Fair play to the queen by Candela
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popularity : 79% |
alltime top: #98 |
added on the 2005-05-08 02:22:24 by triple ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2005-05-08 02:26:17 by cloaked 

my gfx card is burnin'!
All I saw was my desktop screen at 640x480. Although the music works okay.
Says it needs a Geforce6800, but works fine with my 6600GT. Looks a bit like a music video in Tron style, well done but a bit short!
cool, too short.
Heck Yeah !!
First i thought it was another 3d flyby with animated robot demo. But the sync and transitions are great. And I have to admit that I still like all these glow-effects :-)
But it is definite a thumb up. Best demo in a long time...
But it is definite a thumb up. Best demo in a long time...
i agree with the previous posters, great sync, transitions and variations.. i didn't expect that kind of music, but the soundtrack is really good =)
so, a very good demo, a little short though..
so, a very good demo, a little short though..
i was really impressed by this. very slick and high paced. and i prefer too short demos over too long ones.
GeForce 6800?!!! upgrade??!!! shiiiiiiit... no thumb down coz music only. Sound is really cool.
video please.
a 6800 ??? erks
the music is nice...i can't tell about the rest..
the music is nice...i can't tell about the rest..
Starts out really really bad but gets a lot better towards the end. But why does it have such a high requirements? This can be done on a plain geforce
No this isn't the reason I upgrade. Video please?
I think the really big point about it is that it is actually fun and entertaining to watch. Much thanks to the actual work put into making decent synchronizations as overtones of the action in the screen. One single character animation, but one that is expressive. The particles are a bit of a letdown, but in the end the demo just the right length, with a cheerful soundtrack that manages to combine old nostalgic eurodance touches with acoustic instruments and chip sounds.
i'd love a video, too
really nice
nVidia only?
Beautiful combination of old computer game aesthetic and modern music video. Love love love <3 <3 <3
Nice and refreshing, congrats, I really liked it
(very Tronish and Rezish though)
I would have given it a thumb up if it was not for the unjustified hardware requirements and vendor specific thing (nVidia). Should have run decently on any ps 2.0 capable card imo. A fix soon? :)
(very Tronish and Rezish though)
I would have given it a thumb up if it was not for the unjustified hardware requirements and vendor specific thing (nVidia). Should have run decently on any ps 2.0 capable card imo. A fix soon? :)
let's see:
nice design
good sync
cool animation
fun to watch
a bit short
country music samples
nVidia only / annoying update recommendation
all in all, but not close to


close to
that was..

hw specific code sux
look really good. You get my thumb when it runs on ps 2.0 hardware because there is nothing in there that shouldn't.
Looks good, sounds good, but it's cliched Tron stuff and it really shouldn't need such high gfx card specs. I'll give it a piggy because it doesn't actually suck.
pretty cool and good mooded! like it a lot (and yes, it's good there's a video..)
what ekoli said
I would like a higher resolution that 640x480.
I would like a higher resolution than 640x480.
great demo, nice different music (firefly anynone?)!
But piggie until there is some ATI version.....
But piggie until there is some ATI version.....
Cool looking visuals and there's some action. Soundtrack started out nice, but soon turned out to be boring trance with annoying ountry-samples. Way too short too. Piggie it is.
video version? :'(
real sweet! video for the poor people! thanx :D
Demo ruled. liked the flow, loved the glow, pretty damn nice visuals, first good looking metaballs!! too bad i cant see it on my gf4mx440! (the only thing i didnt like, was that you didnt brag more with the robot)
Demo ruled. liked the flow, loved the glow, pretty damn nice visuals, first good looking metaballs!! too bad i cant see it on my gf4mx440! (the only thing i didnt like, was that you didnt brag more with the robot)
We love you. Go figure!
trace & quisten, read the comments. there is a video.
great! i like this stuff and country samples are a pro instead of a con for me :) nice design, fast 'n flashy, luv it!
just making it work on a radeon would be nice... -_-
great metaballs! great flow and the disintegrating bridge surfing at music climax rocks so much !!
Wish the soundtrack was pure electronic sound though, but one cannot have everything.
