Bandit by Smurf | ||||||||
![]() |
popularity : 52% |
alltime top: #21167 |
added on the 2006-11-26 21:22:18 by hitchhikr ![]() |
popularity helper
Nice one except for the ugly creditssprite. Also I think I saw a logo using the same style somewhere else, I just can't remember where...
rulez added on the 2006-11-26 21:27:58 by StingRay 

BEAU-TI-FUL. No more to say (maybe one thing: chars were really too over-used!!).
stingray: coulb be mystic
yes can, you are sooo right!

Na Siriax, gibt's dazu was zu sagen?

Na Siriax, gibt's dazu was zu sagen?
Nice. Tune is very C64
Oops! Perhaps I should have investigated a litte more where those gfx came from all the time!
Both Logos where done by one of my best friends Deathlord aka Cocaine, he painted many logos for us, used for prodigy, smurf, delight etc. he was once a mystic member and made a mystic logo in the same style, I cant see the sense in posting the mystic screenshot here, just because the logos are in same style? what does it prove? wheres the sense? they where both done by one of our members... i think it only shows that stingray does not have a fucking clue about anything but always needs to open his stinky mouth in order to talk shit about other ppl work, what a poor and pittyful individual you really are!
Oh Siriax du arrogantes Individuum. Wer hier "pityful" ist, lass ich mal dahingestellt. Ich mach das mal auf deutsch, damit du auch was verstehst. Wenn Cocaine das Logo gemacht hat, wie kommt es, dass nur unser Held Siriax in den Credits für die Gfx steht? Ist wieder mal dein übergrosses Ego mit durchgegangen? Du bist echt mein Held, ich wär auch stolz drauf, wenn jemand Logos für mich machen würde und ich mir dann selbst die Credits dafür geben würde. Bist schon ein Held, Slogans von anderen Groups zu klauen ist auch eine wahre Meisterleistung. Ich bete Dich an, oh grosser Siriax, ich kann bestimmt noch viel von Dir lernen.
Hahahah - cheesus! Time-out boys :-)
Well, it looks like another personal affair...
Siriax has/had personal affairs with everyone who figured out how "1337" he is. ;)
Listen Stinggay, we do not need to speak
german here since everyone can read what a aimless dickhead you really are.
I really ask myself how anyone can be so stupid and try to argue about storys that he was never involed with,
the mystic and the smurf logo are made of letters from a FONT that deathlord aka cocaine and me painted together at his place in the early nineties for a demo planned
by motion. (we where members at that time in the subgrp called cocoon) The font consisted of the letters a-z and was never used since we left motion and joined other groups.
Sometimes when a logo was needed and we did not have anything at hand we used the letters from our font and made a small logo for the group we where currently working
for (in this case, mystic or smurf) ... the one who created the specific logo was credited for it and thats it. is this so hard to understand? isnt it our business what we
do with our work? we are all personal friends do you really think we need to give each other a permission when we share our work in a group of friends? - So, that lame
dickheads like you who stick their nose into things they aint got a fucking clue on can understand? There are a couple of intros that contained code by alpha one
that I made where he did not appear in the credits, or intros/trainers he made with my design or gfx and I wasnt credited, same to cocaine and his lightforce crackintro
that he did not really all alone....that never mattered us since we where friends... can you believe?
lamerbrains and storytellers - short: crap talkers aka stingrays - always existed and perhaps ever will, they feel cosy in open forums like this one, where they can talk shit all day
long and everyone is forced to read... guys like you Stinggay - who think they have eaten the wisdom about the scene (I believe about any topic) with
golden spoons but have never been a part of it nor have any backround information, nobody knows you - since you have never done anything for the scene that was worth to be remembered.
I do not need to prove my skills or quailities anymore, especially not to retards like you are, I cracked, supplied and trained more than 100 games on amiga and pc for
groups like Interpol. Fairlight, Prodigy, Quartex, Hoodlum, Deviance, Lightforce etc. just to name some of them. What have you done in that time?
Where are your productions that we can have a look on now?
what are your skills except beeing a complete idiot? your glory work consits of talking shit, talking about things you have never been involved with, talking about people which have never
heard of you... who do you think you are? the inoffcial elite scene encyclopedia?
Any lame buttventriloquist is more qualified to say than you... but, really, I have to admit I feel the highest possible respect for you.
Stingray... Can lameness be endless?

