regus ademordna by Excess [web]
![]() |
popularity : 74% |
alltime top: #244 |
added on the 2008-03-24 15:45:31 by gloom ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2008-03-24 15:49:47 by zefyros 

awesome demo
7th place ? yeahh yeahhh...
7th place ? yeahh yeahhh...
deserved better than 7th..
I agree with yoki here.
heavily underrated :|
1st place! Goddamnit >_<
Wont start here - windows gives me a vague error message suggesting I should 're-install'. Isn't that usually because it cant find DLLs or something? I have latest directx.
Wont start here - windows gives me a vague error message suggesting I should 're-install'. Isn't that usually because it cant find DLLs or something? I have latest directx.
Yes, like it!
pretty cool!
(but keeps telling me my gpu would be from poland - which is actually true...)
(but keeps telling me my gpu would be from poland - which is actually true...)
awesome music & atmosphere
Looks like it needs some vc++ 2005 libraries from
Loved the atmosphere and the sync. This kicked so much ass. 7th place is an insult.
Congrats with an awesome demo :) I really enjoyed this. Great atmosphere! And I think this should've placed higher too...
Very nice.
WOW! Simply AWESOM!!!
Awesome. Should have placed higher.
I liked this one very much. 7th place sounds terrible but imho it's due to tough competition. Now let's look at it from the bright side: it's 7th out of 24. Not that bad after all :)
Anyway, all thumbs up! It really rules!
Anyway, all thumbs up! It really rules!
What yoki said.
I really enjoyed this one on the bigscreen
I really enjoyed this one on the bigscreen
Cool demostuff!
Love that one! Everything is perfectly executed, it's kicking! All thumbs up!
Thumbs up, great one.
My gpu is still from Poland :)
i agree the message at end! :D
What yoki said.
Really nice stuff.
Really nice stuff.
This is top noch dark ambient! this demo deserves to be broadcasted on all norwegian television stations. Kusma I owe you a beer!
Excellent soundtrack but the demo won't run here.
Kusma : your "fuckings" to Andromeda would be more efficient if the demo actually ran properly ;)
Kusma : your "fuckings" to Andromeda would be more efficient if the demo actually ran properly ;)
I will thumb.
Pretty cool.
Excellent soundtrack and attitude.
Nice sound/zik and good use of Mr. Cube.
Well paced demo
Well paced demo
Well done.
Tøffere enn toget
Fuckings to Andromeda!
very enjoyable demo, my personal favourite when watching the compo (stream)
kick ass
not my cup of tea, but still very enjoyable. soundtrack sync ruled.
Andromeda suger så jævlig
wow listened that soundtrack pure. rules like hell.
You could do anything with this soundtrack! But you made it just right!
nice demo! (very!) underrated rank imho! one of my favs at the compo there.
The masters of hard synchro are back with a vengeance.
Not bad at all, but far too many cubes.
my personal winner from the compo...
really good
mh, no wow effect. and attitude ("i may suggest to take a rest") has to be supported by actual in-your-face effects...
Very cool, and stylish. Can't agree of course with the end message.. but eh..
this is one of those demos that I don't think I would like, but end up liking anyway. good demo.
Awesome, just my kind of demo.
Would have been a 3rd place in my book.
Would have been a 3rd place in my book.
basically very underated. This one looked massive on the big screen and the soundtrack was kick-ass too.
The ending made lots of people laugh. I wish Andromeda had finished that demo and participated in the compo :-(
The ending made lots of people laugh. I wish Andromeda had finished that demo and participated in the compo :-(
most underated prod at BP.
Massice sound.. great visiuals.. nice colors.
More of the (few) prods I looking forward to watch again.
Massice sound.. great visiuals.. nice colors.
More of the (few) prods I looking forward to watch again.
Stylish, with solid sound and looks (The rotating light in the corridor went on for a bit too long though). I think it should have placed higher.
Oh, and the bp-stream stalled just before the punchline at the end, so I didn't understand the diss until the second viewing :)
Oh, and the bp-stream stalled just before the punchline at the end, so I didn't understand the diss until the second viewing :)
Nice to peek at /data as well :) Always love to see how stuff is actually put together.
Again -- lovely demo.
Again -- lovely demo.
enjoyed it but i do not get the andromeda catch. it's years away.
I liked it alot !
nothing spectacular but nicely synced
nice, deserved better place
in your face! kusma, never stop doing demos please! :)
i really liked this one!
Cute. But the scene in the screenshot reminded me of Orange 64k intros.
Very cool prod.
style, attitude and design really nice.. a bit short of ideas really. I really liked it on the bigscreen though!
i digg this style, i expected it to place higher in the compo.
great, coherent show with excellent music and attidude
fuckings to gloom for making yet another freakin brilliant song - love it! also, the demo rules :)
in my bp08 top 3. løøøøves your style and attitude
for me this was one of the only demos I enjoyed from this party... Keep your style kusma! ;)
Best name for a demo ever! :D
Best name for a demo ever! :D
nice audio, typical kusma-content yet still it wasnt a banger
This is a fucking cool demo, should have ranked higher imo. Keep em comming!
totally better than 7th, RULE!
very good track and sync. looked great on bigscreen.
