the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2001-03-19
- muwe
- 2001-03-25
- .pt scene is coming in a theatre near you...
- 2001-03-26
- muwe muwe
- 2001-03-28
- don't look back, i´ll be there to scare you... muahahahaha...
- yo pula, tasse bem? hipercore em bilem
- sorry 'bout that...
- quack quack
- 2001-04-01
- yo, tasse bem... .pt scene is going to break the edge...
- 2001-04-03
- err... lisbon was also sunny today, a good day to go to the beach
- 2001-04-04
- after a good sunny day, today... itz f*ckin' raining. DAMN!
- 2001-04-06
- bah, my chic is driving me nut, argh
- 2001-06-02
- quack quac
- 2001-10-08
- the oven is beeping, pizza time!
- 2001-12-09
- have no fun
- 2002-02-23
- do not get a life
- 2002-03-10
- kOolag r0x
- 2002-12-01
- quak quak
- 2003-06-08
- get money and you won't code
- 2003-06-10
- blarghblarhghlblargh heellow to tha .pt scene!!!
- 2003-06-17
- bla bla bla bla
- 2003-07-04
- argh, ex-girlfriends are nightmares
- 2003-10-19
- quack