Chromosphere by SQNY
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popularity : 77% |
alltime top: #116 |
added on the 2007-09-24 10:59:19 by kurli ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2007-09-24 11:04:18 by raymon 

A bit chill out room - was expecting it to kick off but it didn't - thumb for the bassline.
fuck. i hate you, this rules!
Perfect synch, well executed visuals and kicking music combined to the amazing flow makes this demo one of my favourites. Thank you guys!
this was awesome
What a flow! I guess that SQNY are the new Kewlers? Thanks for that brilliant piece of art!
excellent music and style here :) lovely
this is great!
first half is brilliant, second a little boring - yet great stuff!
Nice music, nice flow, nice sync, very nice demo.
Remarkable and unique!
some nice effects
singular demo :)
At last! something interesting that doesn't need a latest gfx card to run! c64 demos are always interesting because they always have the same machine to run with, whereas pc changes everytime!..nice one to SQNY
Effects are cool, but apart from that I found it quite boring..
I get white stripes on a dark blue background with blue hynoglow for 5 minutes, then the stripes inside an eye at the end. Probably down to the shitty gf5 series card I have here. I'll try at home on decent hardware.
It`s ok
Runs pretty decent on my stupid Dell at work with integrated Intel graphics, nice work lads!
But damn you for the groupname, if you get nominated for a award you'd better send me a voicesample how the fuck this is pronounced! ;)
But damn you for the groupname, if you get nominated for a award you'd better send me a voicesample how the fuck this is pronounced! ;)
okkie: My quess is that it is pronounced with a really strong finnish accent. :)
I think it is pronounced as "Sony viivalla" or "Sony with a line"
yeah umm this ended up being seriously kick-ass.
Great demo. The only demo at Stream that had me right at the beginning and hold that through the whole demo.
experimental! i mean very experimental but still doesn't hurt my gout in an awful manner.
"Sqnyyy" with a very whiny intonation.
Seriously, this is the best demo I've seen in a long while.
Seriously, this is the best demo I've seen in a long while.
lovely in a lovely manner. <3
Btw, after watching the font SQNY is written i got the joke... and I read it istintively "SONIQ" ;)
Great demo indeed.
I think that the group name 'SQNY' comes from the (chinese probably) rip off SONY - So from a distance it reads 'SONY' but it is the inferior SQNY.
Similar to 'SHARP HERO' - where HERO is written in the smallest possible font.
I think that the group name 'SQNY' comes from the (chinese probably) rip off SONY - So from a distance it reads 'SONY' but it is the inferior SQNY.
Similar to 'SHARP HERO' - where HERO is written in the smallest possible font.
aces -- and from a completely new and unknown group none the less. ;>
übercool. i foresee a breakthrough performance award!
I'm amazed. This is 2007, the Scene is alive and well, thanks to guys like you ! Kudos.
I am really sorry...
great! excellent transitions
yeah, I totally felt like watching "hplus 2" here. which isn't a bad thing.
and as gloom already stated, it's from a totally unknown group, aleez! ;)
and as gloom already stated, it's from a totally unknown group, aleez! ;)
video plz
What everyone else said. Very, very cool.
The eye at the beginning was my favorite part. Mildly hypnotic.. :) Good job.
It's always cool to see newbies coming and kicking, even if they sortof rip nicknames from existing established top-class demosceners.
i love transitions between parts
No comp to watch it with atm but yes, this seriously rocked. They'd best have my motherboard replaced soon, I wanna watch this!
awesome maaan'
I think that the group name 'SQNY' comes from the (chinese probably) rip off SONY - So from a distance it reads 'SONY' but it is the inferior SQNY.
Similar to 'SHARP HERO' - where HERO is written in the smallest possible font
Spaderman and Robertcop!