Wish the soundtrack was pure electronic sound though, but one cannot have everything.
please, pretty please, kill your musician. but even with the annoying music, it kicks major ass.
The teepop.net server has bandwidth limitations, so please use http://pi.nxs.se/~triple/birdie2005/releases/Demo/cna-queen_xvid.avi instead.
absolutely a good production
dont feel too bad tito, i liked your music =)
fantastic!!!! i like that robot and the final scene is really delightful! (also the semicountry music parts are a bit weird but they fit finally). keep on working!!!
wow, candela.. nice to have you back! (but where are the signature candywrapping-logos..? :) very nice look/sync/feel, but the music was terrible.
FUCKING EXCELLENT!!! damn, that one was a great ride! perfect music, too, don't listen to kusma, he's a brat. :-)
kicks ass! music rocked too!
Piggie ! Nice flow, the music is well, country, but nice anyway ^^ But the PS3.0 excuse is a no-go ...
Good prod, overall :)
Good prod, overall :)
The country music was really a turn off, otherwise fine demo
Wonderfull demo!!
very nice, very good soundtrack and good design/visuals. a little bit simple in places and not that original but it looks good.
still, i'm expecting the final to run on a gf4, cos there's nothing shown here that should need more than that. =)
still, i'm expecting the final to run on a gf4, cos there's nothing shown here that should need more than that. =)
simply wonderful!!!
(but doesn't run on my QuadroFX :((
(but doesn't run on my QuadroFX :((
Watched the vid and it looks great, no thumb, however. Not until you make it work on ATI.
judging from video: wooha.
wow , cool demo.
Neat, pitty that it doesn't play in my Radeon..
I allmost cried when i saw the beuty of this demo. The combination of a true Olschool vs. Newbeat and Gamecoders is awesome! The design, the red line through the demo, the "storry", the music and the great synking of this demo makes the best demo i've seen since "Sunflower" by Pulse. Thanx guys. Hope to see you @ deadline. =) (And YES. We expect one of thoes demos too then! ;) )
like demos should be. amazing sync/music/storyline. i love the cubes playing the melody...
will be present at my next demoshow.

will be present at my next demoshow.

yes! more!
saw the video. good visuals, perhaps a little slow framerate. music wasn't much to write home about. gets a rules because it's a smooth prod. but way to short.
A good prod with OK animation of the robot (not motion capture) and very nice, spacey feeling. A little bit short on effects. All in all a thumbs up.
Bad with the ps 3.0 requirement though! Had to watch the video.
great. the music made this really funny! ;)
Watched this again. And for a third time. And the seventh. And I proclaim this already even though it's May: This is one of THE demos of the year. The cube part, the falling bridge part, the way the parts link, the music (which does NOT suck, as some of you say.. not every bloody demo production needs to be IDM.. it fits this like a latex glove and the use of the vocal sample is superb).. incredible. Please make more demos :)
"Watched this again. And for a third time. And the seventh." .. so did i! and again! \o/
+ really lovely tronesque visuals
+ the bridge!
+ horribly cheesy but still likeable music.
- too short
- was buggy even on a GF6800 :-) (didn't show most of the robot model. just the head, one leg and one arm)
A piggie until it runs on any hardware :-)
+ the bridge!
+ horribly cheesy but still likeable music.
- too short
- was buggy even on a GF6800 :-) (didn't show most of the robot model. just the head, one leg and one arm)
A piggie until it runs on any hardware :-)
watched the video and cant say i understand where all the gfx-cardpower would go.. not extremely advancedlooking fx.. the music was well produced but didn't fit the demo at all... piggie.
Watched the video version, and I really liked as a Wild, because the requirements are completely insane for what is shown. Waiting to be able to watch the final on my gffx5600 :P

Beginning is a bit unpolished but some scenes was acceptable.
wow. this is what i needed after an exhausting week. i love the music :) i'd add that little red
heart if i knew how.
would you people please drop opengl, especially when doing high-end windows demos?
heart if i knew how.
would you people please drop opengl, especially when doing high-end windows demos?
nice and fresh... maybe just a bit too short but definately rules :)
Fresh and Tron-esque. ( though Tron is ~25yo :p )
Some cool synchro .. I'm not found of the country samples too.
