The Evolution of Vision by Andromeda Software Development [web]
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popularity : 76% |
alltime top: #188 |
added on the 2006-10-09 01:32:09 by rc55 ![]() |
popularity helper
Reminded me of State of the Art, but my god... this is progress! Thanks for making the party pure class, ASD!
rulez added on the 2006-10-09 01:33:02 by rc55 

A most worthy winner! Very enjoyable to watch, with added crotch-rubbing. Glad you could make the party!
Nice idea, incredibly well executed.
Pure ASD class. Most original concept candidate for sure.
Is the girl masturbating?
Is the girl masturbating?
It's full of stars has finally evolved? Lotsa executable stuff, and a sweet superb tune.
<3 <3 I don't understand the amount of quality one group can produce.. I'm stunned!
c0d3rpr0n taken by word!
Very nice ideas.
i had a job interview last week and one of the questions asked me is about Hough transformation. Hehe :)
i had a job interview last week and one of the questions asked me is about Hough transformation. Hehe :)
incredible! fantastic demo!
Finally.. no metal guitars!!
Nice ideas, but the demo lacked progression. Good nevertheless.
I wanted to comment on the flick you used, but everybody else already did that...
Nice ideas, but the demo lacked progression. Good nevertheless.
I wanted to comment on the flick you used, but everybody else already did that...
Nice especially with the girl
ASD, shortening your idea lists since 2001.
Nice visuals. Soundtrack should have been more glitch and less demopop.
I have no words.
absolutely stunning psychedelic visuals !
and this is probably the first time i've enjoyed ASD soundtrack :D like, ever :))
and this is probably the first time i've enjoyed ASD soundtrack :D like, ever :))
good ideas performed in a beautiful way
ASD...OMG :o
What I exactly expected from ASD. A great demo full of great ideas.
@aMUSIC: I'm happy to hear that your old music project ended up like this. Congratulations. But, remember this. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "A MUSIC" !!! haha :)
@aMUSIC: I'm happy to hear that your old music project ended up like this. Congratulations. But, remember this. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "A MUSIC" !!! haha :)
That was some cool shit! I loved the way you get the imppression that there is something recognisable there very early on, but yoy don't grasp it at once.. Original shit.. Maybe the video was a little bit too visible in the end.. in the realizm part. Still. This may be a classic here :)
Really liked the suggestive visual. And I second loaderror on classic potential.
Nice effect, but i didnt like the demo so much. A piggie.
navis, put it in \incoming on
The character visuals were very well delivered such as the tune. But guys: did you ever tried to start/end a palette with a non-F-value ;)
The colours were a disgrace, sorry.
The colours were a disgrace, sorry.
Navis, 5200FX - dont work?
whoa! this was great!
seems to rock : video please
great concept and design..
it gots the music, the porn and teh stylish effects...
this not porn, this is erotics! (:
Navis, nice algorithm of analizing picture (avi in this example). Avi - free video from pron-site? ;) No, this not interest, were tatoo (on girls ass) "ASD"? ;)
PS: Pixel Shader for line?
Navis, nice algorithm of analizing picture (avi in this example). Avi - free video from pron-site? ;) No, this not interest, were tatoo (on girls ass) "ASD"? ;)
PS: Pixel Shader for line?
There was some potential in there to be good, but basically it ended up being little more than flashing lines and squares with no real direction.
The music was excellent, but I didn't think much of the demo.
The music was excellent, but I didn't think much of the demo.
I can't run the demo on FX 5900..this is the first time I can't run an ASD demo on my machine. I've got the latest drivers shows me this..

Any ideas ?

Any ideas ?
Thanks a lot, Navis. Everything is fine now.
Nice demo, BTW :D
Nice demo, BTW :D
he he - this porn acts pretty well (especially in the scene, where we can see the back). The image processing filter is really neat (the one with blue lines).
I bet Navis have been wanking at :)
ASD have pr0n which can beat your pr0n!
