
The Gathering 2001

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added on the 2000-08-30 12:21:23 by analogue analogue
invittype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
invitation Amiga OCS/ECS TG01 Invitro by Contraz [web] 1 0 0 1.00
compo type prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
64k Amiga AGA Manure by 3 Amigos 2 1 0 0.67
4k Amiga AGA Urine by 3 Amigos 2 0 0 1.00
nonetype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
n/a demopack Amiga AGA frozen pack 43 by Whelpz [web] 3 1 0 0.75
amiga demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Amiga AGA Powergod by Spaceballs [web] 11 2 3 0.50
2nd demo Amiga AGA Showtime 16 Demo by Ephidrena 21 2 0 0.91
3rd demo Amiga AGA Darker by Furryboys 6 2 0 0.75
5th demo Amiga AGA rabb-it by Squirrelz 3 0 1 0.50
animationtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st wild Animation/Video Robotnik's Dream by thrID 15 3 0 0.83
combined 64ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 64k Windows mx.9kru by Nocturnal [web] 2 9 1 0.08
2nd 64k Amiga AGA A-Ha remix by Apathy 0 0 0 0.00
3rd 64k Amiga AGA Choke by Spaceballs [web] 11 2 0 0.85
combined 4ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k Amiga OCS/ECS Badass5000 by Spaceballs [web] 14 0 0 1.00
2nd 4k MS-Dos p0rn 4kb 3 1 0 0.75
3rd 4k Amiga OCS/ECS GlowFlow by Furryboys 5 1 0 0.83
4th 4k Amiga AGA spinner by Squirrelz 0 5 0 0.00
5th 4k MS-Dos FreeBSD Rocks My World 1 0 0 1.00
pc demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
demo Windows Distortion by WTsoftware [web] 10 5 1 0.56
1st demo Linux Triple Five Tsunami by FadeOut [web] 1 1 7 -0.67
2nd demo Windows 3pm.lived (prot3kt0r) by Nocturnal [web] 6 1 0 0.86
3rd demo MS-Dos Jabberwocky by PlayPsyCo [web] 1 2 1 0.00
4th demo Windows a digital Odyssey by Digital Angels 0 3 0 0.00
5th demo Windows omble amble by Bamboosh 0 0 1 -1.00
wild demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
4th wild Animation/Video Still Under Control by Kooma 5 3 0 0.62

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