent execution. greetings from h.r.
great soundtrack, 1in10: get better soon. :)
great soundtrack, 1in10: get better soon. :)
The blocks remind me a bit of "2001:A space odyssey". Noisy, but coherent!
I'll never understand MFX prods...but, I LOVE IT!!!
That soundtrack made me believe in music again!!
Now if NASA could just find more stuff like this in space.
I'm unsure if there should be more symmetry and straight edges or if there should be less straight edges and symmetry and more organic stuff? It is probably best the way it is.
Now if NASA could just find more stuff like this in space.
I'm unsure if there should be more symmetry and straight edges or if there should be less straight edges and symmetry and more organic stuff? It is probably best the way it is.
"3D Pollen Scans: MoonQ / Kooma (using Zeiss LSM 5 DUO confocal microscope)" - cool.. which objects are these?
although i'm not really into the giger-ish aesthetics of some of the shots (yawn!) the whole thing has enough a/v signature that it certainly works for me. impressive!
Soundtrack is not my cup of tea but it fits to the excellent visuals
Auto thumb up for MFX. Going to watch the demo now.
Great visuals, creates an awesome atmosphere. Music wasn't that interesting, though the voice samples were.
A bit too experimental I thought...but some of it looked nice. The beginning and end really tied it together for me though.
A big plus for not being just a 3d flyby like almost every pc demo nowadays, but still it didn´t hit me that much. Looks nice anyway except for the credits font.
a big big very big thumb up for you
Cool demo. The intro kicks ass!
loaderror: i think it's the pics used as texture in the creepy organic looking shader bump stuff
A big plus for not being just a 3d flyby like almost every pc demo nowadays
Huh? Most PC demos are NOT 3D flybys nowadays. There are still a group or two stuck in 1998, sure, but if you watch more than two demos a year, you'll quickly see that "3D flybys" are not the norm, but the exception.
It´s allways nice to see people get sensitive... I do watch new demos quite often and I am not into getiing in argues about tastes.
Huh? Most PC demos are NOT 3D flybys nowadays. There are still a group or two stuck in 1998, sure, but if you watch more than two demos a year, you'll quickly see that "3D flybys" are not the norm, but the exception.
Most demos in '98 were no fly-bys either. Most people still stuck to their tunnels and random shiny, morphing objects instead. :)
liked this much, even though I do not fancy the mfx style generally
Madness, not quite another Aether, but very nice.
zefyros: Who's talking about "sensitive"? You're being called on saying something that just isn't true. :) It's not about taste or likes/dislikes, it's about the fact that most demos nowadays are not flybys. If it seems like it to you, then you watch only a certain kind of demos, or very few demos. :)
Not really my style. Piggy.
disappointing prod. Technically it's really great and there also some really good ideas but graphiclly it's really weird... I think it's what you can see if you took too much acid
the beginning + ending = <3
I voted this.
I voted this.
this scares me.... strange. never felt like this before.
ohh noo, now i know: it's lost-future-candy in its darkest form...
magic effects :'D
outstanding camera work, but the concept is beyond my imagination. mfx are aliens ;)
the fucking effects, go uncle-x!
This has nothing to do with the prod, a big sorry for the authors.
gloom: sensitive = sarcasm. ok, maybe or actually I do have something against today's techdemos with all in 3d and I do use the words "3D flyby demo" in a more wider perspective than most people (and I know that). It's just the way I am, sorry. I usually expect something more from something that is several megabytes than 3D (not talking about this mfx prod). Actually I don't care if I'm some sort of heretic (etc.), but I do not like people, who don't know me, talking shit about anything I do. I do watch demos. If you want to continue this debate, start a thread to bash me around or something. There's no need to flood the comments of this production (which deserves good attention) with stuff that doesn't have that much do with it. Peace.
gloom: sensitive = sarcasm. ok, maybe or actually I do have something against today's techdemos with all in 3d and I do use the words "3D flyby demo" in a more wider perspective than most people (and I know that). It's just the way I am, sorry. I usually expect something more from something that is several megabytes than 3D (not talking about this mfx prod). Actually I don't care if I'm some sort of heretic (etc.), but I do not like people, who don't know me, talking shit about anything I do. I do watch demos. If you want to continue this debate, start a thread to bash me around or something. There's no need to flood the comments of this production (which deserves good attention) with stuff that doesn't have that much do with it. Peace.
gotta watch this again.