Similar to 'SHARP HERO' - where HERO is written in the smallest possible font
panasonic -> panasonix :D
quite cool
best traction demo ever
i might not second you
pony slaystation
I am really sorry... :)
Simply Kick Ass
Keep the good works guyz
Keep the good works guyz
goes into my private collection :)
You guys should stop creating virtual groups for every production. Didn't see the prod yet. But, thumbs up, for sure :)
hmm somehow i dont get it, too boring for me.
I had huge flashes of hplus in there, which is always a good thing. Plus it realizes something I really wanted to see done in a demo! (the eye)
kinda cool, although nothing shockingly amazing :)
yeah nice
kurli the new coder-god appears from fucking nowhere just to gain world domination!!!1!!1!
Nice visuals but way too boring.
this is really cool, apart from the last scene which was utter crap.
i'll give it a rules.
i'll give it a rules.
It's nice to see the Chinese scene showing some muscle. Voronoi!!!!!
not really
Whoa! Superb real ambient soundtrack, superb idea hmm... all superb! I want more! [:
some nice visuals, but dull music. also, isn't 1 pointless spin-off group enough?
I had no idea who SQNY was when watching it and I was like "damn, this smells of unclex and kurli". Seems like style is something you never lose ;)
Great stuff.
Great stuff.
i so fucking hate you, seriously ^_^
Cool effects, but overall it's just way too boring to make me keep it here on my disk.
not bad, but a little bit too boring
would have been a great 4k! :D
good one
I thought the "eye" is out of place, but the first cell-effect is cool.
great flow. nice ribbons. ;)
Ran it at home - it looks much better when it runs in more than 1d =)
Overall I like it, it has flow. It's not on the same level as h+ though I reckon - it's more like a collection of similar scenes well linked, rather than a single journey like h+.
Overall I like it, it has flow. It's not on the same level as h+ though I reckon - it's more like a collection of similar scenes well linked, rather than a single journey like h+.
Loved it!
this is art - wow
During the first minute I thought "Yet.Another.Artsy.Soundtrack" ... but luckily the thing grabbed up a nice rhythm. Effects and transitions are very beautiful. The downer is the symptomatically non suiting colours. For this great Eye- idea it's been a bit too minimalistic.
I like eyes.
Looks like a sts + traction coop. ;)
lovely ambient mood and excellent transitions - it really flows well
transitions reminded me of salmiakki by tpolm
magnificent.. kurli, are you on a 'fx of the year'-marathon? :D
jaw-breaking abstract complexity and beauty O_O
very original, great effects, great flow, nice music. a definite rules. with the music being more than 'nice' and a slightly faster pace in some parts this would have been outstanding!
whoa couldve blasting me away if beein on drugs.. one of the demos i like best since debris.. thanx.
I love it.
very very cool :)
rules. period.
hm, good ideas. the music some kind of formatted my brain with monotony. :D style remembers me blasphemy demos.
Really nice. This takes over the "demo to be watched while brushing teeth in the morning"-trophy. Congrats! \o/
movie, anyone? please? :)
well done!
style kept minimalism! absolutely fab!
This one rulez.
And violently.
And violently.
Excellent. But all this could fit in less kilobytes.
Good direction.
Good direction.
Well i dont share thats genius ... its really nice, no question ... And for the design idea following up all the demo long it earned a thumb up :)
Simply excellent.
This could be an advert for blu-ray ;). Good.
Oh fuck :( Am i the only one who hates it???
Yep. You sure are!
How boring!!!! Nice sync, but I need more to entertain me than a handful of lines.
great atmosphere. i love that simplistic style.
Nice shit indeed! SQNY!
A very nice concept, and very well realized, as it doesn't get boring throughout the demo. Well-chosen colors please the eye. Keep up the good work, SQNY!
..more than meets the eye..
really nice
Jepp, at first I was afraid it's going to be boring but I definitely enjoyed watching this!
minimalistic style with a very nice flowing music - somewhat hypnotical sceneries... Big Thumb up for this :)
You guy's are "THE MAN"!!!!!!!
