Die Ewigkeit Schmerzt by Neuro
![]() |
popularity : 78% |
alltime top: #167 |
added on the 2006-08-13 12:21:42 by Gargaj ![]() |
popularity helper
I concur.
And windows port please! :)
And windows port please! :)
this thumb up is for the pacing, music and style.
but the message - well, starts off with typical paniq lyrics and the end part was just a TOO cheap shot. seriously.
but the message - well, starts off with typical paniq lyrics and the end part was just a TOO cheap shot. seriously.
Note to paniq: please wrap the "import psyco" call in lib/nedu/demo.py in a try...except ImportError: pass section for the sake of compatibility -- running slowly is better than not running at all :)
Secondly, are the shaders really, absolutely, utterly necessary? I'd love to watch the demo on my i915 ...
Apart from that: Total ownage!
Secondly, are the shaders really, absolutely, utterly necessary? I'd love to watch the demo on my i915 ...
Apart from that: Total ownage!
Took an eon to precalc, what's up with that?
win32 port me beatyful!
nice, make an english port of this portable demo :)
Took me a bit to make it work, after it did, I got the confirmation that this intriguing stuff paniq was working on at breakpoint really was going to be released in the end. I love it in principle, just wish it was more accessible..
Seems that I got it to work under Win32, i'll upload binaries or whatever as soon as the thing runs stable, etc.
Great idea, smooth realization!
brilliant storyboarding and very smooth. it even shocked me a bit in my tired state at evoke. =)
k, a video would be nice so i dont have to go thru the hassle to manage to run this, plz...
YAY! Gimme more! Nicest piece of demo shit at Evoke.. RULEZ!!!!
i love it! lyrics and track together affect me even more, than the track already does alone. awesome atmosphere!
okay, experimental w32 port here: http://umlaut.intro.hu/~gargaj/code/neuro-die_ewigkeit_schmerzt-w32.zip
please note that this is entirely unofficial, so there's no warranty whether it works :)
(hint: use -w for windowed - it's recommended)
please note that this is entirely unofficial, so there's no warranty whether it works :)
(hint: use -w for windowed - it's recommended)
u r the man ;)
Very cool!
super ace design and execution.
love this!
love this!
nice show! brilliant music!
thanks paniq, thanks gargaj. good thing.
but ... 5 minutes of loading time... wtf. :)
but ... 5 minutes of loading time... wtf. :)
Wow, very great. Is there a Scene.org Award category for demos that are "different"? Great music, great pace but the lyrics are too emo for my taste.
Why is this in dutch though?
Yeah, the dutch sucks ;-)
Qualitätstest: sehr gut.
awesome :)
Shame for the german lyrics, it's quite hard to follow for a non-kraut like myself. And i'm not too fond of the message either.. then again, the direction and typography is very well presented.. so a thumb!
but the message - well, starts off with typical paniq lyrics and the end part was just a TOO cheap shot.
In fact, it ruined the demo.
Waiting for a lorem ipsum version.
English subtitles, please!!! :)
This should appeal to the wider 'arts' community!
win32 port crashes:
>run.exe -w
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 11, in ?
File "scene_main.pyc", line 7, in ?
File "nedu\demo.pyc", line 2, in ?
File "nedu\frame.pyc", line 7, in ?
File "nedu\sdlframe.pyc", line 7, in ?
File "nedu\sdl.pyc", line 256, in ?
IndexError: list index out of range
video, PLEASE????? or official windows port? cuz my ati linux drivers are not cooperating...
>run.exe -w
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 11, in ?
File "scene_main.pyc", line 7, in ?
File "nedu\demo.pyc", line 2, in ?
File "nedu\frame.pyc", line 7, in ?
File "nedu\sdlframe.pyc", line 7, in ?
File "nedu\sdl.pyc", line 256, in ?
IndexError: list index out of range
video, PLEASE????? or official windows port? cuz my ati linux drivers are not cooperating...