Nice effects and great atmosphere.
still no video ?
not my cup of tea. cool video-thingie, but the rest kinda sucked imo...
Thumb for the idea, rest was ok.
th.up. nothing really special though
pr0n! (music is good too, despite the absence of metal guitars)
Navis: Big big big piles of respect from me. It just looks so damn smooth, the silhouette of the characters, etc.. it reminded me slightly of the "Take on Me" musicvideo back in the 80s of A-ha. Great visuals, great concept, great music and brilliant execution. (*bows*)
mad :D
Whoha! Navis you are my new hero! :)
Super idea to make something like this..
try1.avi in the textures dir really is a nice video btw. 8)
Somehow the silhouette reminded me a little at this demo:
But far more advanced ofcourse!
Also nice ASD released such demo on a smaller party like sundown. Respect!
Super idea to make something like this..
try1.avi in the textures dir really is a nice video btw. 8)
Somehow the silhouette reminded me a little at this demo:
But far more advanced ofcourse!
Also nice ASD released such demo on a smaller party like sundown. Respect!
time to test the demo with different .AVIs ;)
very cool demo!
Got the exact same message as "Leo 69", and I'm running a standard WinXP SP2 install...
Music matches the visuals just perfectly. Maybe the best one from ASD so far.
Got it to run after manually installing Indeo 3.2 codec.
The effects are totally brilliant. The material .. hum much less so. I guess that's what a demonstration is :)
wow. I wasn't bored so much for a long time. sorry guys some nice design but I was close before pushing escape during the demo.
what ps said.
nice idea!
that fucking rocks
different but not my cup of tea. pretty boring.
yes, it is that good!
wow! sound and vision
navis, are you into vj'ing? :) best looking vector porn for a while.
Not bad but not my taste.
Liked this one....nice music this time too, not only nice effects :)
navis, showing something like this based on real-time video input would definitely have vj potential. accompanied by some audio capture and sound analysis on top of that, beating the vectors together with the baseline and the public will be sold. :)
Nice effect - a bit too wierd, but still utterly cool!
best vectorized-woman-demo in 13 years! :)
Thumbs up for the music, mixed feelings about the rest, though the curve human figures are quite nice :)
this. totaly. rules! :) made my day :)
As an experiment it works well, but it's not really entertaining for my eyes. Love the music though. I'll give it another go some time later.
I really liked this.
i expected more and the lines seemed to be a bit random at times. probably just not my taste.. music didn't do much for me either.
the line drawing algo for the contours is just ACE! looks so natural! respectz!
This is quite cool. Will be fun trying different vids in place of the nice one it comes with. Any encoding tips?
ASD puts porn in a demo to win votes - I think we can officially call the scene dead now :D
Added a video link (thanks to Crest for uploading it to
Awesome demo btw!
Awesome demo btw!
Well, rulez of course!
nice as usual
Null pointer (NULL array pointer is passed) in function cvGetMat, D:\User\VP\opencv\cxcore\src\cxarray.cpp(2763)
AMD64 3000+, Nvidia 6600GT 128mb, 1gb RAM
AMD64 3000+, Nvidia 6600GT 128mb, 1gb RAM
total ownage.
Runs fluent and looks great on my "SLOW" graphic card
runs slow here and missed it at the party place :(
Absolutely amazing - ASD doesn't get boring.
Oh, and a nice tune from amusic... <3
Oh, and a nice tune from amusic... <3
Relevant to my interests.
is ok
quite mediocre. average design, averge music. the line drawing algo is nice though. hmm, maybe i've expected more...
At least I can thumb up an ASD prod! :)
Briliantly clever idea and original concept.
My nomination for next "coup de coeur" stuff.
My nomination for next "coup de coeur" stuff.
asd demos always say electricity an Jean Michel Jarre to me. really unique demo style. great stuff.
original, nice ideas and good music... but.. where are the guitars? ;)
I like the idea, but this isn't as well structured or enjoyable as other ASD prods.
