empirion by Bauknecht [web]
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #935 |
added on the 2007-08-12 23:01:03 by decca ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2007-08-12 23:05:46 by ltk_tscc 

mad hat einen an der waffel ;)))
Kicks ass. Nice to see new people doing stuff on the C64, especially if the effects are of this caliber.
great C64 demo
What Preacher said. And I just love the music in the lightsourcing part!
Rocks. Loved the silly scroller the most
Wow! Some fuckin amazing effects. Bauknecht, new power on the C64?
cool fx! isn't the lightsource effect a bit more highres that what is usual for su ch effects on c64? Unlimited stars? Loved the 3d scroller too.
That scroller was hot!
What Krill said.
lots of cool effects
nice in every way
Sometimes it confuses me to see mad "wasting" his energy with retro stuff (where he could code so much nice effects for me :) ). But this one is really awesome. I have no idea about c64 coding, but to me emperion looks way better than any other c64 demo I have seen so far. The only thing I didn't like was the constant loading breaks. But I guess you can't do anything about that...
bkn takes the c64 by storm =)
nicely designed, i liked the tune in the credits-part the most.
nicely designed, i liked the tune in the credits-part the most.
the only C64 at evoke?!?! And then additionally from a not C64 scener?!?? :D thumb alone for that! and of course for the nice fx. unfortunately DJ-pong was a too strong crowd pleaser! I didn't vote it first!! ;]
awesome. i love the oldschool megademo format; unique track/gfx for each routine. brings back memories of Rebels Megademo on the Amiga. i would have liked a nice menu interface for each effect, so i could select randomely. really cool work guys
mindblowing end to a great prod
damn.! saw it live @evoke...but bek@home i get a READY. after hitting SPACE in the first Screen...using CCS 3.2 ...in VICE it seemZ to worK,but NO SOUND.!!!
time to get real Hardware now,i guess.!!! C-64 roxx.!
time to get real Hardware now,i guess.!!! C-64 roxx.!
i said THUMB.!!!!!!
even i miss some connection or loading screen between the different parts - the effects are so awesome impressive!!!!
some creative and well executed routines in here, although some of them lack a little final touch.
Alder... CoderPORNO!
I agree with "coder pron" thing and as a coder I liked it. But it's really sad to see c64 demos in "wild demo" category.
this is really something.. misses some real flow inbetween the screens, but still this is a killer..
well done bkn! this was really fun to watch, thanks!
i also think for a real coderporno-demo like this, it's just the right way to have it in the old press-space-style.
i also think for a real coderporno-demo like this, it's just the right way to have it in the old press-space-style.
nice indeed :D
nice indeed :D love the scroller
woa. some really great screens in there!
Finally a FRESH production on the c64. Rocks!
Excellent stuff - even though a bit too technical in some parts.
My thumb has an erection !
Looked very nice on the DTV stream.
Great stuff, especially the scrollers. The only aber is the space-dependent loader, obviously, but the rest is top notch.
Scamp: Sorry, but that doesn't seem like a very qualified statement, especially not one month after the release of Sharp.
Scamp: Sorry, but that doesn't seem like a very qualified statement, especially not one month after the release of Sharp.
Archmage: I didn't watch sharp, maybe that's why ;)
Nice, really nice, rocked the bigscreen!!
The overall presentation is quite weak actually (gfx, music) and not up to the standards. Some ace effects though.
mega! demo :)
a couple of really fresh effects like the scrollers, and some nice gfx but the presentation could have been better. still, a very nice suprise
yeah video!
krill: i guess my request for a menu "front-end" is related more to genral presentation rather than necessity. but clearly this demo is not really focussed on that - so LOAD "*",0,1 it is. :) I'd love to see Mad's next c64 demo polished on ALL fronts, his code definitely deserves it.
krill: plus i'm a spoilt Amiga GUI larmah, i dont like command line entry!! :)
video for c64 prods isn't necessary.. You don't need any roms and if you just download vice and use it as default tool for opening d64 files you can just double click the demos in windows and they load and run.. too easy. easier than a video even..
we are working on Video and Soundtrack - hold tight...
nice job with this one ! You are killers ;)
Was sat at Evoke watching this with my chin on the floor. It's amazing what you guys can get out of a 20+ year old machine :)
hey, wtf - finally bauknecht released a megademo on c64... and what a great one. THUMB ;-) btw. i love to press space again
Great stuff dudes!
great bunch of effects/music/gfx. nice to see an old style megademo where all of the screens were, at the very least, good... and some were excellent :)
now do this in 4k ;-)
One day I will do the same cool scroller, One day I will do the same cool scroller, One day I will do the same cool scroller, One day I will do the same cool scroller, One day I will do the same cool scroller, One day I will do the same cool scroller, One day I will do the same cool scroller, One day I will do the same cool scroller, One day I will do the same cool scroller.
Did I mention that the scroller is cool?
Well it is, really - and the worst thing is: Most of the other parts are cool, too.
Lovely, Bauknecht weiss, was Coder wünschen.