W32 port works for me. Insane loading time indeed. Nice timing and something you don't see too often, yet, as a demo it doesn't work for me. And I don't like the music either.
I would NOT reccommend the -w parameter. eh, the loadtime isnt that bad. it's the suspense... no loadbar...
i watched this on demoscene.tv, and i was impressed. now after watching it again, who would ever think that 4 colors would bring so much happiness?
a timeless classic.
i watched this on demoscene.tv, and i was impressed. now after watching it again, who would ever think that 4 colors would bring so much happiness?
a timeless classic.
this was the only good demo in the whole compo so I'm really really really glad it won :)
The title clearly refers to the loading time. ;) And yes, we need a video too.
elend: the scene award category you mean does exist: "most original concept".
what a great demo. i really enjoyed this one. great work!
video is in the works...
die Ewigkeit schmerzt
sorry for crashing the party a bit here, but anyone with some basic professional typographic design knowledge would probably find this example of fontplay rather dull and static. I can't read german, and that lessens the impact for me, but still there are ways to make this more universally accessible by creatively manipulating the letters. just take a look at the books by jan tschihold and emil ruder...
well, it's worth a thumb for trying a new direction for all the scene. keep it up! 8)
well, it's worth a thumb for trying a new direction for all the scene. keep it up! 8)
nice effect, but not sure if that's enough for a thumb
i kinda agree with bhead here, there could be done a LOT more with typographic elements. and also, those small "growing" ornaments in the letters could have been used more excessively.
but it's still a nice and unusual prod.
but it's still a nice and unusual prod.
I already gave my thumb up but I just wanted to add that I really like that this demo actually has a message. That some people seem to opose that message is not a problem, atleast it makes them think
Art has always been a powerful way to express yourself and although abstract audiovisual shows are nice too we really need to see more demos like this IMHO.
Art has always been a powerful way to express yourself and although abstract audiovisual shows are nice too we really need to see more demos like this IMHO.
That was really nice.
wowwow!! excellent work here! watched it twice right away, now probably gonna watch third time :)
paniq: recorded on a radeon X1600 with 6x multisample antialias, then downscaled to 800x600.
awsome! great execution. wold love a english version
i thought i included psyco in the file - did i forget it?
You included it, but psyco seems so be _very_ picky about the underlying Python version. I don't remember the exact wording, but the message was complaining about psyco's .so file not being compiled for my installed version of Python (2.4.4c0 from Debian unstable).
unless ballet dancer 2 comes out later this year, this will be an easy pick for the most original concept scene.org award 2006.
"ballet dancer 2"
"most original concept"
"most original concept"
Well, the concept is not original but the execution is well done and music cool.
great demo.. despite a really überlong loading time. still rocks ;)
great experience, but 8minutes loadingtime (2.4ghz) is a no-go!
i remember this effect from hardwired, but this one has more endless (or something), thumb for the palette
What Gargaj said, plus übercool lyrics!
Very nice, and a surprising amount of variety considering the relatively "basic" concept. (Bearing in mind I have no idea what it says...)
really cool show, enjoyed it a lot. although i think the idea isn't that new and the message is a bit too obvious. the music is quite nice in a way.
The The first time i saw an text zoomer effect it was in Hardwired/TSL+Crionics "Crionics Demo Anal 1991" :)
Nice to see this effect updated
The logo part is very cool
Nice to see this effect updated
The logo part is very cool
The first time i saw an text zoomer effect it was in Hardwired/TSL+Crionics "Crionics Demo Anal 1991" :)
Nice to see this effect updated
The logo part is very cool
Nice to see this effect updated
The logo part is very cool
Hehe probably the best "linux" demo ever. Funny thing was that I was able to read most of the text and my germany skills utterly suck.
Shaders seem like very unnecessary but at least I got a ps 2.0 compatible nvidia graphics card for 20 euros. :)
Deserves a scene.org award. Huge thumb up!
Shaders seem like very unnecessary but at least I got a ps 2.0 compatible nvidia graphics card for 20 euros. :)
Deserves a scene.org award. Huge thumb up!