Some cool synchro .. I'm not found of the country samples too.
I dont normaly like these kind of demos, but, great demo is a great demo.
certainly "prima"!
i hope the final will support ATi :p
Fresh and spicy. I'm withdrawing my thumb up until I can watch it on my Radeon9700 tough... :)
Ei vittu perkele..
I hear the music but don't see a shit except my desktop.. if it isn't ATI proof at least kill it for good! God dammit...
Now I'll have a look on the video..
I hear the music but don't see a shit except my desktop.. if it isn't ATI proof at least kill it for good! God dammit...
Now I'll have a look on the video..
Yap, nice stuff going on here. Music didn't fit like I thought it would, but the rest was nice
Damn, this is wonderful!
OMG! it scores every domain: visuals, design, flow, music, synchro, etc...
it would be such a loss if the final doesn't run on ps2 cards :>
it would be such a loss if the final doesn't run on ps2 cards :>
Just watched it again and again. Now that I'm sober I have to admit: this is the freshest thing I've seen in a while. Great work.
Haven't seen such a nice thing once in a while. However, guys, shouldn't be too difficult to get it runnable on usual hardware. "GFX-Card XYZ required" is for lamers. We're not in 1994 any more...
Not even going to attempt to run it, but the video is awesome! After about 10 watchings, I dig the music, too (the vocals less than the banjo, but hey). Thumbs up.
Dolly Parton is the shit!
Some parts seemed a bit empty but the great flow makes you forget about that.
short and sweet. but i'll spare my thumb ups also for the fixed / final / ati version...
Ok, after watching the video for a zillion times, I will give a thumb up. Regardless of the final version.
Leaving taste aside - this demo is really almost flawless. And for that alone it really stands out.
It has some of the best camerawork I have seen in a demo, yet.
Leaving taste aside - this demo is really almost flawless. And for that alone it really stands out.
It has some of the best camerawork I have seen in a demo, yet.
Original and cool :)
Can't say anything that hasn't already been said : )
The smile says it all.
The smile says it all.
music only on FX5900XT, wtf i thought and downloaded video // SAME THING!! even video doesn't work.. now there's a strong temptation to thumb this down:D
really really nice :) - try to do ATI version aswell.
Raver: don't thumb down if it doesn't work on your computer - I think that guys are now in a really shitty situation - everyone is attacking them because of lack of compatibility. It's really hard to achieve maximum compatibility when You're using only one system and high-end effects. So good luck guys in fixing all the stuff.
Raver: don't thumb down if it doesn't work on your computer - I think that guys are now in a really shitty situation - everyone is attacking them because of lack of compatibility. It's really hard to achieve maximum compatibility when You're using only one system and high-end effects. So good luck guys in fixing all the stuff.
Nice work guys! I really like the color scheme.
Looking forward to your next release. :)
Looking forward to your next release. :)
bonzaj: i didnt! // although i got XVID codec, really strange indeed!
not my cup of tea
saw it again, and i have to change my previous "the music was terrible", because it isn't terrible at all, just different :)
I hereby nominate this for scene.org awards 2005 in the categories: Most original concept, best direction, best soundtrack, best demo and publics choice. LOL
good video. nothing to say about the demo, waiting for final version. is it the reason to slow down compo machines? who needs the dumb technical progress?
Nice one. Cewl fresh idea!
Here's for the surfer scene.
Great effects, good ideas, funny animation, nice music.... it... just... sorta doesn't do it for me :/ I guess I find it quite ugly and sorta boring. Sorry :(
wow! very refreshing style - including a nice robot, nice colours and suitable music. even the length is quite fair.
Cool and refreshing.
music is not my cup of tea but the rest of the demo simply kicks ass :)
whoa another popular flyby demo :)))))
nice & synchro
ehrm. demo with wrong musicstyle. nice idea but, robots and western guitars dont work for me. surf-scene rocks anyhow and the vocoders are real nice. but apart from that ive seen better demos.
