the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-08-06
- жаль
- 2011-11-06
- wob wob
- 2011-11-12
- ‰D
- 2011-11-19
- curl -D - $URL | less
- 2012-01-14
- 2012-01-20
- in russian "sopa" sounds close to a word that means "ass" literally and "snafu" figuratively
- 2012-01-31
- 2012-03-08
- 2012-05-29
- demovibes 9 - 01 - Gloom vs. Dane - Stargazer of Disgrace = nice :D
- 2012-06-08
- it's fake friday here.
- 2012-08-19
- ATI is somewhat more strict on shader syntax, but NVIDIA is more strict on floating point -- ATI would consume something/0. (or just too close to zero) just fine, while nVidia would pollute everything with NaNs
- 2012-08-22
- is gl_FragData[%d] 1.20-specific?
- 2012-08-27
- disregard that лол юникод ユニコード
- 2012-09-09
- just cause 2 multiplayer public beta test yay!!
- make a spacecut-related joke here
- 2013-01-06
- teh Web GL topic is the cancer that is killing scene
- 2013-02-13
- producing a magnificent blast of ponies and rectangles
- 2013-05-06
- time is to open source on the pouet
- 2013-05-07
- dumbstep olololololols
- 2013-08-20
- oculus + raymarching = awesome.
- 2015-10-12
- what is the name of a main effect in quite - moskva? i forgot and feel stupid :(
- 'feedback' is a class of effects where pixels of a next frame depend on a previous frame. this is a particular instance of such kind of effect
- 2021-08-18
- scenedrama compo when
- 2021-09-17
- Крыжовник