What. The. Fuck.
Nice nice nice!
kick ass music. Especially in the parts without strings and piano. :) Very cool 2D vector demo too.
very motion graphics alike or something, but really really nice. nice use of vector graphics :)
I like this style!
Wow, this is fucking excellent.
I've been waiting for this puppy to be released for almost half a year now, and i regret no single day of it.
Awesome stuff.
Schmerz mit Freude
very good timing, I like it!
I agree with Loaderror. The music is fantastic, especially with the piano. Other than that, i really enjoyed this demo a lot. Very well done and original.
When i watched this for the first time, i kept wanting to read the text but my german is so bad that i gave up and just enjoyed the demo.
Really nice release! Well done!
When i watched this for the first time, i kept wanting to read the text but my german is so bad that i gave up and just enjoyed the demo.
Really nice release! Well done!
damn excellent tune, enjoyable demo. tried and failed to grasp the lyrics but i trust ryg :D
Whoah, awesome
gut gut gut
i was fucking moved to tears when i saw this on evoke... demoscene -> emoscene
great great great. true art.
Doesn't work here... Opens up a console and changes screenmode but nothing happens.
Maybe i'll give it another shot when i install a proper operating system.
Maybe i'll give it another shot when i install a proper operating system.
top musicstyle, top idea for gfx style amd lyrics ..
ums kurz zu machen : Aller Erste Sahne
ums kurz zu machen : Aller Erste Sahne
loved it and still do.
awesome! would love an english version though :p
ich verstehe nicht
aber es war gut
aber es war gut
the lyrics are not for me (and what do the corporate logos have to do with anything?) but the feeling created by the music and motion is just great.
Well produced, but boring.
Also, whiny.
Also, whiny.
subtly and meaningful with good style and fantastic music
i love it
i love it
The big loading while no bar was displayed made me quit the app. Please have some loading indication for your demos!
At the third time I decided to become a bit more patient. Great concept and music, really well executed and German lyrics in demos is another bonus for me, they really make the atmosphere and hopefully I can almost understand them :)
At the third time I decided to become a bit more patient. Great concept and music, really well executed and German lyrics in demos is another bonus for me, they really make the atmosphere and hopefully I can almost understand them :)
Fantastic ! One of the best demos I have ever seen, a window into a totally different world.
This is truly great, well done.
This is truly great, well done.
Awesome! By far one of the most original Demos since a very long time! Furthermore you totally hit my taste, well done, black white, plain gfx with smooth fadings from one object to another. Who needs more? A good Musik? You got JCO ;)
Ah, if only my understanding of deutsche was better...
oh yes the tune rules.
Text will never be the same again.
so fucking simple, but just great.
windows port crashes whle loading (win2k, 1ghz, 256mb ram, gf4mx).
HEY! timing - music
GR8 stuFF!
GR8 stuFF!
it needs shaders (tho it would rock if it didnt).windows port crashes whle loading (win2k, 1ghz, 256mb ram, gf4mx).
Nice style. All texts but lots of rotations. I agree that the loading took way too long. Need a graph or a warning about it.
me likes
Hey kids! Nothing beat a nice clean install of your favorite hippie OS!
Info file doesn't help a hopeless n00b like me either. So... in other words:
'Frankfurter' ?
nuey@kindred:~/Desktop/cock$ ./demo
nedu.res(64): initializing search paths
nedu.res(30): adding scene path '/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu'
nedu.res(39): adding resource path '/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/res'
nedu.res(23): setting cachepath to "/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/cache"
nedu.res(39): adding resource path '/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/lib'
nedu.res(39): adding resource path '/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu'
nedu.res(30): adding scene path '.'
nedu.res(39): adding resource path 'res'
nedu.res(23): setting cachepath to "./cache"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "demo.py", line 13, in ?
