the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-07-20
- When is the next party?
- Thanks mate! :)
- 2010-08-09
- 2X GTX 260 sli mate. Much cheaper and you only lose something like 10%. 1Gb cards would me more preferable.
- Sorry guys. These latest releases are two heavy even for an i7 @4.0ghz. Rendering and recording at the same time at 1080P is a bitch. The ones that held a decent framerate are not that bad though! :S Anyway that's why I am giving a download link, so peop
- Well the FPS counter is used to prove that these vids are mine and not just the vids upscaled and uploaded. I also like to have an indication of framerate in whatever 3D.
- it does not work in most cases mate.
- Thanks for the obvious clarification. If you watched them, you'd see that there's a link in the product's page here.
- I meant production's page. Example In the description there is a download link leading in, so obviously they are not mine.
- Ok I'll give kkapture another try! :)
- I am glad I amused you guys. :D
- 2010-12-03
- Hey guys. I 've been wondering, are there any scene demos for Android phones?
- thanks man. here's hoping for more releases.
- 2011-08-02
- 2011-08-28
- Hey guys. Any new android scene demo, other than Para'n'droid?
- 2011-09-09
- Hey guys. If I remember correctly, there was a site that was listing all yearly demo parties. Can you remind me the link? Thanks
- Ah yes. Thank you very much.