
Revision 2017

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added on the 2010-12-29 01:39:42 by pasy pasy
invittype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
256b invitation MS-Dos r:7e1 by Sensenstahl 43 3 0 0.93
demo invitation Windows Evolve by Schengen Allstars 68 4 1 0.92
invitation Amiga OCS/ECS Revision Invitation by Insane [web] 26 2 0 0.93
compo type prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
musicdisk Commodore 64 Modular Sounds 7 by Artstate 8 1 0 0.89
4k procedural gfxtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k procedural graphics Windows Hubertus by Nuance [web] 21 0 0 1.00
2nd 4k procedural graphics Windows Urban Woods by Loonies [web] 15 0 0 1.00
3rd 4k procedural graphics Windows curred depression by Amnesty 15 2 0 0.88
4th 4k procedural graphics Linux BuddhaBar by Calodox 1 0 0 1.00
5th 4k procedural graphics Windows Ostehasi by Digital Demolition Krew 13 2 0 0.87
amiga demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Amiga AGA Singularities by Unique [web] 81 3 0 0.96
2nd demo Amiga OCS/ECS Blast From The Past! by Lemon. & The Deadliners [web] 99 7 0 0.93
3rd demo Amiga AGA Chapter7 by Skarla 80 2 0 0.98
4th demo Amiga AGA Catabasis by Cocoon [web] 46 5 1 0.87
5th demo Amiga AGA Negativ Prosess by Ephidrena 26 7 0 0.79
6th demo Amiga OCS/ECS Generation 500 by Insane [web] 25 6 0 0.81
7th demo Amiga OCS/ECS Neon Carrier by Moods Plateau [web] 26 6 0 0.81
8th demo Amiga OCS/ECS RetroVision by Insane [web] 21 10 0 0.68
9th 16k Amiga OCS/ECS Green Artifact by Software Failure [web] 5 8 5 0.00
amiga introtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 64k Amiga OCS/ECS Imacennial by Dekadence [web] 38 5 0 0.88
2nd 64k Amiga AGA Kublai by Focus Design [web] 22 1 0 0.96
3rd 64k Amiga AGA Exolution by Nah-Kolor [web] 29 9 0 0.76
4th 64k invitation Amiga OCS/ECS Nightlight by Spaceballs [web] 46 4 0 0.92
animationtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st wild Animation/Video Case Study On Extinction by CyberCat [web] 22 4 0 0.85
2nd wild Animation/Video PC DEMO by Aberration Creations 16 0 0 1.00
3rd wild Animation/Video (unofficial music video) Eurodance - Jeff by Poo-Brain [web] 15 2 1 0.78
4th wild Animation/Video Little Demosceners 2 1 0 0.67
5th slideshow Animation/Video 25Years by Rebels & Focus Design [web] 14 2 0 0.88
6th wild Animation/Video Breaking the Mainframe by BitFellas [web] 2 4 2 0.00
7th invitation wild Animation/Video Outline 2017 Invitation by Tristesse [web] 11 2 0 0.85
8th demo Animation/Video No Code IV by Dees Productions 1 3 0 0.25
9th wild Animation/Video Gesegnete Mahlzeit (mit Adjektiv!) 2 1 2 0.00
gamedevtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st game SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Xump 2 by Retroguru [web] 5 2 0 0.71
2nd game Windows Pussy Destroyer by PixelProtein 13 4 3 0.50
3rd game Linux Windows Wild Playstation Portable Nintendo DS MacOSX Intel Nintendo Wii Android Hermes by Retroguru [web] 6 4 0 0.60
4th game Windows KillVector by Piko3D [web] 2 2 0 0.50
5th game PICO-8 Puzzle Cave 3 - That 70s Bunny by Hackefuffel [web] 11 2 0 0.85
6th game Commodore 64 gn2p by Digital Sounds System 3 1 0 0.75