FINALLY a demo that is both high-end, dirty, hard and good looking! FINALLY shaders are used to actually do cool never-seen-before effects that gives me the instant shivers. This is original, has awesome effects and fits well with the awesome soundtrack. Thanks for resurrecting the scene!
Best MFX demo. Best Intel compo 08 demo. Best soundtrack. Feels good to be kicked in the balls by a demo.
Technically very impressive stuff! Many new effects we never see before, sometimes become completly crazy/submersive (e.g. : when it dezoom over the whole scene).
The disturbing soundtrack fit really well with the scene.really really nice work guys !
LSD is bad for ur health so watch demos instead...
Technically very impressive stuff! Many new effects we never see before, sometimes become completly crazy/submersive (e.g. : when it dezoom over the whole scene).
The disturbing soundtrack fit really well with the scene.really really nice work guys !
LSD is bad for ur health so watch demos instead...
Crazy! As usual. This is officially my favourite demo from mfX...
this is scary and runs wild, indulging in promiscuous sex and experimenting with drugs. mfx fucks brains! excellent!
the zooming-out at the end and everything is one of the best demo endings ever for me personally. great work.
masterpiece of art :D!
... strange music - but the visuals are GREAT !
pure bomb!
weirdy atmo, love this kind of prod
weirdy atmo, love this kind of prod
Wow... im not thumbing it down but it also does not attract me in any way... extremely boring and annoying music...
sick crazyness... a freaky psychotrip
wow, what a ride !
very nice... maybe i'm blonde but i saw a concept behind this demo... end looks like space where cubes flying. good idea and the music is cool minimalistic stuff.
all in all excellent demo without torus knots and onlythesameeffects...
thump up!...
all in all excellent demo without torus knots and onlythesameeffects...
thump up!...
great stuff. nice effects with strange yet fitting sound.
That's some scary shit. Awesome.
The best mfx yet. Going to watch again. Two thumbs up.
i loved the voices speaking in the start and at the end of the show , loved the photorealistic scenes & effects too but what the hell did you choose that "music" ?
it ruined all your effort so piggy for me despite all the rest
it ruined all your effort so piggy for me despite all the rest
Not bad.
fantastic effects!
I think that's what shaders were invented for. I was tired of watching the very same shanders in all scene prodz, but this is finally something new,
I think that's what shaders were invented for. I was tired of watching the very same shanders in all scene prodz, but this is finally something new,
I love it all, soundtrack included :)
Watched it again and again. Thats great. I love that its so not like games and so not a copy of some design magazine. Its original, messy and wonderful. Great job.
wow...looks cool ;)
good demo, but effects got in the way of the beautiful gfx.
Cool effects. Great demo
another lesson in demomaking
Best fucking demo of the year so far. Man those voices...
Congratulations mfx!!
Congratulations mfx!!
Great athmo!
Best demo in this compo
The Winner!
can't judge it technically but it looks amazing! great demo!
totally awesome!
Not usually a huge fan of MFX, but this prod is great. The music fit well with the visuals, and the intro/outro scenes tied everything together well. IMO, the best of the compo!
very pretty effects, but doesnt make it into my personal mfx top 5
Abstract, alien, scary, bizarre, bumpy. One of the better MFX demos.
Well how the hell do I put the little heart here dammit??
