Craft by lft [web] | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 78% |
alltime top: #92 |
added on the 2008-03-24 16:32:07 by Yarrick ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2008-03-24 16:36:49 by p01 

It doesn't run on my brand new Vista box...
But who cares :D
Nice effort, nice code, nice music. Great demo!
But who cares :D
Nice effort, nice code, nice music. Great demo!
kin sweet
hehe, great!
Great show.
Nice welds!
Cool microchip u got there :)
As far as I can judge it's amazing.
Pushing the little 2 Euro-chip to its limits. Very impressing, one of my favourites of the whole BP
Pushing the little 2 Euro-chip to its limits. Very impressing, one of my favourites of the whole BP
great work and a great demo on that tiny chip!
Kicks ass! :)
Building your own hardware and coding a demo on that thing: that is absolutely AWESOME! :D
I is impressed !
Definetly liked it.
Impossible. This can't be real :P
Definately insane.!
affirmative comment #23
Now that is dedication.
Totally and utterly awesome
awesome! congrats!! where can i buy that platform???
Amazing :)
this looks like a great hobby. i have to work on my VHDL skills.
...and then the colours came in...OMG!
Great work lft! Having worked six years with digital video and working regularly with AVRs, I perfectly understand all the trouble you went through to create your stunning demo. I am really glad you won the compo 'cause you deserved it. It's amazing how you stuffed sync generation, module player and all those data in just 8k plus E2PROM. Not to speak about using just 1k RAM for your framebuffer... Really awesome. Congrats!
Fantastic work :)
marvellous stuff there! i'm speechless..
Real Wild at it's very best.
massive stuff. i bow for your skills.
In the age of Vista..this is necessary to keep awesome alive.
The music! How can this be!? A chiptune that is not boring! Very nice demo this was and absolutely 'true scene spirit'(tm).
what okkie said
Gotta love these custom hardware demos
es la polla!
Absolutely superb!
Great effort. When I saw some other prod at BP I thought "this is cracktro like in a bad way", but this one was cracktro like in a good way.
You should come to next Altparty. :->
You should come to next Altparty. :->
insane. really great!
You rule!
all ingredients for a winner, great stuff.
\m/ roxxor. surprisingly great sound.
Totally fucking awesome!
Really cool
I'm gonna make my own computer! With Demos, and Hookers! In fact, forget about the computer!
nice demo for such a tiny hacked machine
Really cool stuff. Well, but i think there is also lots of work and time behind this.
Absolutely excellent. And I like the schematic shown in the video, it seems...appropriate.
Amazing! And the music is fantastic!
fascinating stuff with lovely soundtrack
very good job. some of the effects were just mindblowing for a plain 8-bit mcu.
Absolut great. Fantastic !
Excellent job of selling what it was before, and then wowing after (:
Yeah! Real demoscene spirit, first build your own hardware, then do a demo on it!
Much respect for the work it must have been to fit the code in and keeping the gfx/sfx generatin code going while also doing some interesting effects.
If only I was any good with that hardware stuff (soldering etc.) I would totally build one, I can't imagine the parts costing all that much (in fact, it might be one of the cheapest demo platforms ever!)
Much respect for the work it must have been to fit the code in and keeping the gfx/sfx generatin code going while also doing some interesting effects.
If only I was any good with that hardware stuff (soldering etc.) I would totally build one, I can't imagine the parts costing all that much (in fact, it might be one of the cheapest demo platforms ever!)
hard core
motherboard with audio/video,
"craft" logotype with checkers floor moving and raster rolls, parallax stars, scroll,
a change in the colors, flowers, raster rolls wave,
plasma effect, parallax stars in top/bottom borders,
chip music,
fire effect with fire sprite moving around, water reflection,
3D stars, moving around,
tunnel effect,
turning rubber band, vertical, sine scroll, font,
sound wave visualizer, 3D dots cube rotating,
real time fractal effect
"craft" logotype with checkers floor moving and raster rolls, parallax stars, scroll,
a change in the colors, flowers, raster rolls wave,
plasma effect, parallax stars in top/bottom borders,
chip music,
fire effect with fire sprite moving around, water reflection,
3D stars, moving around,
tunnel effect,
turning rubber band, vertical, sine scroll, font,
sound wave visualizer, 3D dots cube rotating,
real time fractal effect
This is just weird.. in a very good way! I can't imagine how much time he did spend on coding and tweaking to get from nothing to this. This the definition of 'rulez'!
All this + soft video shit etc in 8k, amazing!! Lovely oldschool demo style, rasters, music.. Everything top notch!! Let's go hacking the washing machines :D.
wow! now, that's really wild!
I was impressed by this release, because at work I'm currently coding on ATmega88. It has very limited resources and no hardware for video and audio except some timers. I wonder if I can get the schematic somewhere, because otherwise the firmware.hex is of no use ;-)
maybe the best prod of the whole party
While sceptic at first, this totally blew me away.
man, you rule :) thump up for hardware
2.nd thump up for making it look gooood
Why dont pouet support double thumps? :)
2.nd thump up for making it look gooood
Why dont pouet support double thumps? :)
what everyone said!