Still looking for my breath, you guys must have stolen it...
great stuff!
great stuff!
Not looking neat, was expecting more thin things but overall fx are excellent especially on the video and the shining lines in blue. weird end. kkool music
I enjoyed it
I enjoyed it
Divergence from the common ASD style.
Very nice. It reminded me of Applpe's newest iPod TV commercials (black background with pretty lights).
trippy @_@
deserves a thumb
nice concept *kick ass fx* but the music does not fit so well with the graphics.. and the whole concept could have been pushed much further. still a big thumb
What a wonderful piece of Art! Great work andromeda, another great demo… this one is in my 15’s top lists !!!
Yes! I've noticed such a break-up from the ASD typical demo styles.
More experimental-style and new affects (or at least a smart recycle of them!)
btw, that girl-video might come from archive or some other hard pron site, that model sounds familiar to me ;D heheh
More experimental-style and new affects (or at least a smart recycle of them!)
btw, that girl-video might come from archive or some other hard pron site, that model sounds familiar to me ;D heheh
not what i expected but still cool.. very cool
nice. still waiting for their show-stopper, tho.
Really nice. I didn't like the music much but I guess it fits the demo ok.
Bored me to death, but maybe I shouldn't have read all of your msgs first was really disappointed. At the end I was like: "now here it comes"...
Not my cup of bacardi cola
not the usual asd megademo, but enjoyable nonetheless
overrated :( is really boring
ho oui !! thanx for the show guyes
now I can finally watch porn in public
this is really amazing. porno-rama public!
teh shit !!!!
Cool stuff!
Who, what, where, when, why, how?........simply amazing and a bag of chips!!!
basically just one effect here, but a darn good one :) original idea, really.
new and clever.
it's quite funny to watch the demo, watch the video it's based on and watch the demo again - you notice a lot of different things the 2nd time. :)
it's quite funny to watch the demo, watch the video it's based on and watch the demo again - you notice a lot of different things the 2nd time. :)
Great stuff. Lovely main effect, some neat stuff in the background too, and the tune is good.
I just want to thumb up
Excellent visuals (my cup of... coffee).
navis: yeah. installed divx and everything works fine now. :)
Great effect!
Great effect!
an adorable demo
revolutionary concept!
not concept / but realtime visualisation of an movie..
nice product.
try1.avi in the textures dir is also really nice video ;)
try1.avi in the textures dir is also really nice video ;)
A new direction for ASD, at least in this production. I must say that I was more into the old stuff, this is a bit too abstract.
Because of the loads of positive comments, I was expecting another "Iconoclast" or at least another "Animal Attraction" and was therefore quite disappointed. To me, this looks more like a screensaver than a demo, with all its lines, curves and standard-font texts, and the almost complete absence of fancy gfx - the only exception is the girl at the very end of the demo. I'll give it a piggy face.
One thing - please give us some options for changing resolution/aliasing, sucha pity to run it in 1024x768 and without AA.
Looks simple, but due to reasonable length and constant progression remains interesting to the very end. The visuals have some "Wargames" vibes, but nevertheless (or because of that) are very fresh, clear and nice to the eyes. Rocks.
simply brillilant
enjoyed it, dismayed that it actually WAS pr0n. But that's the subversive part of me wishing you'd tricked folks (:
starwars with a fine looking laser-lady = totally rocker =)(=
Well, there are great ASD demos and absolutely crappy ASD demos, I'm afraid this hits the second category dead-on. Even worse than the weird trilogy.
Interesting image processing thingy, but that's all.
Interesting image processing thingy, but that's all.
One of my favourite ASD demos ...More of these please!
Another fine entry from asd.
Thank you, guys. Again :)
I was expecting another "Iconoclast" or at least another "Animal Attraction"
a subtle hint: don't.
original. I like it.