@pistolero: it's in your account settings
lovely music!!!
but really ugly visuals
but really ugly visuals
This simply rocks in all possible ways!
nice visuals
great wierd visuals. :) exacly what an ambiance musician needs.
but the music in this one made my ears bleed. :(
think you know what a mean.
so it gets just a piggie.
but the music in this one made my ears bleed. :(
think you know what a mean.
so it gets just a piggie.
have you guys been listening to download? :)
visuals are creepy, kinda alien4 style. excellent use of bumpmapping and organic textures. the tv distortion is getting old and it looks like just 2 effects (like most pc demos). but overall, it still rules.
visuals are creepy, kinda alien4 style. excellent use of bumpmapping and organic textures. the tv distortion is getting old and it looks like just 2 effects (like most pc demos). but overall, it still rules.
no watched it in realtime with HQ sound. it bumped my ears. :D
Suomi Demo.
massive stuff.
this is awesome!
Interesting effects, is it using some kind of parallax mapping?
Strange and incoherent, so only a swine from me this time.
This must be the MFX production I like most along with Deities and Aether. It's nothing but mind-bending in every possible sense. Simply everything fits together perfectly. The music - which I probably couldn't stand when listening to it isolated - the eerie spider-web type of objects, the colourful surface that looks like a planet surface, the slimy tunnels. Every single aspect of the demo leaves me crying out loud "just... what.. the hell IS this?".
Coupled with the voice samples it all generates a brilliant atmosphere, something that captivated my senses completely while watching. Thanks for the ride, Uncle-X, Pommak et al. Please keep innovating like this!
Coupled with the voice samples it all generates a brilliant atmosphere, something that captivated my senses completely while watching. Thanks for the ride, Uncle-X, Pommak et al. Please keep innovating like this!
Somehow I had to watch it again. And now it got to me.
So here is your thumb :)
So here is your thumb :)
Just brilliant! This is true art!
Nice visuals syncs with whole psychedelic feeling. Very israeli sound that make the arms flying and a nice bassline that make the legs pumping. Good work.
Brrr... what a creepy and dark atmosphere!
Once again, mfx cames with something completely original. This is an awesome demo.
The visual reminds me some Giger's paintings.
The music by 1in10 is huge.
By the way, where the dialogs come from?
Once again, mfx cames with something completely original. This is an awesome demo.
The visual reminds me some Giger's paintings.
The music by 1in10 is huge.
By the way, where the dialogs come from?
extreme visuals. great stuff
Mmmm! Very moody!
the sound fits perfectly to the visuals. i like such ambient like sounds.
absolutely love it!
this rgb-effekt annoys ... seen too often =/
this rgb-effekt annoys ... seen too often =/
You guys are really sick. I love that :).
nice demo, reminded me of some alien organic stuff. .. might be a good idea for movie stuff .. or mfx got inspired by movie stuff :D
what a show
MFX do it again: almost perfect style-direction-flow-music combination.
My compo-winner
My compo-winner
The uncertainty of what we're seeing here is matching perfectly with 1in10's moody soundtrack and creates an environment which at least seems to feel epic. May we see corny color schemes, may we see non-hypercomplex particle systems - who cares? The impression it left on me is purely based on the feeling it created and only the best demos make me forget about the rest for a while.
damn awesome !
My favourite!
the flashing pic of the woman´s face in the beginning.
fitting speech samples create some good vibe.
mighty electronic noise.
good stuff!
the flashing pic of the woman´s face in the beginning.
fitting speech samples create some good vibe.
mighty electronic noise.
good stuff!
Pretty neat!
Loved the opening effect, the way that the glow moves across the screen - very cool.
The soundtrack is, well, different. Some might say it's ingenious, but somehow it did not REALLY mesmerize me. Was close, though.
BIG piggie for this one - almost a sow. ;)
Loved the opening effect, the way that the glow moves across the screen - very cool.
The soundtrack is, well, different. Some might say it's ingenious, but somehow it did not REALLY mesmerize me. Was close, though.
BIG piggie for this one - almost a sow. ;)
Awesome biological scenes... great industrail soundtrack... but the end comes too fast D:
If I had more thumbs up I would give em all!
I've been watching this one for like ten times now, and it only gets better and better. Maybe even better then deities?