Very good. Btw, country samples rox :)
Now, ATI version?
Now, ATI version?
Really nice! Even though the music isn't my type - I actually think it works well.
Thumbs down:
- Cheesy music.
- Super-ugly robot animation.
- The concept of having a robot animation.
- Particles.
- Metaballs.
Thumbs up:
- Fast paced.
- It looks nice.
- It feels good.
All in all thumbs up, but not really great.
- Cheesy music.
- Super-ugly robot animation.
- The concept of having a robot animation.
- Particles.
- Metaballs.
Thumbs up:
- Fast paced.
- It looks nice.
- It feels good.
All in all thumbs up, but not really great.
The running robot remembers me a lot "Let love be your energy". Nice metaball routine !
Wow - how comes I sometimes simply want to punch people in the face for really stupid and unreasoned criticism?
Why stupid? The 1st time I saw it simply it remembered me that video, that's all and I don't think I need any particular reasoning for an evocation I've got.
wow : fresh , funny , well made ... who wants more : massive and full of good ideas !
who the f... did that screen shot ?
Stunning! Even though I hate the fact that I can only watch the video...
The greetz and the cubey part were nice even though the music was terribly cheesy and slowly got on my nerves (though it stopped at the correct point). Thumbs up will follow if you get it to run on PS2.0 hardware.
fucking awesome.
and the music is a variation on "collective soul," not country, you technofestering ignoramuses!
and the music is a variation on "collective soul," not country, you technofestering ignoramuses!
very cool, just way too short!
Neat! Though I don't see why it would require geforce6 (aside from the fact that it's opengl :))
Couldn't run the demo on this quite new machine but the video looked ace. Congrats for the music and the overall design.
WoW! Perfect aesthetic roborun.
damn...when did demos get so pop? oh well..it's pretty cool.
... a bit short :) ... but hell... CANDELA PEOPLE: YOU FUCKING ROCK!!!!!!!!
nice animation and warm mood :)
music is simply well done - a little bit pushed and squeezed into the few moments this prod lasts, but still good, highly diversified and most importantly, suits the visuals perfectly well.
the rest is gorgeous too and i guess i'm lucky that my radeon 9700pro is at least able to play the video at FULLSCREEN even hrhrhr.. nuff said, thumbs up pls!
the rest is gorgeous too and i guess i'm lucky that my radeon 9700pro is at least able to play the video at FULLSCREEN even hrhrhr.. nuff said, thumbs up pls!
The graphics look amazing and make me wish I could thumb this demo up but I just can't because of the _awful_ music. If only this demo had an electro soundtrack... :)
very cool "surfing scene" but _HORRIBLE_ music.
You can not like the music, but it is very professionally done. Just few demos around has such original and professional soundtrack.
ekoli wrote :
Well, I SUCK! This deserves my thumb everyday of the week and twice on saturdays! Use all the shaders you like, as long as it looks this good!
look really good. You get my thumb when it runs on ps 2.0 hardware because there is nothing in there that shouldn't.
Well, I SUCK! This deserves my thumb everyday of the week and twice on saturdays! Use all the shaders you like, as long as it looks this good!
gay. sorry, soundtrack and the whole concept is absolutely not my cup of tea. besides,it doesn't need 6800 - works fine on 6600.
great, lovely robot and music... I really like the final scene. Just a pity it's too short.
kbi: stay hetero and go home!
Short and good! Roxx!!
wtf, this is definately a thumb up.
i hate the music.
but i have to admit visuals were ok to good. code might need some optimizing tho.
but i have to admit visuals were ok to good. code might need some optimizing tho.
oh dear teetow, is there a longer mp3 version of your awesome and cool soundtrack! would be much appriciated!
(everybody who says the music sucks is an idiot! period! :))
(everybody who says the music sucks is an idiot! period! :))
Demo my musicvideo me beautiful! I like it really much, somehow looks like a MTV stuff (which is not that bad thing). Robot surfing on destroying platform is one of the nicest effects I've seen this year.
im still waiting for an ATI version :/
ok, I got it again.
good music.
good fx and unique model.
and good some scene.
but why is the GFX card of ShaderModel3.0 needed?