Awesome.. this is just fantastic. =)
dude you blew my mind...
this is a REAL wild demo
this is a REAL wild demo
This is what wild compos are about.
Seems to be on Youtube as well:
haha cool
i'm SO with okkie on this one.
great, the music rocked!
and i am on top of gargaj and okkie
Not to speak about using just 1k RAM for your framebuffer...
I dont think it has a frame buffer at all but rerenders the whole thing each refresh.
I once built a remote controlled car controller with this device. Despite the limited resources, you have an absolutely predictable and simple environment. So you have cycle accurate timings which allows you to go to the limits.
Absoluetely amazing! Does the controller really handle VGA and sound at the same time? The tune sounds very nice, the sound generator alone is very impressive.
I am totally amazed, really. Never seen anything like this before (i've seen VGA terminals, but not like this). I think this is absolutely the maximum of demo quality you can get with just an AVR.
I hope to get a look at the code.
I am totally amazed, really. Never seen anything like this before (i've seen VGA terminals, but not like this). I think this is absolutely the maximum of demo quality you can get with just an AVR.
I hope to get a look at the code.
Did you also compose this fucking great chiptune?
Great, just great! =D
Milkmen approves our overlord.
what lupin said
What they said.
VGA signal+synth+demo on that shitty chip?
just awesome. and indeed, possibly the best chiptune i've ever heard in a compo; it doesn't suck!
btw, could anyone post some more relevant specs about the hardware, the sound component, etcetera? i have very limited hardware hacking knowledge but to know that atmels come in all shapes and sizes - and speeds.
either way, great feat.
btw, could anyone post some more relevant specs about the hardware, the sound component, etcetera? i have very limited hardware hacking knowledge but to know that atmels come in all shapes and sizes - and speeds.
either way, great feat.
ok, i'm stupid. apparently i missed exactly how detailed the presentation at the start was :)
oh, and for those who hadn't seen it: has it all in detail.
nerdish :)
The most interesting production of the whole party.
Very nice!
Wow! And the chiptune is absolutely brilliant!
My fully erect thumb is squirting jizz. Massive respect!
I want to build!
pure wild prod, total respect !
.. and an amazing tune. Can we get that in mp3 ?
Also this prod has now the highest u (miu) factor in pouet having all 120 or so thumbs up.
anyway, great stuff.
Also this prod has now the highest u (miu) factor in pouet having all 120 or so thumbs up.
anyway, great stuff.
what to say more.
Talking about energy efficiency!
Knowing the limitations of doing gfx and sound on a microcontroller I really appreciated this! Awesome piece of engineering! :)
[ R O C K S - E X T R E M E LY ! ]
respect, this is awesome!
I built a copy of the demo platform last night, just so I could watch it on the native platform. Just awesome!
I've been toying with this idea for a while, but I never imagined something of this magnitude in my wildest dreams.
I built a copy of the demo platform last night, just so I could watch it on the native platform. Just awesome!
I've been toying with this idea for a while, but I never imagined something of this magnitude in my wildest dreams.
great! It completely dwarfed the other two AVR contributions in the compo.
Navis: Can we get that in mp3 ?
wow, impressing
damn, i'm blown away
(best demo on this platform ;)
(best demo on this platform ;)
Ubergeek, but sweet anyway.
8bit rulez :)
Extraordinary idea, great execution. Congrats! :)
Absolutely unbelievable demo. The most impressive thing I have EVER seen come out of the demo scene.
Wow! Not only the idea rules but also the demo and it's music!
that makes baby jesus happy
The idea reminds me making progs on ZX48K, which is also actually some mainboard with CPU and the CPU makes everything. But it has additional RAM, heh.
However this stuff *incredible*.
However this stuff *incredible*.
Totally fucking awesome. And lft didn't have the courtesy to tell me anything about it beforehand even though we travelled together to the airport :-D
Simply awesome. Really nice work on that one lft =)
omg! realtime raytraycing tunnel! :)
omg! realtime raytraycing tunnel! :)
fantastic work
! Rewls !
great work :)
Amazing piece of engineering, design and execution. Congratulations on developing a new platform.. I would love to see others build code for this! Highest respect and a well deserved thumb up!
err.. what ? :)
DIY demo platform rules!
Nicely done. Great stuff here.
It's crazy, and it's great fun :)
@ skrebbel, I missed the introduction too, 'cos that guy, although he was speaking clearly, was also so damn cute i coudn't turn my eyes off him, so I didn't listen at all :)
@ skrebbel, I missed the introduction too, 'cos that guy, although he was speaking clearly, was also so damn cute i coudn't turn my eyes off him, so I didn't listen at all :)
Holy snapplecakes!
amazing! congratz!
Pretty cool Geek-stuff!
Great work!!!
We make computers that can beat your made computers!
not my cup of tea
amazing !
<obvious>I like how you start out in gray before switching to colours. Fooled everybody :-)</obvious>
<obvious>I like how you start out in gray before switching to colours. Fooled everybody :-)</obvious>
nom nom
This is about the coolest thing I have ever seen. This makes all oldschool demos look hi-tech. :) And the music is fantastic too!
Hardkor, kurwa...