File "/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/__init__.py", line 58, in run
File "/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/demo.py", line 89, in run
self.frame = frame.Frame(demo=self,**kargs)
File "/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/frame.py", line 9, in Frame
return sdlframe.Frame(*args, **kargs)
File "/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/sdlframe.py", line 18, in __init__
File "/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/sound.py", line 33, in init
sdl_mixer = library.load('SDL_mixer','SDL_mixer-1.2')
File "/home/nuey/Desktop/cock/lib/nedu/library.py", line 52, in load
assert m, "libraries %s not found" % ','.join(["'%s'" % a for a in names])
AssertionError: libraries 'SDL_mixer','SDL_mixer-1.2' not found
Info file doesn't help a hopeless n00b like me either. So... in other words:
'Frankfurter' ?
AssertionError: libraries 'SDL_mixer','SDL_mixer-1.2' not found
i think you need to install sdl_mixer...
Tribao: That was obvious, and not the point of the post :)
As trace so eloquently put it elsewhere:
...and paniq was just showing off his love for cock and ranting about how the manual omitted how to apt-get stuff, but the gist is the same -*his* demo doesn't work without having to run off and install crap that isn't already there either :)
As trace so eloquently put it elsewhere:
Looks like it's not in Ubuntu.
I mean, I don't have any problema about installing stuff, but I don't think is fair :)
...and paniq was just showing off his love for cock and ranting about how the manual omitted how to apt-get stuff, but the gist is the same -*his* demo doesn't work without having to run off and install crap that isn't already there either :)
that's a list of things on the compo machine, not neccesairily the requirements of the demos running on it. Plus, they're not in the info file.
True, this was more a stab at what Trace had to bitch about. But that doesn't change the fact that this demo doesn't run without having to fiddle around.
And hey, my distro seemed devoid of wine -but that was nothing adding a line in the repository list could beat. You could consider bitching less about the frailities of life :)
True, this was more a stab at what Trace had to bitch about. But that doesn't change the fact that this demo doesn't run without having to fiddle around.
And hey, my distro seemed devoid of wine -but that was nothing adding a line in the repository list could beat. You could consider bitching less about the frailities of life :)
Is it just me or is this a genuine (nearly) infinite-zoomer using SVG graphics for really tiny stuff?
Oh, and for me it worked immediately on Ubuntu (Xubuntu to be precise), but then again I've got more than just the default install here. The files you need to get are probably in the universe repository, which must be specially enabled in Synaptic.
I DID, however, have a problem in one screen right after the last german word fades out- the screen went gray and stayed that way until the symbol-zoomer part.
Oh, and for me it worked immediately on Ubuntu (Xubuntu to be precise), but then again I've got more than just the default install here. The files you need to get are probably in the universe repository, which must be specially enabled in Synaptic.
I DID, however, have a problem in one screen right after the last german word fades out- the screen went gray and stayed that way until the symbol-zoomer part.
so fucking refreshing it hurts
Uh, no. The first thing I see (once the music starts) is 'warum fühle ich' rushing in at me on a white background. The last thing I see is 'allein' rushing out, and then the piano starts. All I can see for a minute or so is a static distorted 3-shaped sort of thing that looks more like a leftover display artifact than any demo object.
I don't have Pixel Shaders 2 on this thing (GeForce 4 Ti 4200 Go)... maybe I need some other SDL component I don't have installed?
(I checked the page of requirements and all that's missing was libsdl-sound1.2)
I don't have Pixel Shaders 2 on this thing (GeForce 4 Ti 4200 Go)... maybe I need some other SDL component I don't have installed?
(I checked the page of requirements and all that's missing was libsdl-sound1.2)
Hmm... as for growthings, having seen the video, I didn't exactly see them as intended. Instead of growing, they seem to show up as zoomed in overlays, for the period of time they SHOULD be growing (according to the video). It's a rather odd effect, and makes a few of the words much harder to read (not that I can read German anyway- I never would have guessed anything like the translation)
I saw nothing like the text outline drawing. That's where the artifact comes in, and that's where I'm guessing the pixel shaders are required.
I saw nothing like the text outline drawing. That's where the artifact comes in, and that's where I'm guessing the pixel shaders are required.