Did I mention that the scroller is cool?
Well it is, really - and the worst thing is: Most of the other parts are cool, too.
Lovely, Bauknecht weiss, was Coder wünschen.
Another nice C64 production featuring great code by Mad o/ Credits part is my favourite, simply excellent. The other parts are cool as well.
what scamp said, qualified or not :)
@muguk? 20 years? The C64 is 25 years already :)
Oh and thumbs up ofcourse for the ideas in this production.
Oh and thumbs up ofcourse for the ideas in this production.
A very enjoyable collection of coder pornish effects!
A new contender appears
cool effects!
Some cool effects. Very nice for a C64 debut!
Gotta love the perspective-scroller and the shading in the last part. The rest was also nice, but nothing mindblowing. And a bit more design and flow wouldn't have hurt either :)
this is still kickin' ass. I love this demo, really !
pretty cool
cool stuff! :)
Really nice.
for the 3D scroller and the last effect is cooooool :D
yeah, the twisted scroller and the bumpmapper!
Terrific debut, that is. Only thing to get rid of is the space-pressing-between-parts-thingie ... those times are over me thinks ;)
Terrific debut, that is. Only thing to get rid of is the space-pressing-between-parts-thingie ... those times are over me thinks ;)
yup great one ;)
great newscool megademo :)
also ask your local dealer for sheherazade HAZE!
also ask your local dealer for sheherazade HAZE!
I don't get it.
Not bad.
the transitions are very 1990. but the screens are so damn hot. i especially love the huge scroller and the bump map.
awesome effects, especially the lighting effect. i don't like the press-space-for-next-part-fuzz though. too much physical activity just for watching a demo :P
This is amazing! I'm gonna burn into a real disk and see on my c64
absolutely awesome!
i like the fact, that bkn usually releases stuff for pc. then came this prod for c64! mad rulez!
i like the fact, that bkn usually releases stuff for pc. then came this prod for c64! mad rulez!
man oh man.. this 3d rubber scroller is just unbelieavable.. I'm stunned! How does he do it anyway? It's a charset trick or what?
i just saw the video, this is c64?! rulez!
@ kwasek: the video link is broken.. where did you see it?
i checked the link right now again, it works.
@kwasek: doesn't work here. I don't know
interestingly did work with getright but not with a click within explorer
The first part it cool, the second part is cool, the third part is cool, eh, God damn, ALL PARTS ARE COOL. This demo absolutely rules.
Very nice indeed! Just a bit polishing (trackmo style, more uniform soundtrack) and it would be a classic!
Great :D
The end parts were the best imo.
The end parts were the best imo.
You are so cool!
Great in every aspect: idea, gfx, sfx.
Great in every aspect: idea, gfx, sfx.
I actually meant thumb up :)
The screen with the white face and dnb music (top-right in screenshot) is so fucking beautiful. I could look at it all day. And the scroller (bottom-left in screenshot) is one of the (if not the) coolest scrollers i have ever seen. Top stuff!
great gfx, great effects.
I am a ZX Speccy fan, but this kicks ass too
nice one
not my type off demo :(
fresh... nice graphics and music.
great sound with 3 meta-balls
"empirion" logotype graphic, 3D rotating, color rotation, water reflection, "bkn" logotype graphic
girl picture, mapped scroll with perspective, music
texture rotation effect with head picture overlayed, music
big 3D scroll with checkers texture, rotating around x axis, and twisting, and waving, with water reflection, logotype graphic, music
3D stars with spiral, music, bouncing scroll, font
light shaded man picture, music
girl picture in black&white, vertical distorted "FIN", music
"empirion" logotype graphic, 3D rotating, color rotation, water reflection, "bkn" logotype graphic
girl picture, mapped scroll with perspective, music
texture rotation effect with head picture overlayed, music
big 3D scroll with checkers texture, rotating around x axis, and twisting, and waving, with water reflection, logotype graphic, music
3D stars with spiral, music, bouncing scroll, font
light shaded man picture, music
girl picture in black&white, vertical distorted "FIN", music
I don't wanna press space.
Cool !
Some ridiculous code right there ;). Also, quite stylish but no efforts at all to create a flow. I hate how everything is disrupted between parts all the times. Still, very good looking and some seriously wicked routines ;).
Ridiculous = Awesome.
Great demo! All parts are excellent. The last two parts are simply amazing ( gfx + music)!
Awesome code from start to finish, beautiful work.
This is my favourite C64 demo, the music and design is great. I <3 Bauknecht!!
Nice c64 demo to bad i can't read the german scrolltext :(
Nice graphics (i love especially the Bauknecht 3d logo), beautiful musics, a great demoscene...
nice screens =) i just wish it had more flow and didnt require that oldschool space pushing.
Would've been really awesome in a tighter more concise package, many cool individual parts rock but it doesn't hold together at all. Certainly still a nice touch, not really your average c64 demo.
Nice one.
super nice demo, well executed concept with great sfx and gfx.
scroller vote
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