Pretty neat but I don't dig the filter that's present through-out; makes me suspect it's hiding substandard models or textures.
7th place is ok, I think ...
Kusma you sorry clown, I had to download some VC DLLs to make it run !
Nice demo and excellent soundtrack though.
Nice demo and excellent soundtrack though.
I love the red-cyan postprocessing stuff! As a demo, I have mixed feelings, but the soundtrack/sync somewhat saves it.
What Bitbuster said, but I'll give you a thumb for the outstanding music.
I usually love the Excess style, but I really disliked this one. While the quality is pretty good, the mono colourscheme made me feel like I was watching a low quality Amiga demo and the glitchy style is very cliched now.
I was watching the youtube version with no sound in a bangkok hotel lobby while suffering from food poisioning, and this still made me smile
nice stuff...
has guts! now we should have a rest :P
May I suggest, you rock!
BLOODY FUCKING HELL YES! ... moral winner for me right here .. i especially like the title since i couldn't agree more ;)
Very well done. Can't say I loved it, but still quality.
Kicks ass! This one started the compo for me
voxel,deesbab ball, music, sync!
voxel,deesbab ball, music, sync!
performance warning
your gpu is still from poland!
Great demo, deserved a better rank.
cubxels are cool :)
Direction is very well done!
Direction is very well done!
Very Kewlers. Possibly my favourite from the compo.
it makes me cum :) fantastic!!! MOAR! :)
good demo with a great message! :)
encounters a configuration error while startup, doesn't run properly under fucking Vista, even with M$ Visual C++ 2005 libraries installed. I'm still getting a "D3DERR_DEVICELOST" somewhere after the greetz scene. . . :/ any solution? anyone?
anyway, great NOIR ambience! thumbs up!
anyway, great NOIR ambience! thumbs up!
very sweet!! i'm so sad i missed this at the party. quality message, as well. i love the way stuff looks, though a bit more content or shapechanging stuff would've been nice. the distort felt a bit overused. the thing breaking out of the cubething was a bit sloppy, you can do better than that kusma :)
thank u gloom for reencoding it with 193kbit. for good soundtracks I think it's not worth to save 2MB and make 128kbit. to all musicians "please use 196kbit or more in future."
Best demo in compo.
should have made it to the top 5 at least!
a good demo!
party version didn't run on 8800gt under vista. but i've seen iit on stream, and it's impressive. was too way underrated at a party. should be in the place of shad 3.
high voltage + broken rgb = 

Kick ass!
you look beat now!
nice syncing with music
Party version (new) doesn't work here T_T
XP Pro/7800GTX
Windows' advice is to reinstall demo.exe :/
XP Pro/7800GTX
Windows' advice is to reinstall demo.exe :/
Who cares? - video looks good on the PS3 displayed on the 42" plasma ;)
Nice music, and nice synch, actually I think the distortion parts are JUST used to the correct amount in this demo.
Everything looks nice and dark, but I would of course also like more content.
A nice demo - in a style that I really like :)
Nice music, and nice synch, actually I think the distortion parts are JUST used to the correct amount in this demo.
Everything looks nice and dark, but I would of course also like more content.
A nice demo - in a style that I really like :)
the more i watch it the more i like it. For me this is what demo is about. Perfect in every way. You rule hard guys !
this rocks! definitely underrated at the party!
this is why we want kusma and gloom working on excess demos again! this was damn cool, the gribble-cube part spot on!
this is why we want kusma and gloom working on excess demos again!
after some years another Excess demo that I really liked.
really well done. i must say i hate the stripes-overlay, though.
Very good lightcubeball-action. And yes for the postprocessing. Music is awesome. And the sync is touching. So a definite thumb up!!
Norwegian POWAH!! Brilliant stuff.
I was acctually so retard drunk(or just retard) at the party that I didnt get the backwards title thing :D
I was acctually so retard drunk(or just retard) at the party that I didnt get the backwards title thing :D
rickst: vc2005 redist is required, due to the multi-core library I used. I have planned to make a non-multicore version without that dependency, but... laaaaazyyyyy.
do it, don't be lazy!
What Nytrik wrote!
great style!
Let's just say this was really cool, shall we ?
A good example that party votes mostly sucks. Should be under the top 5 and not top 10.
did you even look at the other releases? *all* bp08 top10 demos would've most likely won if they had been released on a smaller party. 7th place may sound "bad", but all the demos that ranked above it are excellent.
Yes I did, and I would place it on position five, according to the Pouet votes.
Worked like a charm on my pc. I was afraid it would not as I got a msg my GPU is from poland or something :)
That light comming from a ball reminded me
of the nexus 7 amiga demo from
andromeda :)
whats this andromeda sugar at the end of this demo btw ?
music is ok, not really my cup of tea, but thats just a taste otherwise it would be excellent.
well, time to take a rest now..