7th game Windows HardSnake by Lunaticats [web] 1 2 0 0.33
8th game Nintendo DS Springbettboxen by Schaedelproduktion 3 0 1 0.50
oldskool demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Overdrive 2 by Titan [web]
245 15 0 0.94
2nd 32k Amstrad CPC Logon's run - 3D meets the aging bits by Logon System
129 2 1 0.97
3rd demo Commodore 64 reluge by Padua [web] 17 3 0 0.85
4th demo Apple II GS Kernkompetenz by Ninjaforce [web] 24 2 0 0.92
5th demo Atari Lynx Elements by Desire [web] 40 5 0 0.89
6th 32k Atari VCS .bin by Flush 22 4 0 0.85
7th invitation Commodore 64 SidRok - The Unofficial Arok 2017 Invitation by SIDrip Alliance [web] 4 2 0 0.67
8th demo Commodore 64 Asimov by Level 64 [web] 3 1 0 0.75
oldskool introtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 256b Commodore 64 A Mind Is Born by lft [web]
126 4 0 0.97
2nd 4k Commodore 64 Beertime Lite by Dekadence [web] 14 4 0 0.78
3rd 4k Atari VCS Catharsis Theory by Cluster 20 4 0 0.83
4th 4k Amstrad CPC Wunderbar by benediction [web] & Arkos [web] 25 1 0 0.96
5th 4k MS-Dos kruzhok by xylem 4 4 1 0.33
6th 4k Commodore 64 Peak 4k by Fairlight [web] 3 3 0 0.50
7th 32b Atari XL/XE Die kleine Hosenposaune by SquoQuo [web] 5 2 1 0.50
8th 4k Commodore 64 Elvis Copper by Rabenauge [web] 1 3 1 0.00
9th 4k Commodore 64 The Outer Limits by Trope [web] 2 2 0 0.50
pc demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Windows Soul Splitter by Cocoon [web]
74 18 10 0.63
2nd demo Windows sp04 - Hello, Kevin - A Dental Journey by Spacepigs [web]
154 28 32 0.57
3rd demo Windows No ambition by Quite & T-Rex [web]
92 3 1 0.95
4th demo JavaScript What Are You Syncing About? by Ninjadev [web]
96 4 3 0.90
5th demo invitation JavaScript 20 by Holon [web] 62 2 1 0.94
6th demo Windows From Under by Still [web]
26 6 0 0.81
7th demo invitation Windows Deep in the Underground by vacuum [web] 27 2 0 0.93
8th invitation Windows Electric Forest by Still [web] 43 2 0 0.96
9th demo Windows Rainbow Clash: Shine by United Force [web] & Digital Dynamite [web] 18 6 0 0.75
10th demo Windows Intrinsic 2 by Scum Of The Earth 24 3 0 0.89
11th demo Windows Viianki by The Not Yet Rusty Collective 22 5 0 0.81
12th demo Windows Ray by LNX [web] 22 3 0 0.88
13th demo Windows Terraforming by Hoodlum [web] 6 4 0 0.60
14th demo Windows Solitude by Aberration Creations 24 1 0 0.96
15th invitation Windows Money and More by Jumalauta [web] 10 1 0 0.91
16th demo Windows PC-13: Wursttunnel by Panda Cube [web] & Akustikrausch 15 5 1 0.67
17th demo Java ++++++++[>++++++++<-]>++++.+.<++[>++++<-]>.++. 20 8 0 0.71
18th demo Windows Allegory by Swyng 2 2 0 0.50
19th demo invitation Linux Windows Outline Invitation by Desire [web] & The Undead Sceners 14 3 0 0.82
20th demo Windows B/W by l0bots 2 0 0 1.00
21st demo Windows Go by Guideline [web] 3 1 0 0.75
22nd demo Windows Green Capsule by Pipidemic & Frat29 4 1 0 0.80
23rd demo Windows inqb@t0r by Los Angeles Lamers 2 3 0 0.40
24th demo Windows Se otti vain kolme fiiattia päästäkseen tänne by Kahvikello 0 1 3 -0.75
25th demo Windows 🌚 (Molester Moon Emoji) by Astronautenbande 2 5 2 0.00
26th wild JavaScript Life by Calodox 0 2 1 -0.33
pc 64ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 64k Windows Eidolon by Poo-Brain [web]