I did not seem to be by the gfx card of a high performance and have the necessity
but totaly rocks.
good music.
good fx and unique model.
and good some scene.
but why is the GFX card of ShaderModel3.0 needed?
I did not seem to be by the gfx card of a high performance and have the necessity
but totaly rocks.
Waoow !
Gorgeous, as always :)
imho, the music ruins it all.. sorry
damn great... the music reminds me (don't know why) of "I can fly" by tito :)
(back when tito was tito, and not teetow, ofcoz :) )
very gooood!!!! so beautiful!!!! robot rulez!!!
fantastic music! Kind of chiptune-esque elements in an 'acoustic' dance track..
not to mention stunning visuals...
not to mention stunning visuals...
Fresh and brilliant!
Really nice, good transitions and stuff. The music is annoying though.
Very pretty as a video, but now that I got a card that can actually run it, I'm not exactly happy with the results. Very jaggy, lots of rendering gltiches(?) and so on.
OMfGI.... can't believe those 8 shaders were so difficult to arrange in order to run on a standard PS capable video card
So if you do it do it ok.
Anyway the overall demo impression is what I call an abusive wow-factor usage
Almost perfect sincro,(the perfect tiny animation executed on the precise ms. ) it's full of these!!!
and fresh an inusual gfx ideas, so we're not viewing a simple 3D player, it's more than this
Dame candela oh! daaaaame candela nena ole
Yes! :D
But remember the next time I can't view this on a standard PS video card, you'll deserve a OK or a sucks
So if you do it do it ok.
Anyway the overall demo impression is what I call an abusive wow-factor usage
Almost perfect sincro,(the perfect tiny animation executed on the precise ms. ) it's full of these!!!
and fresh an inusual gfx ideas, so we're not viewing a simple 3D player, it's more than this
Dame candela oh! daaaaame candela nena ole
Yes! :D
But remember the next time I can't view this on a standard PS video card, you'll deserve a OK or a sucks
abusive wow-factor usage
exactly that is.
Very nice! A bit short. The music is give you a really great Candela vs Birdie feeling. Me like! Keep it up!
Very nice! A bit short. The music gives you a really great Candela vs Birdie feeling. Me like! Keep it up!
I guess somehow I should be grateful for this one being so short - otherwise I would waste whole weeks watching it for sure.
very cool, but i piggy for needlessly requiring SM3.
(Little Help Here)
I updated my video card from a Gforce 4 TI4200 to a Gforce 6200 Containing 256Mb of RAM. Now All Demos Play like a WMV file in slow motion like watching a film frame by frame. This one does the same thing
I updated my video card from a Gforce 4 TI4200 to a Gforce 6200 Containing 256Mb of RAM. Now All Demos Play like a WMV file in slow motion like watching a film frame by frame. This one does the same thing
Soundtrack nominated to Scene.org award! Great, respect to musician again... And, please, do ATI Radeon version.
gosh, this demo is fucking great
This demo is very refreshing. To the guy complaining about his GeForce 6200 being slow: get a real 3d card then.
Nvidia 6600GT here works great, always one of the ones I dig out to show off my pc. Grreat visuals cool tune, doesn't outstay it's welcome.
Amazingly cool demo, my only complaint is that it was a bit short - I wanted more! :)
actually the visuals aren't perfect BUT the music (it's really awesome) and the sync make this demo exceptionally great
I'm so sorry I missed this last year. The music is incredibly catchy. Cool visuals shock to demobrain too.
I want more!
having no x86 based machine could only watch the video, but worth it very well...
having no x86 based machine could only watch the video, but worth it very well...
OMFG, one of my favourites... fabulous music, love it !!
yay, very addictive. the thumb is up, candela!
i just love it.
forgot to thumb it
what Maali said
...and I remember the first time I saw this to watch it 4 times in a row ! rulez-a-lot !
...and I remember the first time I saw this to watch it 4 times in a row ! rulez-a-lot !