Well, I'm going to thumb it up anyway, because what I saw was enough for a thumb.
it was so great, watching it, lying down in front of the bigscreen.
way to go! :)
way to go! :)
Superb! Long loading tho... how about some threading to speed things up next time?
so nice %)
like it! But very overrated at the moment. So just a pig :(
ich finde dieses Teil aus künstlerischer Sicht echt Geil. Passt halt nicht wirklich in die Demoscene.
hehe, je mehr ich drüber nachdenk desto eher lande ich beim thumb up. :) Na gut. Erinnert mich irgendwie an die Demos "Weltschmerz" & "Millenium Fever". Jetzt sind es 3. :)
Idee, Musik, Sync sind echt gut.
ich finde dieses Teil aus künstlerischer Sicht echt Geil. Passt halt nicht wirklich in die Demoscene.
hehe, je mehr ich drüber nachdenk desto eher lande ich beim thumb up. :) Na gut. Erinnert mich irgendwie an die Demos "Weltschmerz" & "Millenium Fever". Jetzt sind es 3. :)
Idee, Musik, Sync sind echt gut.
owww holy shit.
loves it :-)
zoom \o/
sweet uppercut!
Might be more interesting if I knew German. Picks up a bit in the end but still an anti-thumb.
nice product.
Indeed nice and original.
very cool - I like shapy ,vector alike stuff
very cool idea and realization! sehr gut!
sits there for a long time, then exits prematurely.
man.. this does good things to my ears. I haven't been sucked in by mastering like that for a long time.
beautiful prod with great design
beautiful prod with great design
vector graphics ownage! nice one!
Pretty much the coolest shit I ever seen!
Iwanted to say "nice" but it will be as to say to Mozzart's 'Requiem' it was nice:)
Anyway -- i like it.
For the "brand new outstanding design" I just want to remind, similar effect (with all limitation of technology) we already seen in Hardwired demo (one of the first sequences). in Die EwigkeitSchmerz we hawe the idea polished to Glanz and pulled to extent -- the result is indeed outstanding. I didn't look at the code yet...
Anyway -- i like it.
For the "brand new outstanding design" I just want to remind, similar effect (with all limitation of technology) we already seen in Hardwired demo (one of the first sequences). in Die EwigkeitSchmerz we hawe the idea polished to Glanz and pulled to extent -- the result is indeed outstanding. I didn't look at the code yet...
gut gut!
paniq: google for "dread of ego dissolution", which seems to be the most common translation for "angstvolle ichauflösung"
this sucks.
a demo with a message
Lovely, lovely music - if I could change onbe thing, however, I would amplify the pads here and there - but that's just minor details.
Overall, a great prod.
Overall, a great prod.
Original and well polished, but boring.
linux support
Refreshing. Revolutionary. Ritkajó!
great.. could not understand it without translation, which sucks :(
oh, I forget something :)
...even tho the effect was invented back in 1991's HARDWIRED... ;)
Cool ... if only it was in English :\
best, most innovative and most stylish demo of 2006! I love you Paniq for this one!
Really cool, no doubt.
And Stefan proves to be a jealous idiot once again with his retarded comments when facing stuff lightyears above his piglet's skills.
And Stefan proves to be a jealous idiot once again with his retarded comments when facing stuff lightyears above his piglet's skills.
this oozes style, it is fantastic
"die ewigkeit sssmeerzsst" ;) was fun at the scene.org awards
Awesome stylish demo, great job!
don't run here
Fucking great. Excellent in every aspect. I love you.
sweet although i had to watch the video, the windows port does not launch :(
Lovely and phat at the same time. Congrats!
@sokoban/Guardian: For me all ok with winXP, of course the 1st time it runs insane precalc time after resolution switching (a bit less than 195/95/256 of course :)...
but it worths it!
