
Caillou by Mandarine [web]
platform :
type :
release date : august 2000
release party : Lucky & Tigrou Party 2000
compo : pc demo
ranked : 7th
  • 17
  • 30
  • 5
popularity : 73%
  • 0.23
alltime top: #5600
added on the 2000-08-27 21:58:42 by tuo tuo

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This demo has been entirely made (music & gfx) at the Party Place!
added on the 2000-08-27 23:50:21 by lord k lord k
it's worth to be told =)
added on the 2000-08-28 15:10:00 by analogue analogue
this demo sux a bit.
juste a bit...
added on the 2000-08-29 15:32:22 by kenet kenet
very nice demo , with a very good cartoon rendering .
added on the 2000-09-05 02:24:18 by starman starman
that demo rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxx ! (^_^)
added on the 2000-09-09 09:54:26 by rez rez
Bah, a cool demo, a little bit slow. Nice cartoon rendering. Missing some action, don't you think ?
added on the 2000-09-10 06:40:42 by Sanx Sanx
Yeah probably too slow, but EVERYTHING made at party place, so I want to congratulate Fra for the load of work he made in such few time. We couldn't have done this without him. And thanx to Danube who helped us a lot with MAX too, and with moral support :)
Soon the final version... don't expect more movement since it's still the same demo... Just some enhancements and bug fixes.
added on the 2000-09-11 16:21:03 by tuo tuo
Cartoon rendering is nice, but this deno is too boring. Next Mandarine demo will probably be best (with more effect)
added on the 2000-09-16 22:09:12 by jb jb
hibou chou genou joujou
added on the 2000-09-18 16:08:21 by u2 u2
Je dirais meme plus : hibou chou genou joujou ioutou!
added on the 2000-09-18 16:09:46 by tuo tuo
et toutes ces choses
added on the 2000-09-25 13:39:16 by kenet kenet
sans parler de pikachou
added on the 2000-09-26 10:33:39 by u2 u2
euh... kes kil a encore fait pikachu??:)))
et pis Grumly? on l'oublies vite lui.. :p
added on the 2000-09-29 13:10:11 by ^Bebe_ ^Bebe_
dites donc, c pas la recre la...
rentrez vite en classe !
added on the 2000-09-30 16:02:57 by analogue analogue
ouai, en cours, comme tout l'monde, en rang par deux et l'premier qui parle j'lui tape sur les doigts!
added on the 2000-10-02 00:17:07 by lord k lord k
eeeergl ... why does this simple demo generates so many (stupid) comments ? mandarine is definitely not a serious group, just a bunch of nice guys with a lot of friends.
added on the 2000-10-02 02:53:38 by alexkidd alexkidd
ak shut up and go back to work ! Otherwise I'll have to kick your ass off!
added on the 2000-10-04 16:56:03 by tuo tuo
Mandarine : we want your next prod ! Powered by the "jolidessin"-engine ;) and the wonderful "foretenchante" concept =)
added on the 2000-10-13 03:25:37 by Sanx Sanx
ouais moi aussi j'aimerais bien la next prod...
added on the 2000-10-16 21:43:58 by kenet kenet
on sait que t'aime les prods nordiques kenet on sait...
added on the 2000-10-17 18:03:35 by tuo tuo
non non, kenet et moi on aime les prods "vieux cons" (c) keops
added on the 2000-10-18 02:27:21 by rez rez
dont understand all of the french stuff written up there.. 8) but still, it's a pity that a demo that could be a nice funny toon a-la moppi's stuff turned out to be a stills show. find more time to finish your next one, mandarine dudes. 8)
added on the 2000-10-18 23:55:33 by bhead bhead
oups! désolé je me suis endormi, c'est con ca avait ptetre l'air bien...
added on the 2000-10-19 16:05:31 by jibe jibe
ok, so please remember we made this on party place with nothing prepared for that... so jibe, shut up! thank you.
added on the 2000-10-19 17:19:16 by tuo tuo
je l'ai vu moi, mais bon ça casse pas des brics c good :)))))))))
added on the 2000-11-03 00:58:07 by med med
et l'autre hé! le temp d'une party pour faire un screen saver ca va koi! :)))
added on the 2000-11-06 11:38:56 by jibe jibe
Bah eh fais mieux avant de parler :) music + gfx + code! on verra ensuite :)
added on the 2000-11-06 17:27:32 by tuo tuo
p'tain les mecs vous etes drolement relou avec vos critique à deux balles serieux ....
added on the 2000-11-07 15:33:26 by kenet kenet
c'est du 62eme degre !
added on the 2000-11-08 10:07:54 by analogue analogue
It's just that they want more glops than the serious guy ! 'cause the day you will have 1.000.000 globs, pouet offer you a bus trip to the nearest town from your home. Don't expect them to do thing without any reason.
added on the 2000-12-07 12:30:09 by Torone Torone
comme quoi le cartoon rendering vous rend tous un peu cons ou fous (ahaha le con-fou ... laissez tomber) enfin bon cette demo est plutot sympathique, interessante surtout pour le rendu et la modellisation tres 'mandarinienne', tout plein de couleurs, des robots pataux et mignons, bref une demo cool ki se prends pas la tete ...
added on the 2000-12-13 11:07:50 by flure flure
Oh god! Is this a demo with the 3d cartoon logic as I see in the screenshots? I love these demos!