Another prod to save in the hard drive :)
Great everything!
Great everything!
Perfect. Short, energetic, rocking. Great direction and brilliant music. Hope we see some more of you guys. And congrats to the Scene.org-Award!
I had a low opinion of this when I first saw it as yet another, rather below average, Tron rip off. Then I noticed it needs PS 3.0 and my opinion dropped even more.
It could have better anti-aliasing and resolution selection at least!
It could have better anti-aliasing and resolution selection at least!
country music? oh well, it's addictive anyway. nice demo too, although a bit short
ATI version ATI version :/
Just awesome. I loved it. Fun, tremendous scale, connectivity, music and wonderful text scroller idea. If I had one of those heart things you could have it. Here <3
ps SHUT UP with your ATi whining... you watched it at breakpoint, what else do you want more? :) there's a friggin' video too
i want to see it running realtime on my machine -_-
"still, i'm expecting the final to run on a gf4, cos there's nothing shown here that should need more than that."
indeed! i find the whole thing too cheesey anyhow...
indeed! i find the whole thing too cheesey anyhow...
time to give a well deserved thumb up.
breathe taking.. congs.
teetow: I want an extended soundtrack.
nice music and a great looking robot :)
very nice and very smooth...
fucking brilliant
Love it!
Great oldschool soundtrack! :)
haven't thumbed this yet?
it's awesome, but...NVIDIA ONLY? -___-
btw, it's sooooooo cute <3
it's awesome, but...NVIDIA ONLY? -___-
btw, it's sooooooo cute <3
def a thumbs up. cool "theme", neat looking effects, awesome tune. :D
it's great :D
very cool
Saw only the video, but great one... Nice Robot and Superb Music :)
lol! =D
very short and still contains ugly parts... the sliding scene was nice atleast.
good tech level, but music and design.. hmmm...
Amazing demo. One of my favorites. But my GFX sux... I must buy better GFX!
I love this!
Great, just geat! Always leaves a huuuuuuuuge smile on my face, could listen to the soundtrack for ages.
...style all over...
Of course it rulez! :)
Great style, original music and excellent overall design. Fun.
Wow, this demo makes me happy =). The music is really good (vocals at the end are great I think), the design is cool and original (I love the colored cube part), and well the whole thing is very fun and easy-watching.
The bad point is that the demo is short, but at least it's not boring :).
The bad point is that the demo is short, but at least it's not boring :).
I love it
Very good music with very good vocalize ;)
Very good music with very good vocalize ;)
eh? no vote?...
YES !! fresh touch
just see my desktop and the video download won't work. :(
I didn't vote for this one? It's one of my favourite demos of all times.
Nice effects, decent graphics, good song, poor poor vocals. Still, loved it.
Watching you guys get your man-tits in a knot over this is amusing to say the very least. Fair Play to the Queen has more class and style than 99% of all demoscene productions out there. And frankly its no wonder Candela isn't more active; they're way too cool for this school.
It’s an absolutely fantastic symbiosis of animation and soundtrack. You can watch it again and again – and even if you only hear the soundtrack you can virtually see the robot running. I love it!
Nice! It's weird to see my nick in the greetings. I guess it's the "other" mooz :)
still holding my thumb for the ATI version -_-
widescreen support would be nice too
Very, very few demos make me as happy as this one. Fair Play never fails to cheer me up. Great demo, and I love the music. I am all happy and fuzzy now! :)
The robot surfing on the desintegrating bridge-thing was way too cool. Total sweetness.
Another one I forgot to thumb, fantastic demo (with a very nice tune)!
Music sucks, but FX... also sucks sync of robbo movement. But very nice !
Only negative thing was that the robot had a bit jaggy edges, for the rest superb!
I'd forgotton about this demo until I re-heard the soundtrack on Demovibes. (I'd only previously seen it on someone elses machine) Fantastic music track; it's incredibly well suited to the visuals (in a bizzare way) and the coloured notes are spot on. Looking forward to your next production! :-)
ps: here it work just fine on a x1400...
