--[ Animaci≤n 3D ]----------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Carlos Montes Abducci≤n 322
2) sergio Padilla Bectris 319
3) Kushif Como caφdo del cielo 298
4) Boreal Pro Boreal 260
5) Miguel ┴ngel Las cr≤nicas de Grumm 260
6) Mikel Beltza Puzzle 257
--[ Fast 2D ]---------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Ram≤n Redondo Untitled 352
2) eXr Untitled 321
3) Yamaneko Untitled 320
4) Mikel Beltza Untitled 296
5) Inthenite Untitled 247
6) ELJUanker Untitled 204
7) Masca Untitled 200
8) Atxa Untitled 182
9) Adterre Untitled 165
10) Golgo13 Untitled 162
11) Nekoz Untitled 152
12) Marφa del Carmen Untitled 130
13) Nexus6 Untitled 47
--[ Fast 3D ]---------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Ram≤n Zambrano Untitled 270
2) Mikel Beltza Untitled 269
3) Masca Untitled 267
4) Mamomo Untitled 262
5) Mluq Untitled 260
6) Nexus6 Untitled 252
7) Josesanmar Untitled 235
8) Achifaifa Untitled 234
9) Felipe Cambas Untitled 231
10) Markos DK Untitled 231
--[ Graficos 2D ]-----------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Rosier Assault in the new hearthglen 437
2) Sami Espejo 386
3) Mabelba Drag≤n 384
4) Muglo First Shot 384
5) Ciberfriky Espejito 383
6) Ibone Luz en el bosque 370
7) Ozimandias Valquiria 367
--[ Graficos 3D ]-----------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Djshivan Robeo y Gatete 395
2) Zelldweller Gladiadora de Fantasφa 381
3) Markos DK En la cripta 380
4) Carlos Montes 3D 376
5) Guybrush Treepwood BMW 372
6) Kuazar Yamato 372
7) Sergio Padilla Bectris 372
8) Amezke El guardißn del muelle 369
9) Santiago Medem Happy Sackboy 362
10) Mluq Cuidado con el perrogatogusano 348
--[ High Quality Music ]----------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) NetBurner Ascensi≤n y reencuentro 348
2) Stage7 8-bit mentality 348
3)Martiti Faithful days 344
4) Vampinox Happy hour 343
5) Nothing Another versi≤n of the Truth 338
6) XperimentalBeat Lolwtf 337
7) Aki Quiero gozar contigo 334
8) Mluq Shadows 328
--[ Multicanal ]------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Vampinox Waiting for the bus 353
2) NetBurner Misunderstood Keys 347
3) Anonymous2011 Endless One 339
--[ Open Demo Compo ]-------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) ASD The butterfly effect 432
2) Shotgan Zenborg 349
3) Genshinken & Alien)(Dream Anachronism 337
--[ Open Game Compo ]-------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) IceVAN / Purlpes Studios Angry Sceners 376
2) Shaem XCube 3D 371
3) Julio Gonzalo Html5 bl0cks 364
4) Sinfonier EE Olinpiadak 346
5) Madson Desfragmentador 343
6) Hector Cat≤ndrHTML5 Blocksoid 339
--[ Open Intro Compo ]------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) SFL Living in the code 345
--[ Wild Compo ]------------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Kushif El secreto de la pirßmide 320
2) Mluq El guitarrista 316
3) Dj Ash Full effect 315
4) PKT Team Confesiones 314
5) Willix Wild Compo ee19 (Willix) 308
Results generated by Stravaganza VoteTool - (c) ithaqua/stravaganza - http://ithaqua.stravaganza.org