--[ Anim 3D ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Kushif Guna 67
2) Masca Team Saporai 61
3) Aitor Perez Lucy 52
4) Cheesetea Jumpman 47
5) Electroduendes RelatoEpico 46
--[ Fast 2D ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) laian grupis renardo 24
2) Morán Fast2D Morán 23
3) Mikel Belza Reno 23
4) [nopillo] Renargrupis 22
5) Alfonso Toro FAN_ATICOS 22
6) Masca Team OT 20
7) adterre el reno powa 20
8) Ismurg Especimenes 18
9) inkoia Reno Fastardo 18
10) Ozimandias / Caprica Trineo 18
11) Yamaneko groopie!! 18
12) Bosco - Electroduendes Grupinardos 16
13) Arcan (Navarparty) Reno Euskardo 16
--[ Fast 3D ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) masca Team Patxi!! 45
2) Mikel.B Problemas de aterrizaje 38
3) n0xfer/cl4mo euskaluna 22
4) Ransom / Los Gurus Euskal on the Moon 22
--[ Fast Music ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Debi Kiere sentilu en el pechu? 32
2) Shotgan/Nocturns Happyflowers 29
3) NEtbuRNER/Sex-House Lo sentimos 2 27
4) Kant Titulua 10
--[ Graficos 2D ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Valkirye / MOD PC Sign of the Hammer 52
2) Ozimandias / Caprica Lluvia 48
3) Sniperwolf / Timosoft Just One Sight 47
4) Vhea Frog Princess 46
5) Cyberfriki / MOD PC Sirena 43
6) Xab! Gears of War 41
7) Ismurg El Archifabuloso Equipo PC Rescue Team 40
8) inkoia Bleaker Bleaknik In The Hive 40
9) onikirimaru / sprocket Dragon 39
10) Kulebril / MODPC You and me and the devil 38
11) Bonafide Perseo vs medusa 36
12) laian Radwolf 33
13) arkham Poker Vedettes 32
14) Pelli / La vieja escuela Mundo Virus Returns 0
--[ Graficos 3D ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Masca Team La Dolce Vita 55
2) M&M djshivan 53
3) Kushif Descanso 50
4) Aitor Perez Antartida 42
5) _MARIO_ Lion 38
6) nexus6/metalica olatuak bezala 37
7) Bender Niederbach 1484 d.c. 37
8) Freddy/SOGA Pecera espacial 31
--[ Graficos 8Bits ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Johan Janssen/ JSL Cauldron2 43
2) AlmightyGod LovingDream 33
3) Powrooz (read- povroz)/LaResistance Hope 31
4) stage7 st7-cnd07.png 29
--[ High Quality Music ]---------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) CMOS Following 38
2) Biomechanical Bastards Satan comes back from hell 32
3) Muglo / Electroduendes NLS 28
4) Vampinox It´s different for kids 27
5) Mr. Triscore / MOD PC Waiting before the war 26
6) Nothing/Timosoft Dirty Air 25
7) Martiti Remember Andy 25
8) Bosco Electroduendes Still Walking 25
9) chip/Software Failure Are You A Fucking Robot? 25
10) Kilian Dominguez Let's Go 24
11) Eme The pursuit 22
12) AKI Ambient Sound 21
13) Ham/Software Failure Just Push The Button 17
--[ Open Intro 4k ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Ham / SFL Extrasolar 51
2) Collapse & Gatitos otopoto 45
3) chip/Pantuflas Software StripText 42
--[ Intro 64k ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) chip/Pantuflas Software Saga Monster System 58
2) Ham / SFL Serendipia!!! 55
--[ Multicanal ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Debi Morning Glory Chords 41
2) chip/Software Failure Future Festival 34
3) NEtbuRNER/Sex-House Drifting Tyres 32
--[ Musica 8Bits ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
2) Jan Harries/SIDwave Funky old Bones 18
3) Vedem Reaction ZX 17
4) A-Man of Xenon Sunshine Dreams 15
5) NecroPolo Booogie 8580 12
6) stage7 ModusOperandi 11
--[ Open Demo ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Spontz Don-t deceive 71
2) Purples Studios That is a party 62
--[ Wild Compo ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Hombrelobo / Timosoft Euskal Party 17 The Game 64
2) mluq Luz y sombra 53
3) Dj. Ash / Los Camaradas Acidy sound vol3 39
4) Cheesetea scene::visions 32
5) KernelPanic Get Down 28
6) asierma / BUG Super Party Jackson 23
7) fanky TeNeBroR CiRCuS 15
Results generated by Stravaganza VoteTool - (c) ithaqua/stravaganza - http://ithaqua.stravaganza.org