I've been watching this one for like ten times now, and it only gets better and better. Maybe even better then deities?
very impressive eye catchy experience (thanks for not overusing flashy epileptic effects)
After giving it some thought, I have to state, that this is my true winner. Really.
As far as I know, all other still members think the same. Amazing shit in all aspects.
As far as I know, all other still members think the same. Amazing shit in all aspects.
this scares me.... strange. never felt like this before.
this scares you? then you really should check out the ballet dancer or golem, arise :D
The thing about 'experimental' stuff like mfx and CPU do, is that you never know when something is going to completely and utterly captivate you... and I think this is the moment I "got" mfx. Delicious textures... made me want to crawl up to the bigscreen and scratch my fingers down it. (Luckily I wasn't that pissed.)
Pure organic koderpron, plz 2nd thumbup kthxbye 

Quite what gasman said... Great stuff!
Looks perfect to me
Not as good as other mfx releases, but still a good one after a while
fleshy alien walls, lets have some more of that shall we?
Oh boy, those surfaces are delicious!
one of my favoritt demos of all times!
living structure!
Excellent atmosphere, great journey, mesmerizing, should have placed higher
cool visuals, great atmosphere
Definitely rulez!
oh man ... after rewatching this, i'm shitting brix
i'm usually a 60% music guy. i really hate most of MFX's music (except for deities). i hated THIS when i first watched it...
but rewatching this .. the post prod vfx are mindblowing. very nicely de-polygonizes the scenes
i'm usually a 60% music guy. i really hate most of MFX's music (except for deities). i hated THIS when i first watched it...
but rewatching this .. the post prod vfx are mindblowing. very nicely de-polygonizes the scenes

I have to comment again, this was mindblowing. Very very slick stuff and an interesting subtext, one of my favourite works that the demoscene has produced.
I keep coming back to this , I love it more and more. I know how alienus feels, I had to comment again too.
one of the most polished mfx releases i think. Really dig the classic sci-fi theme. Some nice quotes from the movie Lifeforce during credits.
Crap. forgot the thumb.
just watched it in realtime. \:D/
it really has a human touch ;)
it really has a human touch ;)
Wicked Visuals, but beautiful to watch :D But the music... bahh... :D
Fantastic psychedelic imaginism.
Dream of Cthulhu ?
One of the best sci-fi demo ever with spectacular textures & music even two years later. Congralutations for the hard work!
I really don't dig into that kind of post-processing ad nauseam. Also, a few camera moves were really cheap. On the other and the final fly over and zoom out is pretty nice.
This just keeps getting better with time. Starting to be one of my all-time favourites.
gem .
any chance of a high quality version of this awesome soundtrack? :)
Needs more thumbs.
really nice!
It's a shame I just discovered it today :D
great shaders in this demo! :)
It's a shame I just discovered it today :D
great shaders in this demo! :)
Nice prod, some middle parts could use a smaller zoom factor.
I like your style mfx :)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it:
Best viewed with "original" size settings for maximum quality - selecting 1080p shows more artifacts in some scenes due to youtube compression.
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it:
Best viewed with "original" size settings for maximum quality - selecting 1080p shows more artifacts in some scenes due to youtube compression.
as always with MFX, outstanding and entrancing.
MFX style as usual, rulez!
Excellent visuals, completely unfitting music :(
*gorgeous! :)
a bit disturbing.
Did not like it first time I saw it, but during time I totally changed my mind and love it now.
slick style and music. wow!
quite meaty i'd say
forgot to thumb
Nice exploration. Reminds me of Chromosphere on several levels.
how did i miss that one? cool stuff..
MFX rulez !
Ошибка :( AMD ASUS R9 270x ( 13.12 ) :(
Love it.
that's some good shit
Some seriously alien stuff going on right there!
Absolutely fantastic!
Absolutely fantastic!
This is so damn good. Love that atmosphere created by both sound and visuals. If it comes to visuals I really like those alien looking "surfaces". Nice usage of parallax mapping.
yo this is impressive
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