Funky music, nice presentation, great atmosphere and innovative effects. Perfect example of a demo done right, without blasting trillions of effects in your face.
outstanding uplifting demo. excellent music, great concept and just fun to watch it over and over again.
still waiting for an ATI version :/
it's damn good for as long as it lasts.
I like the music.
This rocks!!! Really nice gfx and an upbeat soundtrack by tito!
did it start?

Everything but the notes ran well on a 6800.
Ran fine on my old 6600.
Wow! Nice one!
Really nice visuals, really annoying soundtrack.
The char sliding down the ramp at the end saved it from mediocrity, still can't bring myself to give it a thumb though.
The music is little cheesy but still irresistible =). The visuals are damn sweet, overall a very nice feel to this prod :)
Wow fantastic demo! Love it!
why i havent thumbed this beauty up yet i have no clue .. love it !
I watch this less often than I would like to, as I have to get over the nausea caused by the bad sync between each viewing.
this rocks naturly.
Holy shit this rocks... Excellent track as well!
run forrest RUN!!!
fresh and groovy
Dolly Parton would love this mix of Jolene! Rulez =)
they said it
Nice, but since it does not work on my ATI, i cannot say that it rules.
looks like i haven't praised this one before, so let's do it a few years late.
direction-wise this demo succeeds on many levels. the connection between the music and the visuals couldn't have been done much better. i'm not talking about simple syncing and white flashes and all that, but the 5-6 different parts in the music have perfect matches in the visuals - including the 2 breaks (in the music) / jumps (in the visuals) around 1:00 and 1:40, which are surprisingly important for the impact that the following scene has.
the tunnel has a similar function, it leads to a new scene as well and it doesn't last for too long, which is brilliant - it's easy to make that kind of transitional effects way too long. the demo is very fast-paced, but the few seconds of breaks every now and then give the watcher time to adjust. i.e. it's fast, but the impression isn't chaotic.
relatively few demos make the music and visuals into such a tight package. this one also has the effective structure of 30 seconds of buildup, a minute or so of action (which is enough here really), a minute of a climax (which would be too much if the climax wasn't so kick-ass) with excellent cameras, and an outro. it's a pop demo very well done.
the music rules. the bleeps and the coloured cubes rule. the surf rules. unfortunately i thought the intro part was very ugly and uninteresting, but hey :)
direction-wise this demo succeeds on many levels. the connection between the music and the visuals couldn't have been done much better. i'm not talking about simple syncing and white flashes and all that, but the 5-6 different parts in the music have perfect matches in the visuals - including the 2 breaks (in the music) / jumps (in the visuals) around 1:00 and 1:40, which are surprisingly important for the impact that the following scene has.
the tunnel has a similar function, it leads to a new scene as well and it doesn't last for too long, which is brilliant - it's easy to make that kind of transitional effects way too long. the demo is very fast-paced, but the few seconds of breaks every now and then give the watcher time to adjust. i.e. it's fast, but the impression isn't chaotic.
relatively few demos make the music and visuals into such a tight package. this one also has the effective structure of 30 seconds of buildup, a minute or so of action (which is enough here really), a minute of a climax (which would be too much if the climax wasn't so kick-ass) with excellent cameras, and an outro. it's a pop demo very well done.
the music rules. the bleeps and the coloured cubes rule. the surf rules. unfortunately i thought the intro part was very ugly and uninteresting, but hey :)
freshness took me.
Fun to watch.
Nice music and great sliding.
Man.. this is super awesome-o 3000!
Bestest + what reed said.
thumb missing.
satme den dæjli demo!!!! JAAAAHHH!!
oh my god, speaking of rip-offs lately in pouet, I found this: 90 degrees. One to one copy too (the scene of the running robot below the music-synched notes). We all do it!
i don't see it
oh my god, speaking of rip-offs lately in pouet, I found this: 90 degrees. One to one copy too (the scene of the running robot below the music-synched notes). We all do it!
The link the youtube video supplies is down. Does anyone know where you can get a good-quality video of this?
Ok, the post above, you can find a slightly better quality video here 90.avi
iq: so there's a robot running and above him, there's a flying/jumping cube. You call that a 1:1 copy?!
yeah dude, these two are totally different
fair to rulez.