Hahah Siriax you little lame asshole, stealing code from others, stealing graphics from others, you must feel really proud. Also, what you write is highly contradictory as you first said Cocaine made the logo and now you suddenly write you made it together with him. Poor little fellow you are, I could make some nice fucktro dedicated to you but you are not even worth something like that... Who of us the craptalker is I won't even discuss here Mr."I rip all my code and then give me the credits for it". Stop doing drugs to save the last remaining rest of your brain.
Wow, cool! I am deeply impressed! I have cracked my first game in 1990, did my first trainer in 1991 and never supplied a game. Contrary to you, I didn't need any teacher for that. So stop writing utter bullshit like you always did. I wouldn't mind your clueless babbling if you actually would have some skills, but since you haven't got any, I stop here. I challenge you, dear arrogant, totally clueless and talentless Siriax, let's make some fucktro dedicated to each other. Source code has to be made public! Are you up for a challenge to prove how cool you are?
I cracked, supplied and trained more than 100 games on amiga and pc for
groups like Interpol. Fairlight, Prodigy, Quartex, Hoodlum, Deviance, Lightforce etc. just to name some of them. What have you done in that time?
Wow, cool! I am deeply impressed! I have cracked my first game in 1990, did my first trainer in 1991 and never supplied a game. Contrary to you, I didn't need any teacher for that. So stop writing utter bullshit like you always did. I wouldn't mind your clueless babbling if you actually would have some skills, but since you haven't got any, I stop here. I challenge you, dear arrogant, totally clueless and talentless Siriax, let's make some fucktro dedicated to each other. Source code has to be made public! Are you up for a challenge to prove how cool you are?
Hate makes a man stronger, keeps him alive...
golden spoons but have never been a part of it nor have any backround information, nobody knows you - since you have never done anything for the scene that was worth to be remembered.
Can't let this bullshit uncommented. What the fuck have you done except for cracking lame ass protections my grandma could crack, stealing code etc. pp.? Highly impressive skills, woohoo. \o/ I hereby challenge you to a cracking competition as well, to make it a bit more exciting, the game has to be 680x0/AGA fixed and an hd installer has to be made as well. That might give you a subtle clue about what I have done, I would shut the fuck up if I were as clueless as you are. Besides, you might check out the demos I have made during the years and then you may continue playing WoW.
omg Stinggay, can it get even worser with you?
The shit you are talking should even be below your level,
I have to admit I can imagine that your little understanding does not enable you to see that I am a trainermaker and not a demo coder.
I never intended to be one, if you call me lame because I did not code demos you call almost every top cracker or trainermaker a lamer
since I have never seen a top demo by neither a famous cracker nor a known trainermaker. I guess even 95% of all good crackintros are not made by the cracker himself.
Thats a totally different kind of work and productions often suck when coders do the grafix and musicans do the coding. Well, sometimes
productions are extremely worse too when the coder does the coding (thats what we can see in your productions). But thats another story...
The top cracker in Prodigy who did all mfm stuff at that time was not able to code a sine scroller - but he was perfect at what he did and
thats what it is all about, would anyone call a graphix artist lame because he can not crack games? Surely not.
Not everyone is so highly multitalented as you are...but I think drawing a nice logo is as impossible for you as getting a girlfriend.
And let me please quote some or your nonsense:
"Wow, cool! I am deeply impressed! I have cracked my first game in 1990, did my first trainer in 1991 and never supplied a game. Contrary to you, I didn't need any teacher for that"
Of course you where born with all the knowledge, I believe you never even needed a book, I am optimistic the scene learnt it all from you since you never needed to learn from anyone!
You are the perfection in person and we all may fall down on our knees and pray to the mighty god of coding,cracking,training,hd installer making, whuteva STINGRAY, you are immortal, you have
no rival, none can be your equal - your are the best of us all. (wasnt it Queen who made this song? I bet they thought of you when they where writing the lyrics....oO)
Fact is that a lot of top coders resourced demos as hell to figure out how effects worked, went to computer partys to share ideas and sources to improve, I know thats of course
something you never needed, you can improve by just being.
Beside, of course any good coder should be able to crack a game or do a trainer when he starts spending time and effort on that, but the skill itself
does not really mean much when you are not doing it, who needs the people who say " well, I could have done that!! " ....... no one! Your are exactly that type of person
who always point at others, proclaming you could have done everything much better than all the rest, just have a look on pouet how many bad quotes you gave on productions,
by others who worked their asses off to share something with the community even if they didnt have high class coders or graphicans - must be approx. 80%. of all....
You seem to have an elementary problem with your ego that does not enable you to pay respect to anyone except to your sick self.
As I said before, wiseacre, story teller, wanna be - thats absolutely all your are!
Wasnt it you who started as a packmaker lamer for interactive with the ugliest menu I have ever seen? Or perhaps it was another guy who was called stingray and you just
have stolen the handle...I really need to figure out...and then I can post some pictures of your hot prods here that came in the past. rofl.
Really, you should better go out or at least open the window and breathe some air, perhaps this could cause your brain to restart working again.
The demo and slideshow crap you have done all sucked shit and it only shows that you are worse at that what you intend to do best.
The fact you know that I like playing wow really shows you have high quality connections and I feel really ashamed to admit that you are so right.You really got me this
time... maybe you can find out my bloodtype or my favourite dinner and cook it for me, please!.... - honestly, you seem more like an ill stalker than a confident person to me.
A fucktro would be a nice thing you could do, I guess the scene is waiting for that, thats really something new and no one has ever seen before and it shows how
creative and imaginative you really are, what was your age again??
At last we all have other hobbies than the scene for me its playing wow from time to time, for you its (as we all know) talking bullshit in high amounts to open forums
I ask myself whats better... may others decide. Finally your apperance is always nice for a good laugh for everyone...but dissing you becomes boring since you
are obviously not able to show up with good arguments that confirm your low insults so please show up with something I havent heard before, something that is more original
or at least funny or true. I would like to end with the advice to get a life but that is surely not even remotely imaginable for you.
thumbs up for massive rants and having a friend called Deathlord aka Cocaine
yea deathlord is cool handle!
siriax, do you really need three pages to write that you're too chicken to take the challenge? seems to me that you're all words and no action...
havoc, perhaps you should start reading at least some words out of the three pages maybe this could make you understand...or do you need a painting? There are not only a lot of words you see on your screen, they also contain a content as well as an explanation that I am not a demo coder beside I mentioned that fucktros are for idiots and kids... guess thats why you demand one.
more yadda yadda, well done!
if people could just be calm when they got obvisouly nothing to say...
A nice logotype, text, a bouncing ball, music
Music by Linzner:
That music really fits the bouncing ball.
I came for the demos
I stayed for the dramas 👍
I stayed for the dramas 👍
What the hell did I just stumble into? :D
Anyway, decent cracktro, whoever did it!
Anyway, decent cracktro, whoever did it!
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