I will download this baby too and watch it. (Why I always write comments for demos I haven't seen yet? :)
added on the 2000-12-14 15:33:13 by Optimus Optimus
I think it's quite a good demo, as it is - afaik - the first one using cartoon rendering... Innovate!
added on the 2000-12-31 05:17:47 by ThaNerd ThaNerd
I am just waiting ADSL for download all of this cools demos
added on the 2001-02-10 01:17:16 by Nonax Nonax
Mooooouuuuiiii , moyen, au niveaux Graphics, c'est pas super mais C cool quand même _^-==-^_
added on the 2001-02-10 01:21:40 by Nonax Nonax
bwoup !! bon je met mon grain de sel. Une belle demo, superbe moteur. Ca prefigure qqch de bien pour la prochaine, oui c clair que c'est un peu "boring" mais c bô, concept ak/fra style koi et puis, comme le précise sans relache tuo, c fait pendant la party. Les mecs laissez parler les gens et faites nous une prochaine demo qui pulse du slip =)
added on the 2001-02-12 12:00:30 by kacy|GLOU kacy|GLOU
tous des cons. cette demos est une de mes préférées, la modelisation déchire, le concept et la musique me font rever...
added on the 2001-02-28 17:12:03 by neurox neurox
very good design, strange graphics with no movements, we wait ... we wait, oh just a replayer, ok, dont care about the code, so just dream in this world and imagine yourself the movement :) i like it
fra you're my superheeero ;)
added on the 2001-03-05 12:39:26 by neurox neurox
I had seen that this demo has the 3d cartoon logic (And I love such demos!) and yesterday we have seen it together with my friends in an Icafe.

It's small! Small demos sucks! It's static! The robot doesn't move!!! From the screenshot I thought that it would be very great! But it suxx..

Still,. the cartoon logic 3d is beautifull..
But just few cartoonish static scenes + very small, in 3.5MB. Ough.. :P

No worth I think.. Good 3d cartoon logic demos are Paper & Three Little Goats.
added on the 2001-03-08 11:36:37 by Optimus Optimus
Godamn! Why are you writting French here???
I had enough nightmares from the French CPC scene, I don't want more! ;)

P.S. I have just read that it is the first production from a group called Mandarine and that it was hacked together in the party place. That's how it is explained. The engine is good for future use though! Bring me more 3d cartoonish demos!!! (Btw,. a 3d cartoonish engine wouldn't be a very good idea for beeing used in an adventure game? What do you think???)
added on the 2001-03-08 11:42:02 by Optimus Optimus
Bienvenue sur le chat caché de pouet.net =)
added on the 2001-03-08 17:11:58 by gelmir gelmir
really really nice models, qute robots and nice music allthoug it was an mp3.
added on the 2001-03-24 18:42:28 by f.jay f.jay
well, imo, this demo gives a bit sad mood, all the robots seem to be unhappy, just like if they had a power-off, this gives a really special mood to the demo (at least to the way i interpret it) ... ok i may be totally wrong, but i like it this way :)
added on the 2001-03-29 16:38:19 by flure flure
according to the fact that it was half partycoding, it's not 2 bad. but still it's quite pointless, isn't it?
added on the 2001-04-08 04:28:34 by crs crs
well, the music is not an .mp3 but an .xm but our musicians didn't wan't to spread the .xm
why ? ask them ^^
added on the 2001-04-14 09:59:05 by analogue analogue
je suis pour
added on the 2001-04-20 17:32:32 by lord k lord k
We could have made the music a XM, but it would have been much bigger as I remember (big samples and so on) :)
rulez added on the 2001-06-02 19:03:27 by tuo tuo
but, where are the dogs ?
added on the 2001-07-24 22:11:12 by chewbacca chewbacca
i've been told a few ones had been seen DTC ;))
added on the 2001-08-03 02:54:31 by alexkidd alexkidd
This is NOT the first cartoon shading demo.

Arguably the first boring demo with cartoon shading, but no.

