
TRSAC 2008 results

                              T R S A C - 2 0 0 8

                       17 - 19 oct. - Horsens, Denmark

                          F I N A L   R E S U L T S

MP3 Compo

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       27      Awaken                          S-Wave
2       23      Carvup Remix                    Flunkium / IN-SECT
3       19      Back To                         BUDDA-X / JUNK
4       16      Børnetime                       Moebious / Terranigma
5       12      Old Days Rock                   Fynsk / Terranigma
6        8      b(åndet) kimsalat               banan 1+3 / 1dek
-        8      Whisperon Humming Base          fugl / Perihelion
-        8      Database                        Trip + Curt Cool / Depth
9        6      SÅ SÅ SID DOG PÅ LORTEN (st...  Fisfigur / 1dek
-        6      1dec syngposium                 Pivtøjet pva. 1dec / 1dek

Oldschool music

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       55      Hobo's Broken Phrunk            Curt Cool / Depth
2       50      Hedgehogs                       Selectanovel / Moodplateau + ...

16k exe music

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       57      (PC) Rollback                   Punqtured / Subcult
2       48      (Amiga) Boozanova               Curt Cool / Depth & Blueberry
3       39      (Amiga) Liebeskugeln            Ze German Gabber Connection

Handdrawn graphics

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       65      War                             Laika / Loonies
2       61      Nosig                           Sodiaz / Terranigma
3       48      Da vennerne kom på besøg        farfar / Loonies

Freestyle Graphics

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       82      It came from the mudbox         Trenox / JUNK
2       54      Møggen                          farfar / Loonies
3       35      The Duck side of the moon       Flunkium / IN-SECT          
4       12      ????                            Laika / Loonies

Oldschool Graphics

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       49      Sur kælling på hest             farfar / Loonies
2       48      Uden titel                      Sodiaz / Terranigma
3       34      Evil Eye                        Laika / Loonies
4       29      Bunnies                         Zwartz / Ex-JUNK      

4k exe graphics

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       74      Diffuse Dogfight                Blueberry+farfar / Loonies 
2       71      Sælen på patrulje i Irak        Psycho / Loonies  

Draw with a pencil tied to a rake graphics 

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       32      Affer                           Sodiaz / Terranigma
2       25      Hans' Svans                     BUDDA-X / JUNK
3       21      Junk sux                        Kyber / TMøgC
4       19      Ninja turtle                    Sonzo
5       11      Krøllet Picasse                 Laika / Loonies
6        9      Kaninbolle fuck                 Zwartz
7        7      Haujobb Spam                    Arcane / rørjobb
-        7      Mongolspasser                   Nina
9        5      Aerg                            Ody / 1dek
10       4      TNCG                            Krokohunter / Terranigma
11       2      totalt ligegyldigt              farfar / Loonies
-        2      Mand                            fugl / Møghelion
-        2      kryds og bolle                  MCHR
14       1      Skægabe                         Novel D
X        0      Lort                            farf / lns
X        0      Fjer                            Ody / 1DEK


Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       85      Ninja Gent the movie Party...   IN-SECT
2       51      Sylvester STALLone              Pittsburgh Stallers
3       44      Bakalukki                       pixie / Polka Brothers

Combined exe (4k intro + demo)

Place   Points  Title                           Credit 
1       59      (PC 4k) Triangle Ted Seeks ...  Auld & Surprise!Productions
2       50      (PC demo) Type [T]error         Mainloop
3       31      (PC 4k) The Perfect Ten         Pittsburgh Stallers
4       27      (Amiga 4k) Faar K 3             Loonies

Thanks to fugl and farfar for super-analog votesystem v 0.1!! ;)

Sorry to Gargaj for not using his party-system that he so kindly fixed for us
just before the party.

Fuckings to Bankagerskolen for cancelling us the day before the event was to 

Thanks to MAGICMAN for pretty much the rest!