Ooooohh... hevenletyorlight shaindoooown...
Can't get that song out of my head.
Can't get that song out of my head.
Sweet demo nevertheless...
really dig the soundtrack!
obvious thumb missing here ;)
Whenever I feel down, I can run this demo to perk up.
Building up towards a fantastic climax! Super!
Very nice and has something wild in it (is it me, or there is country music inside?)! Well done and refreshing! :)
Great TRON-like visuals, great synch. Music started our promising but rapidly chaged into j-pop-like stuff, with a guitar that instantly reminded me of reed-meet the family.
Overall a really good production. A littke short maybe but that makes you rewatch it again.
Overall a really good production. A littke short maybe but that makes you rewatch it again.
Short and awesome
thumb missing here :)
Nice one, great concept. Music is not my favourite though.
a really great little demo! cute TRON-esque design :)
The sliding scene is impressive!
Nice but empty kinda, not my cup of koskenkorva
short, tight, great
Short but nice!!!
Imagine you have your third beer, imagine this pops up on the DTV HQ stream. Imagine you're startled by the awesomenes you see and and hear. Candela does it <3
A late rulez for an awesome demo o/
oldies goldies...
Cool, but it is kind of not going anywhere and then it ends!?
cheesy but nice.
Awesome Slide man!
i was sure i thumbed this one up ages ago
Genre: alt. country happy robots
Love it! Refreshingly different audio and visuals, great pace, great deep sync, wonderful.
I remember this one. Mildly fun and put a smile on my face. :)
I kinda had forgotten how this demo fucking rules!
how much this demo fucking rules, even!
not a fan of running robots but it works quite well in this one. nice visuals and good tune makes me thumbs ups.
i might be missing something here
I still absolutely love this demo, partially because of how silly it is, but mostly because of the 100% exceptional music. If I ever de-make a demo, it will be this one.
Great stuff. Could really do with a resolution hack these days, should such a thing be possible. Or if anyone knows the settings for DxWnd (forces full-screen apps to run in a window), that would be useful too.
Pro tip- run in compatibility settings mode to avoid freezing. XP should do.
Pro tip- run in compatibility settings mode to avoid freezing. XP should do.
was holding my thumb due to lack of ati version, but i don't have a radeon card anymore so fuck that shit.
I still get goosebumps when the robot jumps onto that ramp. This demo is so spectacular.
i know this music so well from demovibes and somehow never saw the demo. seeing it with visuals now it doesn't fit for me. i love the music and visuals separately but not so sure they fit together.
soundtrack is still so fucking good!
I still get goosebumps when the robot jumps onto that ramp. This demo is so spectacular.
Criminally underrated!
I somehow keep on going back to this one all those years. good one!
wait how is my thumb missing
same here, this is really an awesome ride, still.I somehow keep on going back to this one all those years. good one!
I still get goosebumps when the robot jumps onto that ramp.
hey. do this again.
Still fun!
Slightly better version of 90 degrees, and the other link is dead: https://vimeo.com/groups/blackwhitefilms/videos/12877171
At 3:51 and in particular 4:04 in the Vimeo video we see the origins of central scenes in Fair Play to the Queen.
At 3:51 and in particular 4:04 in the Vimeo video we see the origins of central scenes in Fair Play to the Queen.
Does anybody know what song the samples are from or what she is singing?
It sounds like "Heaven, a galaction bang." in the slide section and in the end "Heaven let you nai-shun band".
It sounds like "Heaven, a galaction bang." in the slide section and in the end "Heaven let you nai-shun band".
@randomOrder: It's "Heaven let your light shine down", from Shine by Dolly Parton.
(The opening riff is also taken from Jolene by Dolly Parton. And now that's got me wondering if there are other Dolly Parton songs in the mix too, because I don't think the guitar section one minute in is from either of those...)
(The opening riff is also taken from Jolene by Dolly Parton. And now that's got me wondering if there are other Dolly Parton songs in the mix too, because I don't think the guitar section one minute in is from either of those...)
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