the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-06-04
- Oh, I found the oneliner
- What platform should be my fourth? (current: Windows, Mac, Linux... that is for a game)
- What Amiga? I mean, now we have Amiga 3, Amiga 4, Amiga-clones, AmigaPPC, Amiga-nonPPC...
- Porting my game to that would be really hard :P It runs slow on my own machine...
- what are the best .exe compressors that are not deleted by anti-virus?
- 2010-06-08
- I NEVER saw an amiga, can't help :( (here IBMs dominated from start... Although we had a couple of MSX and Z-80 based machines)
- 2010-06-15
- On a sonic forum, it was said that Raymen have no neck, because if he had, players would twist it.
- 2010-06-19
- the delay is not fault of game designers, it is fault of programmers
- the easyest way to have delay, is calculate input at the end of the frame (something quite common today, dunno why) after physics.
- 2024-09-02
- so... went to a demo event, they said "pouet" was "unsafe" and to use so, why? I was not even aware of demozoo existanc.
- Oh yeah... Back in 2008 naive me asked a few serious questions and only got trolling back :P