That light comming from a ball reminded me
of the nexus 7 amiga demo from
andromeda :)
whats this andromeda sugar at the end of this demo btw ?
music is ok, not really my cup of tea, but thats just a taste otherwise it would be excellent.
well, time to take a rest now..
My GPU is from Poland too and it doesn't run it :(
very nice and underrated prod
Magic: "Andromeda suger" means "Andomeda sucks"
Way too 1990 for me.
Way too 1990 for me.
really, not that bad as it was rated at bp08. recommended for viewing.
I can't stop watching this, and showing it to everyone i know. And the soundtrack, holy shit!
- absolutely kick-ass! Love light-ball ::)
(crashes on vista/nv9600GT with "*** error : D3DERR_DEVICELOST : Device lost" - the part in the middle with loads of particle-hair-thingies coming from the bottom. Works, only really slowly, on my vista/nv8600M-GT setup).
(crashes on vista/nv9600GT with "*** error : D3DERR_DEVICELOST : Device lost" - the part in the middle with loads of particle-hair-thingies coming from the bottom. Works, only really slowly, on my vista/nv8600M-GT setup).
I love it!
However it seems to fail on some XP x64 configurations. We have two identical machines here at work, on mine it works fine, on my colleagues it refuses to start at all with the message "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect".
There's absolutely no difference in hardware on the machines. Although I got the same problem on my XP64 at home.
However it seems to fail on some XP x64 configurations. We have two identical machines here at work, on mine it works fine, on my colleagues it refuses to start at all with the message "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect".
There's absolutely no difference in hardware on the machines. Although I got the same problem on my XP64 at home.
Yeah, I figured as much earlier, but didn't test until now.
I downloaded:
And it works like a charm!
\o/ + <3
I downloaded:
And it works like a charm!
\o/ + <3
very good one! powerful well-madel music, good effects, excellent syncro, some neat effects.And what's more important - overall style. Flaw - its way too dark
Id give it 2 thumbs up - bonus one for the music
Id give it 2 thumbs up - bonus one for the music
Man, I'm in doubt about this one. It started VERY strongly and I was going like "YEAH! In my FACE!!!", but in some strange way it started dying on me. I needed more. I needed progress. But nothing came. The music, which is faaaaantastic, kept it going and saved the day for me. Overall it ended with a quite big piggy.
Quite simple, but so well-polished that it still kicks
That cube again, you should keep it forever as your trademark ;)
Really enjoyable!
Really enjoyable!
"side by side configuration" error under vista
realy rulez
Some average effects with heavy filtering and a strong sense of style, but it didn't do anything special for me.
Kicks ass! One of my favourites from BP, stylish soundtrack and visuals. Should placed higher.
Really kool. Great design and music, but somehow missing on the code side of things, the engine is pretty nice though.
love it!
luvz! <3
np: spank rock - what it look like
should have received much more votes
Nice effects, great synchs, music kicks ass. My favourite from bp08.
good one! totally forgot about it.
Nice demo...I think the beginning and end were stronger than the middle (light ball scene went on a bit too long). Music fit the visuals very well. I'm wondering why it didn't place higher at BP?
It's just a fucking cool demo! awsome, AWSOME I tell you!
coolest prod in the compo :d
I look bit now. I'm gonna take a rest. Love it
i like its style and synch, nice one
I liked it a lot. Nice intro and the music... I'm just looping it for hours :)
stylish and kewl soundtrack :)
Great music and some nice visuals. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Starts out good but the ball part and everything after it is rather boring. I will maybe thumb this up at some point but right now it's gonna be just a pig.
wow I never seen this before, cool!
kickass syncro!
style. gives me chubs.!
Very nice, especially the soundtrack.
thumb for direction
gloom fan.
nice demo!
but the title... :(
but the title... :(
Sweet. :)
Sync/direction are next to perfect. Great job Gloom et al.
I like your style.
One of the best demo ever
hmm. vignette, scanlines, rgb distortion, ribbons... the parts are not new... But really nicely put together with a cool tune!!! Thumb for real!!
oh yess.
Love it.
Fantastic soundtrack.
All other is just very very cool.
All other is just very very cool.
This one is close to perfection.
Very nice visuals and great soundtrack.
Technically flawless, with a well-produced soundtrack, but otherwise... I found it uninspired. It's repetitive, there is little content, little innovation, and little impact--both in music and in visuals.
To sum up, it starts off promising and never moves anywhere from that spot.
To sum up, it starts off promising and never moves anywhere from that spot.
music vote.
music, sync, yeah!
..........and I took a rest
Another late rulez.
music vote
great sound, sync & glitching!
Surprising this didn't rank higher at the party.
looks and sounds like bad kewlers demo
this is quite ... what it is called? ah yeah: fat!
Fucking A+ music. Love it.
easily one of my favorite demos of the era. Great soundtrack and editing, and I recall the demo running very smoothly on my midrange gfx card at the time as well. Very influential for me!
Why was my thumb missing here :)
The fine polished details with the direction and its kick-ass music elevates this demo to must see classics category.
Never thumbed this? WTF?!
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