
TMDC 2012 results

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  /                              R E S U L T S                              /

   Trauma - LitteraeFinis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [        88] 89.14
   Brainstorm - OutOhMat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [        88] 87.86
   Komojo - NightFlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [       .0 ] 80.00
   Paulius - 12.12.12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [      o.8.] 78.43
   Optimus - Linaffy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [    .oo8  ] 61.43
   BITS - BITS5023. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [.oo. .    ] 20.00
   /                                                                         /
  /                             C O M M E N T S                             /
  ______                  ____________________________________________________
 /_____/ BITS - BITS5016 /___________________________________________________/
  -Usual BITS style, but content-wise less stuff than the norm... or I did not
   reloop the demo for long enough?
  -The only MS-DOS native demo this year. Impressive in that it is written in
   Asm, but lacks any cohesive direction or style. Includes an interactive ANSI
   editor of sorts.
  -Progresses bit too slowly.
  -Effects are getting more complex. Large scroller timed to the "music". 
   Written 100% asm. No effort went into the "music". Demo has no design,
   pacing, or ending.
  -Latest bits prod, which well.. it's a bits prod. wave sequence didn't work
   full screen on my pc. Best bits yet.
  -Some good color mixes. Nice interactive parts (like skipping, pausing,
   drawing). Unpleasing music.

  ______                    __________________________________________________
 /_____/ Optimus - Linaffy /_________________________________________________/
  -Colourful but display is a quite noisy (libcaca?). Indeed LCD greetz were 
   unreadable, but they are explained in the credits!
  -The text mode parser is in need of optimization -- the entire demo feels 
   extremely noisy/messy due to how it is rendered, and as a result the scroll
   text is nearly impossible to read. Enjoyed the XM soundtrack.
  -Positive feelings. Greetings & text parts dragged on a bit too long though.
  -Music good for the size. Couldn't understand what the LCD numbers/letters 
   were. Looked like it used libcaca. Nothing majorly complicated in the demo.
  -Good music, nice feeling prod. Not overly complex. Well rounded, not much 
   (any?) synch.
  -Good effort but not enough. Metashapes move too fast to appreciate them. 
   Why you leave in the LCD 3LN GRTz if you know it's a fail? (just keep it 
   more than 3 letters and move slower, or simpler yet, print the actual name
   in a clear simple font at the same time ;) ) 

  ______                     _________________________________________________
 /_____/ Paulius - 12.12.12 /________________________________________________/
  -Original style, some quite nice scenes (intro, and the "city"). But lacking
   a bit of driving force.
  -Starts off as an aesthetically pleasing demo with a nice jazzy hi-hat sound.
   The timing of the visuals to the music noticeably seems to drop off right
   after the opening title sequence, leaving you feeling a bit lost towards the
   middle of the demo. The talent is clearly evident in the effects, but to 
   truly contend needs better timing and direction.
  -Excellent renderer and composition for a textmode thingy.
  -Nice command-line start and end to the demo. Music sync nice touch. Sharp
   colors. Clarinet "player's" seemingly infinite breath very distracting. Demo
   doesn't really know how to end.
  -Outrageously good music, and effects. Very smooth, unhurried and worke well
   together. Impressive! 
  -Really good, warm, mood, with the colours nad music. Loved the transitions,
   especially at the beginning. The repetition at the end only serves to remind
   it was only a handful of scenes.

  ______                       _______________________________________________
 /_____/ Komojo - NightFlight /______________________________________________/
  -Nice trip flyover with contrasted colours. Good use of the medium.
  -I <3 this demo. While conceptually simple, it just works, and the ultra-
   smooth rendering into ANSI-like blocks is a nice touch. Take a flight!
  -Well chosen motifs and own style.
  -Atypical use of text blocks with aliasing, very nice! Nice simple concept.
   64K. Realtime keyboard :-) One-man wonder. No effects other than 3D.
  -This is a unique production, size limited. I really enjoyed the different
   style. Lost of options beyond upx for exe compression, (just so you know).
   Really enjoyable, different. 
  -Impressive for 57k. Bold stylistic decisions and it pays off. Even more
   respect when you read each vertices were hard-coded!

  ______                        ______________________________________________
 /_____/ Brainstorm - OutOhMat /_____________________________________________/
  -Classic effects, nice execution, track and colour scheme!
  -Solid technical demo through and through, but sadly I felt that the lens of
   text mode did not do it justice. The overall design, music, and effects are
   top notch.
  -Flows very well. Suprisingly fresh or different for a text mode demo.
  -Great music! Nice colors! Great code (first text demo to max out all 8 cores
   on my rig). Beatflashes are likely meant to be artistic but because of their
   shape they look like rendering mistakes.
  -Some of the best music of the compo. Some of the best parts of the prod are
   in the last 1/3. Starts of simple and builds up. Very well done.
  -Awesome soundtrack and polished visuals! Nice subtleties in the shading.
   Love the big fat white glitchy thing.

  ______                         _____________________________________________
 /_____/ Trauma - LitteraeFinis /____________________________________________/
  -Nice track and FX. Black and white pure text text mode, this might have 
   looked gorgeous in full color, but very well exploited within the 
   limitations of the platform!
  -Solid ten out of nine. This is ASCII art coming to life on screen. Who needs
   sixteen colors?
  -Nice ascii renderer although it gets bit messy sometimes. Also well designed
   and excellent soundtrack. 
  -Excellent text rendering (of course). Brilliant text-in-text effects.
   Absolutely in the spirit of the compo. Solid graphics. Sloppy syncing to the
   music. A hair short; I would have liked to see more.
  -Good music and appreciated the mono-colour approach. 
  -Bold move to use black and white only. Can't help but wonder how good it'd
   look with colors 7 and 8 :). Very nice subpixels in there too, that's rare
   and I appreciate it!

  __________________________________________________________________      ____
 /_________________________________________________________________/ EoF /___/