Nice scenes, too bad nothing's happening.
sucks added on the 2001-08-03 07:41:46 by Shifter Shifter
ak : On ne peut plus donner son opinion maintenant?
si c'est juste mettre des rulez à ses potes, je vois pas l'interet de faire un forum de critique.
Je donne mon avis c'est tout.
added on the 2001-10-19 04:46:32 by chewbacca chewbacca
Thumbs down..
sucks added on the 2001-10-22 15:59:24 by Optimus Optimus
Very nice 3dobjects by fra!
else.. too short and too boring :]
added on the 2002-01-06 15:05:59 by bizken bizken
3d objects by DANUBE & fra.
(please, I don't want to bear such a responsibility on my own :)
added on the 2002-02-05 14:27:44 by fra fra

lovely coop then,
they still rock
rulez added on the 2002-02-15 22:02:21 by bizken bizken
Nice cartoon rendering.:)
However, I feel a bit boring.
added on the 2002-05-04 06:23:59 by got got
'tite demo sympa, un peut ennuyant, mais c bien cool pour une "partie hack".
rulez added on the 2002-05-04 17:43:04 by Nezbie Nezbie
It made me smile, but if there was a plot or a story, I sure missed it.
added on the 2002-06-10 12:03:11 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
Good looking demo ... over that, Tuo is a close friend of mine -:)
rulez added on the 2002-09-11 16:06:15 by jaxx jaxx
Nice atmosphere.
Cool music.
rulez added on the 2002-12-11 06:27:53 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
Nice rendering, but it's boring as hell!
sucks added on the 2003-01-23 20:23:52 by shash shash
awsome. got the spirit.
rulez added on the 2003-02-07 17:38:20 by jpx jpx
why ppl likes this so much?... this sucks!
sucks added on the 2003-05-15 20:30:55 by shadez shadez
robot is cute :)
rulez added on the 2004-02-20 04:43:20 by Zest Zest
pigface for no action at all
added on the 2004-02-20 09:32:50 by v3nom v3nom
I don't know why but i like this one. The music is cute and i like the cartoon render too. One thing bother me about it : the whole demo is static. Just the camera moves.
rulez added on the 2004-02-20 14:04:53 by AbcuG! AbcuG!
uhhh? boring?
sucks added on the 2004-05-31 20:52:24 by Duckers Duckers
nice, thumb up because it's mandarine and they're all great
3d flyby.. nice cell shading but I don't like much the colors.
added on the 2005-05-31 12:40:48 by bdk bdk
misses some action, but looks very nice and i like the music
added on the 2005-07-13 13:33:43 by rmeht rmeht
rulez added on the 2006-07-12 14:59:56 by el mal el mal
beautiful but a bit Zzzzzz.
rulez added on the 2006-08-03 12:03:12 by 4kum4 4kum4
rulez added on the 2008-09-29 22:38:44 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
here is my thumb!

I love so much the music! <3
rulez added on the 2010-08-16 13:24:07 by rez rez
wherever you are, Jean-Michel you are still alive for all of us!!
rulez added on the 2013-06-25 03:53:57 by norecess norecess
BB Image
Sure there's no action, but for some reason that style, the models and that music make it stil enjoyable - if only that robot would move a bit :)
rulez added on the 2014-10-26 22:03:00 by mog mog
Nice but also a bit underwhelming.
Rest in Peace, Tu0.
Thanks for watching the demo, guys :)
added on the 2016-01-27 20:46:53 by fra fra
a bit boring while watching without a proper brief but then when I read that it was all done at the party I reconsider. huge amount of work for a short period of time it seems. lacks of animation and true Caillou character (I was triggered by the name as I remember the cartoon, I was showing it to my kid quite recently). Sad the guy behind it passed away already. Not sure what's the story behind the author but seemed to be very talented. Less and less of us, keyboard heroes.
rulez added on the 2021-07-28 22:04:24 by hollowone hollowone
During the summer of 2000, while having a vacations week in the French Cévennes with Jean-Michel “Tu0,” who was back then a 3D developer at Lankhor, we intensely worked on an upcoming demo. Our joint goal was to showcase a real-time 3D animation featuring a non-realistic rendering, inspired by what SEGA had achieved on Dreamcast with "Jet Set Radio".

Tu0 was able to implement a very similar rendering algorithm, and the following week, at a the Luck and Tigrou Party near Paris, we presented a demo called “Caillou.” Although this demo remained relatively static with simple camera movements (as an unintentional homage to the very first CGI films) it represents for the members of the Mandarine group an experience of a production workflow between generalist software like Lightwave 3D or 3D Studio Max and a proprietary 3D engine (like the one written in C++ by Tu0).

Danube’s contribution was foundational, and those familiar with his work (see the defunct la-meule.com) will recognize his involvement in our 3D universe.

The making of this prod during the 48 hours of the event also witnessed a close collaboration among the three developers of the group (Tu0, LordK, and Analogue), as well as a quite joint effort (from what I remember) between the musicians Kenet and RedRibbon. The general inspiration for the demo, its name, and the overlay illustrations bear the signature of Adrien "AlexKidd," who was a kind of moral and aesthetic authority for the group at that time.

The first 3D demo was supposed to be a "borntro" for the Mandarine group, but the original script and scenario of our borntro were (probably) too ambitious, and perhaps we were all too novice to achieve it. Instead, you got “Caillou,” which I look back on more than twenty years later with a sense of fondness as it boostrapped by own quest for the ultimate 3D rendering style :)
rulez added on the 2024-06-02 16:47:09 by fra fra

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