Power in simplicity. Very good demo
Video plz!
nice stuff :)
is cool
Cool EYEdea! ;) Loved it. Audio was OK.
too much blue and it's a bit boring
nice effect? shaders?
Brilliant! Instant classic!
Good Job!
A bit boring in the end, but thumb for the beginning and originality ;)
Nice one! Spacey feel, relaxing, good flow and music to match! I've been SQNIED!
Well done, I must say. Looks really nice and the music got to me too. Keep it up.
d ^ ^ b
damn beautiful. i like it!
Not even close to my "cup of tea!
wow very nicely done!
nice one, but it doesn't convince me in all aspects. maybe it's the music which doesn't really punch...
can't understand everybody going crazy for this one :) but a couple of nice effects
eye like it
just perfect
Simple but effective. Nicely lo-fi.
mmmmnice it was
Veery stylish
Hmm, I don't seem to get this...
Too strange for my taste. Nice effects, though.
minimalistic, but very good nevertheless
i like it :)
i like it :)
I saw it, and thought it was awesome... and when I noticed the screenshot I realized that I had just watched the glitchty version. Anyway, I liked it.
But eum, could someone please post a video-link?
But eum, could someone please post a video-link?
Nice direction and everything, but unfortunately this bored me.
I usually a big fan of tron like, glowing lines type stuff. The start I didn't like so much as the later parts like the "girder world" and that. Displaying the licensing information in the end was a bit unnecessary though...
this rules.
nice work
nice. compact. atmospheric.
1a ebayer+++++
didn't like the music and the sony logo. the rest is absolutely brilliant though
Ladies and gentlemen: And now something completely different!
Nice Voronoi-stuff!
nice feeling
Good idea. Very coherent style. But I so do not like the music, and the eye (brilliant idea, though) looks ugly. Some nice effects in the middle part.
fresh and cool.
this style rulez.
this style rulez.
q: why did the chicken cross the road?
well done, audio fits visuals very nicely. well done vironoi effect.
i love it !
nice flow... otherwise boring
after having seen the non-giltchy version i must say that i really liked it. especially the beginning.
the city - although it looked awesome - was a bit "yes, ok - it's the futuristic city scene".
anyway, good production. including the music.
the city - although it looked awesome - was a bit "yes, ok - it's the futuristic city scene".
anyway, good production. including the music.
Somehow fascinating to see the simple shapes evolving...
big thumbs up.
especially the tron'ish part totally worked for me
especially the tron'ish part totally worked for me
love it!
the IDM track works very well for this type of visuals. very good!
i don't love it yet? pig?
simple and sweet!
interesting visuals, but nothing more.
original, polished, conceptual, calculated. I don't adore it like others, but very thumb-worthy
this was really hypnotic.
it's art
kickass \o/
"your adapter has only 2 multitexturing units, and 4 is needed" :(
whats new in the final version?
where did the blue go? i think i liked it better with the blue. :(
i agree with ps
I like it better in gray! Yay for final version!
simple. beautiful. different. organic. impressive...
I also agree with ps, blue was nicer, the texts contrasted better with the effects. now is a bit of a mess.
Didn't see much on the final version, only that plane on the final part making more turns in a random way.
Oh well, if you guys like it like this its all it counts.
Didn't see much on the final version, only that plane on the final part making more turns in a random way.
Oh well, if you guys like it like this its all it counts.
sorry guys, but grey sucks. Before it was a symphony in blue and simply perfect!
omg, why didn't i even see this yet? this stuff is the shit! style style style, i even love saying the word style! music is only ok though...
Big Brother is watching you.
Line effects bore me.
Looks really nice but ... I can't believe that I have to second Stingray this time ;) ... it's really boring.
line effects again. the idea with the eye is great, gotta hand that to you guys. the rest isn't my thing, too boring.
YAY :)
wow...flawless transitions and ultra smooth style!