Best. Ever.
filth! gore! porn in art! oh noes, it's the 1930s all over!
that said, excellent demo guys :-)
that said, excellent demo guys :-)
almost complete absence of fancy gfx
adok you have to be kidding or trolling there :/ orelse just remove your ego-crap from your eyes and code '"fancier" gfx than this master effect. Seriously.
Nice porn :)
this gets better every time I watch it
This demo is so original, that it's going to redefine the scene.
pataridh egrapses!
This demo is so original, that it's going to redefine the scene.
pataridh egrapses!
Deserves free beer!
It rules
verry good
asd luv
good, but a little short in time
seen better ones.. seen worst ones.. (from asd)
so.. piggy
so.. piggy
nice one, but not my ASD favourite
Very good, but I want another prog-metal soundtrack next time :)
Really fresh.
now this one was cool. loved the outline effect on the chick.
interesting :)
Wow... impressive !!! for a passionate of image recognition like me, I have to say that I love it !^^
changed video to same format and ... IT WORKS! realy impressive...
you got it
changed video to same format and ... IT WORKS! realy impressive...
you got it
This is really really good!
You guys make shit that runs very slow on my videocard. Im thinking about upgrading because of this prod and the new one ( lifeforce ) .. grr.. your guys are bad for my wallet!
I find it utterly fascinating that the ASD-guys are capable of doing demos with grand 3d set pieces like Iconoclast and Lifeforce and on the other hand they are creating those minimalictic focussed productions like this one or Eryx - ON THE SAME LEVEL OF QUALITY!
Outstanding idea and effect!
Outstanding idea and effect!
This type of ASD demos is always welcome! Great!
a little bit boring...
Not ASDs best and could be better but still good!
none of my friends understand this
this totally rules!
this totally rules!
nice realtime image manipulation!!
absolutely amazing!
holy shit that is nice
Yeah, totally my kind of stuff \o/. I like this better than Lifeforce actually.
Great one.
Love asd prods when they focus more on style and art than on the "look-at-my-muscles" attitude.
Love asd prods when they focus more on style and art than on the "look-at-my-muscles" attitude.
Is this the one with the porn video? Thumbs up! :)
WHOAA.... great one !
modifiable movie file crew
a thumb-receiver is you
Ah yes, great stuff here! Sometimes ASDs experimental work really pays off!
oha! love the drums
Nicely done.
i liek :)
Thumb up missing, dude.
Late thumb. Really cool stuff.
Usual ASD style but a bit fewer transitions than I have come to expect. I get the feeling they didn't put as much time into this one.
great stuff
It's ok, but not great
démago :)
Beautiful gfx, excellent tune. A pleasure to watch!
Missed thumb.
great demo! as usual from ASD
wtf no thumb?
Very nice artistic use of OpenCV.
Very nice artistic use of OpenCV.
Great demo !
Just had to top this since it's my favorite ASD demo. Who needs production values with such a cool concept ?
hmmm, this one is good but not my cup of tea :|
Nice and colorful - I like it :)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip on my HD channel:
The Evolution of Vision by ASD (720p)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip on my HD channel:
The Evolution of Vision by ASD (720p)
Thumb was missing... Awesome effects!
If you want to run this demo on Windows 7 you should add the following to your registry
and then copy %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\ir32_32.dll to the demo folder :)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32]
and then copy %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\ir32_32.dll to the demo folder :)
starts very strong bit then it gets weak :\ so piggie is fair.
Good concept, solid execution.
interesting to compare to Monolith
Knowing roughly how this demo is working hits a spot with me, the playing video influencing what gets drawn on the screen plus the overall style of the demo is great.
Also, managed to get it working on Win 10! Not sure if above is needed but I did have to run it in Win XP compatibility mode.
Also, managed to get it working on Win 10! Not sure if above is needed but I did have to run it in Win XP compatibility mode.
Interesting but it doesn't do it for me.
i'm conflicted. looks more like a VJ act than anything else
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