127 8 0 0.94
2nd 64k Windows Vessel by Conspiracy [web] 114 11 0 0.91
3rd 64k Windows engage by Logicoma [web]
135 9 1 0.92
4th 64k Windows Surge Response by Approximate [web] 65 5 0 0.93
5th 64k Windows H - Immersion by Ctrl-Alt-Test [web] 75 8 0 0.90
6th 64k Windows Guberniya by Macau Exports
98 4 0 0.96
7th 64k Windows off by Mercury [web] 41 6 0 0.87
8th 64k Windows fr-086: The Race by Farbrausch [web] 18 6 0 0.75
9th 64k Windows Coriolis by Vaahtera 26 5 0 0.84
10th 64k JavaScript thinkpiece by Dekadence [web] 7 8 3 0.22
pc 8ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 8k Windows Alone by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] 52 3 0 0.95
2nd 8k Windows Where the dead things dwell by Architect 30 1 0 0.97
3rd 8k Windows Phobos by Aberration Creations 36 2 0 0.95
4th 8k invitation Windows .MY_NAME_IS_SAM by Power Rangers 23 7 0 0.77
5th 4k 8k Windows Maintenance by LJ & TBC
43 2 0 0.96
6th 8k Windows In The Grim Future by Fulcrum [web] 17 6 3 0.54
7th 8k Windows Catadioptrickz by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] 8 5 0 0.62
8th 8k Windows rise again by Alcatraz [web] 38 7 0 0.84
9th 8k Windows unearthly reception by Alter!Krass! & Eos 7 3 0 0.70
10th 8k Windows Soap Washing Itself by St. Vincent And The Grenadines [web] 4 7 0 0.36
11th 8k invitation Windows Aurora Borealis by T$ [web] 8 4 0 0.67
pc 4ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k Windows final stage by 0x4015 105 10 0 0.91
2nd 4k Windows Absolute Territory by Prismbeings
201 13 2 0.92
3rd 4k Windows Horizon Machine by Eos & Alcatraz [web] 98 4 0 0.96
4th 4k Windows Cycle Of Nature by Loonies [web] 40 3 0 0.93
5th 4k Windows Joia by Collapse [web] 38 3 0 0.93
6th 4k MacOSX Intel Translucent by Rootkids 28 5 0 0.85
7th 4k Windows Ice & Fire by Hoodlum [web] 9 2 0 0.82
8th 4k Windows 28 years after by Genesis Project [web] 23 10 2 0.60
9th 4k Linux Windows nwep by Ye Olde Laptops Posse [web] & s.k.o.y.p [web] 14 4 0 0.78
10th 4k Windows Legit Tits And Bent Shovels by Desire [web] 17 1 0 0.94
11th 4k Windows Kind of Teal by Dekadence [web] 10 1 0 0.91
12th 4k Windows re-sub by k2 [web] 6 2 1 0.56
13th 4k Windows Faster, higher, louder, boom. by Mostly Harmless 11 1 2 0.64
14th 4k Windows ojo de dios by Digital Sounds System 10 7 0 0.59
15th 4k Windows Who put that there? 5 2 0 0.71
16th 4k Windows The Moldex Incident by T$ [web] 3 3 0 0.50
wild demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st wild Wild wirklichkeitssteuerungsgeraet by Akronyme Analogiker 31 0 0 1.00
2nd wild Wild Atari Video Music - The Demo by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] 24 5 0 0.83
3rd 256b MS-Dos how to skin the rainbow serpent by Sensenstahl 35 2 0 0.95
4th demo JavaScript Suddenly by Elude [web] 9 3 0 0.75
5th wild Animation/Video Commodore live preservation project by 5711 [web] 9 1 0 0.90
6th 256b MS-Dos Dare Thee to enter my realm by Kuemmel [web] 22 3 0 0.88
7th wild Wild 2 Decades of Dekadence by Dekadence [web] 7 0 0 1.00
8th musicdisk Amiga OCS/ECS Chiperia #7 by The Chiperia Project 26 0 0 1.00
9th musicdisk Windows m0dules by 8tease 11 2 0 0.85
10th wild Wild deadlights 0 2 3 -0.60

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