Party version rulez ! Sorry, didn't see the final.
awesome demo .lm/
(that eye is like sahaquiel in Eva ^.~)
(that eye is like sahaquiel in Eva ^.~)
SQNY: Chromosphere
GL_EXT_framebuffer_object not supported, KTHXBYE!
dtv'd it tho and it owns
SQNY: Chromosphere
GL_EXT_framebuffer_object not supported, KTHXBYE!
dtv'd it tho and it owns
just posting to say i would kill for a good cap of this :(
marvellous one
love it
Blue is nicer...
And I would love a proper video of this.
Nice music too.
And I would love a proper video of this.
Nice music too.
I liek dis a lot
i like
There's something fascinating in this one. Something very poetic and oniric. Liked it a lot!
i would love a higher res video of this btw, the HD cap on dtv has terrible artifacts
sadly, this is basically impossible to encode with any "normal" video codec.
beautifull blue wireframe graphics, 3Ds, graphs and data matrixes, animations
Interesting visuals, nice tune.
Interesting.. я бы поставил 4 =)
This one's a real classic.
Kickass visual but till the end gets quite boring.
hmm... why is the final gray? i think i prefer the blue one...
i know right, i also like how the 'worms' from the party ver more, but having two versions is still nice
hell yes! who the fuck could i not thumb it up?.. damn
Brilliant Stuff!
voll geil
I love this voronoi eye!
Transitions are insane! This is pretty awesome!
This *is* demo.
nu hz hz
Nice idea for using Voronoi diagrams... A demo with style!
This is a really great prod. Congrats!
Somehow original, but not my cup of tea.
This is so mesmerizing...
By the way I watched it again, and I noticed the final version is black and white while the party version is blueish (which I prefer). Is this a bug or did you purposely turn it black and white?
By the way I watched it again, and I noticed the final version is black and white while the party version is blueish (which I prefer). Is this a bug or did you purposely turn it black and white?
This is fantastic
Zavie: Yes the final is intentionally b/w.
Yes, thank you. I should have bothered to read the comments.
The black and white version suggests a color blind eye though, which is surprising.
Quote:i think i liked it better with the blue. :(
We didn't :)
The black and white version suggests a color blind eye though, which is surprising.
I prefer the party version too - but both are quite nice !
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for both of them:
Chromosphere by SQNY (final version) (1080p)
Chromosphere by SQNY (party version) (1080p)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for both of them:
Chromosphere by SQNY (final version) (1080p)
Chromosphere by SQNY (party version) (1080p)
Some effects and transitions are killer, I just wish it didn't take so much time on the second scene (the one with splashing particles).
late thumb delivered
Holy f*ck... this RULEZ !
One word:

The final version rocks. :) Love the new monochrome look.
okay, just saw it at ASM TV :)
certainly had its moments but overall didn't really do it for me
wtf again.. well its time to comment
this is sooooo good, love you kurli :D
this is sooooo good, love you kurli :D
Perfection! Works extremely good for me. Prefer the blue version.
Love this one <3
A really inspiring demo.
Exactly what evilpaul said
Nice demo
Black and white noise.
what, no thumb from me?
i love this!
anyway i still prefer the party version... ;-)
i love this!
anyway i still prefer the party version... ;-)
Stylish as hell, wonderful transitions and hypnotizing music.
I love watching it, thank you
I also prefer the blue version :)
I also prefer the blue version :)
only 2 word.
beautiful atmosphere.
beautiful atmosphere.
excellent !!
love it
dey do doh dont dey doh
i hate the 'find edges' effect visually but the music is a HUGE save so thumbs up
Oh, wow! Don't know what to say, but I sure did like it!
Ah yes, this one is amazing.
I like it.
Very good demo.
Ra of nooon n sqny.
Ra of nooon n sqny.
Beautiful, love the Voronoi effect!
So incredibly good, feels really fresh for something over 15 years old
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