@sokoban/Guardian: For me all ok with winXP, of course the 1st time it runs insane precalc time after resolution switching (a bit less than 195/95/256 of course :)...
but it worths it!
well i could try again, i have a P4 2.4ghz after all, it's a 6 years old config appart the 6600gt
for taking a simple idea, and executing it perfectly.
At one point, I briefly considered making a parody of this called "die ewigkeit scherzt (macht witze)". Those sketchy camera moves and druggy emo lyrics are just asking for it. :)
oooh.. kinda amiga-style (anal 1991? :) .. took forever to load though and i didn't get a loading screen.. thought maybe it crashed but the hd was going so i kept hope. looking at the english translation, i kinda like having the german text instead, looks more aggresive and less emo. :) paniq has to be one of my fave scene-connected musicians, i need to get more of his non-demo stuff eventually.
I really like this prod, but i have only tried the windows port. It would be nice with a possibility to change screen res, but it's just small details.
I'm trying to get the demo working on opensuse 10.2, where i did a custom private install of Python 2.4.4, because it doesn't work with 2.5. I'm using the fglrx 8.35.5 with ati mobility firegl v5200 (~x1600). But this is what i get... Anyone have any ideas?
I'm trying to get the demo working on opensuse 10.2, where i did a custom private install of Python 2.4.4, because it doesn't work with 2.5. I'm using the fglrx 8.35.5 with ati mobility firegl v5200 (~x1600). But this is what i get... Anyone have any ideas?
(everything seems right before here)
File "/root/Desktop/neuro/lib/nedu/demo.py", line 81, in import_scene
return __import__(scenename).Scene(demo=self,**kargs)
File "/root/Desktop/neuro/scene_main.py", line 31, in __init__
self.scenes[0.0] = scene_goin.Scene(demo)
File "/root/Desktop/neuro/scene_goin.py", line 64, in __init__
self.grow1 = growfx.Grow(color=(1.0,1.0,1.0),seed=667297)
File "/root/Desktop/neuro/growfx.py", line 40, in __init__
File "/root/Desktop/neuro/lib/nedu/material.py", line 85, in realize
self.shader_program = GLSL.create_program(self.shaderassembly)
File "/root/Desktop/neuro/lib/nedu/GLSL.py", line 286, in create_program
vs = compile_vertex_shader(vcode)
File "/root/Desktop/neuro/lib/nedu/GLSL.py", line 212, in compile_vertex_shader
File "/root/Desktop/neuro/lib/nedu/GLSL.py", line 172, in compile
raise ShaderCompileError,log
Error in sys.excepthook:
Original exception was:
Error in sys.excepthook:
Original exception was:
Error in sys.excepthook:
Original exception was:
T60p:~/Desktop/neuro #
It would deserve my coup de coeur, impressed, outstanding, i just love it.
forgot to say it froze on windows, so i took the video. Thanks for the effort anyway.
Just noticed the lyrics translation. Thank's :P
Nice, polished, but I couldn't shake the "I've seen this done before" feeling. And the part with the logos was just lame.
This is so cool! Nice typographics!
ganz großes kino wie ich finde, moderne kunst. hat mich sehr berührt.
can anyone beat 800kbps AVC? (grab your fave AVC decoder like ffdshow or coreavc) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VVN85SZ7
PNGs as kkaptured: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1129772#post1129772
PNGs as kkaptured: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1129772#post1129772
Cool even if i don't understand german :P
Very neat concept. :) Nice to see it reused in other prods.
awesome concept and style ! great stuff !!!
Currently my favourite demo.
I really like the flow and the music on this. It would look awesome with a bit of texture/overlays but still a good show.
awesome effects
better late than never ;)
German typographic design at its finest! Excellent prod, congrats!
LOVE it (=
big thumb.
I love the soundtrack and the mood. Even though I'm getting tired of scene poetry. Pure design.
Minimalist, energic... Just massive. (althougt I don't understand German, looks nice anyway)
Paniq, please continue to release this kind of outstanding experiences !
