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/ /
/ R E S U L T S /
Hedelmae - Carbon Tetroxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 88] 90.67
Brainstorm - Detox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 88] 89.16
BITS - BITS5031. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [.8 .. ] 28.33
/ /
/ C O M M E N T S /
______ ___________________________________________________
/_____/ BITS - BITS5031 /___________________________________________________/
∙ "text mode" taking all its meaning here :) congrats for the endurance!
∙ Well, there's something new every time, I have to give him that.
∙ .COM file! Kicking it oh so old school. 64 KB of ram man! segmented!
Assembly! Now with CUDDLY ICONS!!!!! Interactive!
3 decades in the making! Universal declaration of human rights!!!!!
And the same old music.... (which lives independlty of the visual)
So when the text spiral arrives in center, what happens???? <suspense!>
- watch to find out! In the end: Quite colourful! Wish you a Happy
Christmas and a new year filled with good will!
Props for responding to ESC. Clean finish!
∙ Thanks again to BITS for persistently taking part.
∙ The 4-direction scroller is a fun idea. Interesting things could be built
with it. The rest is the usual BITS style.
∙ No TMDC would be complete without a BITS entry. :)
______ _________________________________________________
/_____/ Brainstorm - Detox /________________________________________________/
∙ another solid prod by BRS !
∙ Pretty graphics, really nice color, too bad it ended just when it was
getting good =)
∙ Feeling: all your ascii belongs to us......
So wickildy ambient
HELL YES. Nice intro to colour. Sick track. Great synch.
Some very nice effects
Awesome finish :)
This is why we keep tmdc going year after year....
∙ Has surprising own fresh look for text mode. Very smooth & nice!
∙ Solid music. Solid ANSI. Great conversion tricks. Love the contrasts in
textures created by the character sets. Sadly it ends up way too soon.
I was expecting a "part 2".
∙ Absolutely stunning ANSI art visuals by Mattmatthew of Blocktronics,
although the right-to-left scrolling left something to be desired.
Hope to see more collaborations between the ANSI and demoscene like
this in the future!
______ ________________________________________
/_____/ Hedelmae - Carbon Tetroxide /_______________________________________/
∙ really liked the color scheme, and the option of a GL renderer.
nice prod and classic effects with a rendering twist
∙ Almost perfect! Pity that the last effect is a bit too twitchy for the
ambience, Great color slides and effects overall.
∙ Well created executable, props for viewing instructions and a compatible
version/ bs console version.
Smoooth as silk. Solid sound track, really well done.
Such a nice feel. And then it was over. .sigh. Very smooth!
Thank you for such quality year after year.
∙ The transparency effect works very nicely with the chosen color gradient.
∙ Nice palette. Great music. Good old effects revisited nicely. The last
scene is somehow weaker in comparison, but the overall stays solid.
∙ Excellent use of the textmode palette, beautiful music, and love the
multilayered visual effects. The complete package.
__________________________________________________________________ ____
/_________________________________________________________________/ EoF /___/