This hardware's better, than DIY crazy-spaghetti MP3 player in TicTac box by some japanese i saw the other day.
And the demo roxs twice as much.
This hardware's better, than DIY crazy-spaghetti MP3 player in TicTac box by some japanese i saw the other day.
And the demo roxs twice as much.
Not only is it a mad idea, the demo is great too, with a fab zik.
OMG, nice work!
Hacker of the year stuff!
Hacker of the year stuff!
Pure Cool.
masterpiece ~
this wild rulez =)
I really like this year's BP prods--and this is my second favourite after Pimp My Spectrum, for unconventional execution.
Damn, I forgot to thumb this one up... despite the execution, the music was something I really enjoyed! Hey, and the creator is sooooo geeky ;)
Wouhaouuuu !!!!!
great work!
What a cool project in all aspects, but on top of that really great music too.
Yes, please
Wow! Amazing dedication and the music is really nice.
Cool :)
that is some of the sickest demos ive ever seen, if its true what lft said about 1k ram and 8k rom (+vmatrix timing).. !crazyness! + cool zik..
i'm far to lazy and not smart enoug to make something like this. Brilliant!
crazy!!! the best i ever seen
this guy is a demon-coder
this guy is a demon-coder
That steals the cake (the cake is a lie, but still). Fantastic job on the VGA and 3D work, the music also rulz! Congrats on the job well done!
holy shit, you're crazy!
real retro
I vote most original concept :)
:o :o :o
Who was this evil mind??
Perfect demoscene marvell!
Anyway, I guess the chip used in this little machine was the same as the Nintendo/Famicom one, cause the sounds are pretty the sames :)
Who was this evil mind??
Perfect demoscene marvell!
Anyway, I guess the chip used in this little machine was the same as the Nintendo/Famicom one, cause the sounds are pretty the sames :)
Great stuff! esp the music
SoDa7: Just because a device can output white noise and pulse waves, doesn't mean it's a NES. :P This is actually an ATmega chip.
I can't believe I didn't thumb it up already.
oh, wow!
Deserved it!
Deserved it!
so awesome, i should have thumbed it right away
the tune is just pure win.
This one got everything! It has cool effects, it has one of the very best sound tracks of its kind, it's on a really limited and nerdy device and even some rebuild the hardware to see it "live" and talk about it. Short - it is the very embodiment of nearly everything I associate with the scene. And hey ... 3 day's after watching it on BP2009 again I still can't get the tune out of my head :D
absolutely brilliant! (200th thumb for this prod)
Anyway, I guess the chip used in this little machine was the same as the Nintendo/Famicom one, cause the sounds are pretty the sames :)
@daniel: You're "partially right" : (see the "Music" section)
gratz on breakthrough 2008! totally deserved this award!
Oh. Wow.
This is sick in so many ways, this production should be in some kind of quarantine.
This is sick in so many ways, this production should be in some kind of quarantine.
really a masterpiece!
amazing work
Amazing HW and Code !
Congrat !!
Amiga rulez ;)
Congrat !!
Amiga rulez ;)
You're doing it rite.
You're doing it rite.
outch !
best "demo" ever.
Very creative and very atmospheric ambient sountrack, gz.
It is absolutely amazing!
Congratulations and respect for all the work put into.
Congratulations and respect for all the work put into.
Absoluter Überhammer - R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Impressive work!
It's a 100% ONE-MAN prod, even for the hardware :D
It's a 100% ONE-MAN prod, even for the hardware :D
Awesome !!
Didn't I vote this?
Really wild.
This is ungodly. o_0
Just incredible, Linus you're my idol !
This is the demo that inspired me to learn electronics and actually make a demo about it.
Very tiny computer!!!
It was soo amazing!!
It was soo amazing!!
Smells like demoscene spirit!
I only saw this microcontroller based Wild demo now. Very nice work. Very.
Great show during the compo
The music is lovely!
amazing demo! hardware MOD player too %)
really art (and craft :)
oh yes!
Lft is god.
Even with standard hardware some people get worse results.
Late thumb to this masterpiece.
This is so damn cool.
awesome :)
impossibru ^^
Never thumbed that up?! This is so cool ... and the music is really good.
If anyone is looking for an Eagle version of the schematics here is mine:
though i haven't tested to produce the board.
though i haven't tested to produce the board.
Apparently I hadn't thumbed up this fine prod. Now to fix. :)
Anyone who considers making yet another microchip-led-electronics-esotericism demo needs take a look here on how to present that shit.
I never thumbed this up? Fixed!
Haha, and at this year's Revision I had told one guy doing yet another microchip-led-electronics-esotericism demo exactly what noby said. :)
Haha, and at this year's Revision I had told one guy doing yet another microchip-led-electronics-esotericism demo exactly what noby said. :)
Mindblowing - and what a great chiptune.
just awesome
obligatory thumb
This is insane.
how could i forget
the last thumb before the counter overflows
just awesome!
I still can't get over how _good_ the music is! <3
missing thumb, always loved it
How did it happen that I haven’t given this production a 'thumbs up' until now? Years ago, I was amazed by it :) A great idea and a showcase of creativity! :D
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