
Demobit 2000 results

                            DEMOBIT zero zero 
                     26.-27. 2. 2000 in Nitra/Slovakia 
                          official results v1.06 
#.     - place 
#b     - points collected 
(#)    - compo number 
<name> - file we distribute 
if you find any bugs, please report them to skyw@demobit.sk 
1.   The Art Studio - Tale                        151b    (14)  <tale.zip> 
2.   Temny/Osiris - Restless & Wild               122b    (6)   <restless.zip> 
3.   Scape - Lion's Head                           83b    (12)  <lionhead.zip> 
4.   V. Bezak - Little Alien                       53b    (7)   <alien.zip> 
5.   sHTif - Don't Cry                             50b    (11)  <dontcry.zip> 
6.   Huge/(aStEX/3sc) - Resurrection               34b    (5)   <resurrect.zip> 
7.   dAnnY/Insomnia - Abandon (part 2)             32b    (9)   <abandon2.zip> 
8.   Stynger/(Peon/Cult) - Seek And Destroy        26b    (13)  <s&d.zip> 
9.   Magic/Insomnia - 3 minutes                    16b    (4)   <peace8.zip> 
10.  OSK/MovSD - Minesengr                         14b    (2)   <mineseng.zip> 
11.  Johny909/Insomnia - Snowman                   13b    (10)  <snowman.zip> 
12.  Zax/XTC - Sunrise                             10b    (3)   <sunrise.zip> 
13.  Filipes - Moment Of Joy                        6b    (1)   <joy.zip> 
14.  Cifko/Insomnia - Cifko                         3b    (8)   <cifko.zip> 
1.   Fademan - Green Eye                          142b    (2)   <greeneye.zip> 
2.   Cannibal - Vesmirne tacky                    124b    (1)   <cruiser.zip> 
3.   sHTiF/Insomnia - End Of Days                 122b    (6)   <endofday.zip> 
4.   Levius - LordFlleisshenberg                   67b    (8)   <lf.zip> 
5.   Mata/Terror Opera - No Smoking                46b    (3)   <nosmokin.zip> 
6.   Cifko/Insomnia - Sunlight                     33b    (5)   <sunlight.zip> 
7.   Fire/The Art Studios - Theatre                26b    (10)  <theatre.zip> 
8.   Mata/Terror Opera - Procitnuti                13b    (4)   <procitnt.zip> 
9.   Cyberproject - Dragon                          4b    (9)   <drak.zip> 
music 32k 
1.   GameOver - The One and Only                   73b    (1)   <1&only.zip> 
2.   Flash/Peon - Intromusic                       59b    (11)  <intro8db.zip> 
3.   Patrick0 - Rekarentli melodiz                 57b    (3)   <rmelodiz.zip> 
4.   Kakan - Melliifluous milk of monotony         56b    (4)   <mellif.zip> 
5.   Carlos/Downtown - Deskent                     52b    (13)  <deskent.zip> 
6.   rmn - Ajtymne                                 45b    (12)  <ajtymne.zip> 
7.   Dusty - Recovery                              44b    (2)   <recovery.zip> 
8.   Tero Laihanen - j  kaappilaulu                40b    (5)   <jaeaek.zip> 
9.   Sparkie - Tracked Into Wood                   36b    (7)   <kuul.zip> 
10.  Sputnik - Prazdniny so strycom Aphexom        31b    (8)   <blbing3e.zip> 
11.  Noro - Mini Spirales                          19b    (9)   <m_spiral.zip> 
12.  CACHE - Humblee                               17b    (10)  <humblee.zip> 
13.  Pofider - Courier                              4b    (6)   <courier.zip> 
1.   Panter/(Peon/X-Ray) - Legend Of Crym          72b    (15)  <crym.zip> 
2.   Kasou - Fenix v mrazaku                       68b    (10)  <fenix.zip> 
3.   Walter Era - Cosy Bed Jam                     61b    (4)   <we_cbj.zip> 
4.   Blue Zone/Immortal Coil - Garage Jam          57b    (13)  <ic-jam.zip> 
5.   JMC - Techc2                                  54b    (3)   <techc2.zip> 
6.   Sparkie - Rainy                               48b    (7)   <rainy.zip> 
7.   Perwy - Harmonic Motion                       45b    (11)  <harmonic.zip> 
8.   GameOver - Temple of Gods                     40b    (1)   <temple.zip> 
9.   Pofider - Rainbowing                          30b    (6)   <rainbow.zip> 
10.  Sputnik - Oral-B                              27b    (8)   <oralbet2.zip> 
     Dendy/Secundum Artem - Synthetic Reality      27b    (14)  <de_synre.zip> 
12.  Flash/Peon - Summer Storm                     24b    (12)  <sumstorm.zip> 