Paniq, please continue to release this kind of outstanding experiences !
crash here (or at least loading take so much time that i closed it)
love it
First demo i saw to only use text. You never get bored though.Good one.
awesome music
awesome design/direction
awesome design/direction
vote missing! tnx gargaj !
i feel connected to all this zooming_poem !!!
feels just perfectly executed! in this environment called germany ! ( in this concept i wanted to say, sorries ! )
i feel connected to all this zooming_poem !!!
feels just perfectly executed! in this environment called germany ! ( in this concept i wanted to say, sorries ! )
original style, but it's not interesting
how could I have missed out on this one!
great design demo!
(win32 exe did not work, just a white screen showing a spinning cursor (vista/9800gt))
great design demo!
(win32 exe did not work, just a white screen showing a spinning cursor (vista/9800gt))
strike that -- the win32 exe *does* work, I was just a bit too impatient ;)
can't remember if i voted this one. I loved it, despite the fact I can't german... would really love a video version with english subtitle...
lovin the tune :)
Brilliant & keeps coming back to mind over the years - wonder if it's one of the inspirations for http://prezi.com
still like to rewatch it. nice one.
Rockt...hart! :D
Cool! :) Same engine as Masagin?
are being polygonized
I expected it to be splines, but maybe not possible in realtime?
And well, Masagin same engine as...? and not the other way.
I"m sad I don't understand German, because I fill I miss a lot.
Even without understanding, it's really cool.
Even without understanding, it's really cool.
schlechtes wetter draußen.. die leute sind schlecht gelaunt.. verstehe.
as a typography fan this is pretty pr0n to me, one of my favorite demos ever
Mit der Ewigkeit schmerzt man nicht.
funny that i never gave this a comment allthough it is one of the most touching demos i ever experienced.
of course that has to do with me being german and able to connect to the lyrics somehow, i can understand that for others its just a bunch of text with a well done but not ground-breaking single effect.
it also makes me think of the first time ever i took magic mushrooms (but the corporate logos werent there!), hehe.
the music is also brilliant, i couldnt think of anything more fitting.
in the end i like masagin better (because theres more effects and diversion) but this production is paniq in its (or his?) purest form.
such a shame he stopped being active in the demo bizniz, this prod shows theres a _lot_ of unexplored grounds when sceners start to think outside of the common (and it also shows that there is a reason why many outstanding artists are doing drugs ;).
of course that has to do with me being german and able to connect to the lyrics somehow, i can understand that for others its just a bunch of text with a well done but not ground-breaking single effect.
it also makes me think of the first time ever i took magic mushrooms (but the corporate logos werent there!), hehe.
the music is also brilliant, i couldnt think of anything more fitting.
in the end i like masagin better (because theres more effects and diversion) but this production is paniq in its (or his?) purest form.
such a shame he stopped being active in the demo bizniz, this prod shows theres a _lot_ of unexplored grounds when sceners start to think outside of the common (and it also shows that there is a reason why many outstanding artists are doing drugs ;).
Now that my German has improved (and that I've seen the youtube version with subtitles!), I can definitely thumb it up. I love it!
oh yes
great concept very well orchestrated, so scenepoetry-demo can be good!
oft gesehen, nie daumen gegeben. nun aber.
just wonderfull!
Great demo, love it! But in the end, I agree with wysiwtf in that I love masagin even more because it has more variety. Though comparing a lyrics demo with an "normal" invitation demo is probably unfair...
This is not the coolest kinetic typography ever (it is a little too monotonous for that). However, this is definitely cool. I could not connect to the lyrics, but the build up at the end is nice, even though the choice of icons is slightly hit and miss.
PS. I don't understand german
PS. I don't understand german
really effective
Ausgezeichnet! ❤️
fucking brilliant
Super nice demo!
Finding out this is a linux prod makes it even nicer imho ^^
Finding out this is a linux prod makes it even nicer imho ^^
Still loves this demo after all these years. Man one of the best ever.
Deutsch macht es besser.
Deutsch macht es besser.
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The pacing and direction is so picture perfect that it deserves a scene.org award at least!