Final Results
All vote forms (included in the file VOTES.TXT) that were received, the ratings were then added
up for each entry and the lowest score is the winner.
NOTE: I stuffed up on one entry. Budu #2 by DP should not have been included in the vote pack.
Budu #1 by BP & DP was a bug fix. My apologies to everyone especially to BP and to DP of Savage.
I have removed what I called Budu #2 from the final compo pack, and have gone about changing
the ratings that everyone applied, ie took out Budu #2, and all scores after this I moved
them up one.
eg/ Before After
BP Grab 1 BP Grab 1
Ile Crap 2 Ile Crap 2
taken out---> DP Budu #2 3 Shogun Live 3
Shogun Live 4 BP & DP Budu 4
BP & DP Budu #1 5 UFix 3emeralds 5
UFix 3emeralds 6 ...
Long-winded I know, but I wanted to make sure that every one knows how I applied the scoring
after taking the entry (Budu #2) out.
Congratulations to Ile who took out 1st, equal 2nd with Buzz Armpit and 3rd placings.
Does anyone think that this may have been rigged?
#1 |Ile | Weird | [.3][.6][03][.1][.2][.1] 16
#2 |Buzzarmpit | Wind Tunnel | [.6][12][.8][.3][.1][.2] 32
#2 |Ile | Texplasm | [.1][.5][15][.2][.3][.6] 32
#3 |Ile | Bounce | [.5][.3][04][.8][.6][11] 37
#4 |Dutch Panther | Sab_xms1 | [.2][14][09][.6][.7][.3] 41
#5 |Plastic Rotter| Effy | [.4][23][10][.4][.4][12] 57
#6 |Dutch Panther | Sab_xms2 | [.7][15][17][12][.8][.5] 64
#7 |BP & DP | Budu | [10][.1][26][15][.5][22] 79
#8 |Ufix | 3 Emeralds | [.8][18][23][.5][10][18] 82
#9 |Spanska | Starwars | [14][16][14][10][22][.7] 83
#10 |The Awakener | 3D star field | [16][17][13][24][11][.4] 85
#11 |Ile | Crap | [20][.4][16][14][17][15] 86
#12 |Buzzarmpit | Chicklet | [.9][25][18][.7][14][14] 87
#13 |BP | Grab | [17][.2][27][13][15][16] 90
#14 |Shogun | Ballz | [12][26][11][11][18][13] 91
#14 |The Awakener | B&W Light balls | [11][20][22][16][12][10] 91
#15 |Bushy | Flower | [15][.8][07][18][25][19] 92
#16 |Plastic Rotter| Charplasm | [18][22][02][23][20][.9] 94
#17 |Bushy | 3d-chaos | [13][.7][20][17][24][20] 101
#18 |Srdjan | Tie Fighter | [26][22][01][25][21][.8] 103
#19 |Bushy | Maze | [21][.9][06][21][26][21] 104
#19 |Bushy | Spiral | [19][10][05][19][27][24] 104
#20 |Cptkirkjamest | Magnetism | [23][24][25][.9][13][17] 111
#21 |Ufix | RainBow Rhomb | [25][19][24][22][.9][23] 122
#22 |Bushy | XXX | [22][11][19][20][28][25] 125
#23 |Cptkirkjamest | Snow 1 | [24][13][28][26][16][27] 134
#24 |Srdjan | Strob | [27][21][12][27][23][28] 138
#25 |Shogun | Live | [28][27][21][28][19][26] 149
11/Jan/1999. Bushy.