13.  Johnko - Rainbow Lasers                       15b    (2)   <rwlasers.zip> 
14.  Noro - Gravitation                            14b    (9)   <gravit.zip> 
15.  Tomas Novacik - Newage                        13b    (5)   <newage.zip> 
intro 256b 
1.   Silique - njufnjuf                           185b    (9)   <njufnjuf.zip> 
2.   Baze/3SC - Spin                              125b    (2)   <spin.zip> 
3.   Downtown - Carribean Blue                     86b    (1)   <blue.zip> 
4.   Serzh - GrantDay                              81b    (4)   <grantday.zip> 
5.   CRS/Broncs - Anidas                           33b    (10)  <anidas.zip> 
6.   loveC - lamerOS                               19b    (3)   <lameros.zip> 
7.   CRS/Broncs - 95 widdows                       17b    (13)  <logosys.zip> 
8.   ToM/Terror Opera - Flash2k!                   15b    (6)   <flash2k.zip> 
9.   bEETLE/3SC - KaleidoSkop                      12b    (7)   <k_skop.zip> 
10.  RiXta/3SC - Self Disassembler                 10b    (5)   <selfdasm.zip> 
11.  CRS/Broncs - MCDonalc                          7b    (11)  <mcdonalc.zip> 
12.  Carlos/Downtown - org0asm                      5b    (8)   <org0asm.zip> 
13.  Carlos/Downtown - taXORry                      4b    (12)  <taxorry.zip> 
intro 4k 
1.   Olli3 - SiX FeeT UndeR                       305b    (3)   <NOT RELEASED> 
2.   Silique - Vypni sa!                          201b    (2)   <vypnisa.zip> 
3.   Patrick0 - Black                             119b    (1)   <black.zip> 
intro 64k 
1.   Terror Opera - The Rune                      440b    (4)   <therune.zip> 
2.   Shakul & lharp - pb:pt                       269b    (3)   <pbpt.zip> 
3.   Broncs - Underground 5: Return To Hardcore   179b    (2)   <NOT RELEASED> 
4.   Big Reset - Briscols                          20b    (1)   <briscols.zip> 
1.   7 Gods - Fate                                200b    (10)  <NOT RELEASED> 
2.   Satori - Different Engine                     63b    (11)  <de.zip> 
3.   Broncs - Secret Ultra Dry                     62b    (8)   <sud.zip> 
4.   Insomnia - Shallow                            58b    (4)   <shallow.zip> 
5.   tb2 - Mush ca                                 50b    (6)   <mushca.zip> 
     Exhalator/KMVPV2000 - Balada v porcelane      50b    (3)   <NOT RELEASED> 
7.   Osiris - History                              48b    (1)   <NOT RELEASED> 
8.   Peon - Level 2                                30b    (9)   <level2.zip> 
9.   Styx & Goldmaster - Interpolation Forever     15b    (2)   <if.zip> 
     Big Reset - Eleven Bits of B.R.               15b    (7)   <ebobr.zip> 
11.  Carlos/Downtown - Mladi                        4b    (5)   <NOT RELEASED> 
1.   Mondo - Project-Space                        102b    (3) 
2.   Win - GamesWeb                                77b    (2) 
3.   Filipes - Rising                              69b    (1) 
4.   Zden - Haluska                                32b    (4) 
1.   Satori - Surely This Is Blair Bitch (AVI)    147b    (11) 
2.   Peon - Magic City (AVI)                      123b    (15) 
3.   Elfo - Halloween (AVI)                        84b    (13) 
4.   React/Label166 - Stale (AVI)                  67b    (17) 
5.   Freedomak - Poblion Animations (FLI)          41b    (9) 
6.   Explore Studios - Space (AVI)                 38b    (5) 
7.   Velkoimperator Alexandr - Anti A-teens (SMK)  27b    (3) 
8.   Tlis Ganga - Drogy (MP3)                      23b    (12) 
9.   Horo - NEW-York Times hack (JPG)              17b    (10) 
10.  ??? - Kill The Object (FLC)                   14b    (14) 
11.  Sushi Brother - Lionfish (MP3)                11b    (2) 
12.  D.T.P. - Trip Through Trance (MID)             6b    (7) 
13.  kjwise - Urban Singularity (MP3)               3b    (1) 
14.  Stressman - Vintage (MID)                      3b    (8) 
15.  Danny - Brain Break (IT)                       3b    (16) 
16.  Patrick0 - Matkamies (RAD)                     2b    (19) 
17.  Pavlik - ABC (RAD)                             1b    (18) 
18.  Caligula - Short Nice Road Into Heaven (RAD)   0b    (20) 
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